I think it's an interesting idea. When you really think about the idea of morality, good and bad. It isn't an even playing field at all. Some people will be tested so harshly in this life, yet, they are still expected to keep their resolve. Will someone who stole a loaf of bread because they were starving be punished to the same level as someone who stole a television for the hell of it?
While a death in infancy is tragic, that child likely didn't even get much chance to sin. Will they really get a better reward as opposed to someone who suffered through to their late 80's with a few minor misdemeanors?
The whole thing seems weird to me but then, God and religions started to seem pretty weird to me when I was old enough to question.
I simply don't understand the end goal with any religion. Whether it involves punishing or rewarding people for eternity in an afterlife. Whether it involves reincarnation. Whether this really all is about learning something or obeying a set of rules, I just can't envisage a purpose. I feel like there would need to be a purpose if there really is a God. Otherwise, why would they bother? My concern is- for their own rather perverse, sadistic sense of entertainment because again- I don't see what the end goal could be. What are we training for? Presumably, God wants us all to be desciples but- doing what? Belonging to some exclusive 'heaven' club? It just seems kind of pointless.
Plus, the whole repentance thing pisses me off. Maybe not if it's sincere but I'm not so sure many people are that sincere when they say they're sorry. Repeat offenders can't be sincere. You can't be that sorry if you keep repeating a bad behaviour!
Besides, it all just feels like a sick power game. Like God created beings that would have a natural tendency to sin. Desires like lust, gluttony, greed, wrath are hardwired into us- we're animals! Then it's like, I know, I'll make those things forbidden and get them to feel guilty when they succumb to those natural impulses. Hell- I'll insist that they throw themselves on their knees and beg for forgiveness. Like- what?!! What kind of twisted mind does that? Would you create an experiement where the sentient beings you also created were designed to fail and then, gleefully punish them when they did fail? Why do people think God is nice or loving or kind- if there is one? Maybe because they want to keep on the good side of them. Probably a good idea...