Evolution has been proven to be true .
imo a human is just an animal. an animal is just a group of cells. a group of cells is that cell. that cell is a machine and chemical reactions. can a human be different than what it was before? when did this mystical change of a machine acquiring a soul occur ? at the primate level did apes or monkeys suddenly acquire a soul? at the mammal level did cats suddenly
acquire a soul? at the fish / vertebrate level did fish suddenly acquire a soul? when did a soul get assigned to an animal and how by whom , what is the process? at the cell leveL? does a single cell ameoba have a soul?
here is a diagram of evolution. at what stage did an organism acquire a soul?
imo there is no soul no god , nothing mystical supernatural or magical. a human is just that first cell with added extreme horrors like a brain than can suffer excruciating constant unending unbearable pain : but this this consciousness / brain / life which can suffer to such unbearable extremes is constantly lectured to us that is a beautiful gift that we must be grateful for. i think it's pure torture an abomination