I feel a bit guilty, yeah.
I feel guilty for all the money they've invested in raising me just for me to never amount to anything. They could've invested that money in anything else and it would've been better.
I feel guilty because they'll have to deal with the aftermath, like my burial/cremation (hopefully they respect my wishes and it's cremation), informing my workplace, relatives and everyone else, endure people's reactions, etc… Thank god I have a few thousand saved and they won't have to spend a penny from their pockets, at least I'll save them the financial trouble.
I feel guilty because obviously it'll be shocking, probably traumatising for them. I worry about possibly affecting their performance at work. My mom has started a new job recently and she seems happy, she seems to be really enjoying it. My brother is also doing well in school, I hope his grades won't be affected. I know they'll be sad, it's normal, but I also know they'll be better off without me in the long term. I'm a fucking failure and a burden, they'll have to feel relieved at some point.