

Jan 10, 2021
I have been in an awful mental state for almost a whole year now not having at least a whole week where everything doesnt feel completely overwhelming and where im genuinely happy. But I just have my mom who im helping while shes in a tough situation rn, my gf who will just be sad and i dont wanna do that to her, and then even when i try to open up to people they just either tell me to fuckoff and tell me im complaining or tell me its selfish.
I get that I should (in their words) value life because I have people who care for me, but thats the problem, I dont feel that way at all. It all feels so sterssful and meaningless and I go to bed everynight not wanting to wake up.
Anyways, this all builds up so much more guilt and stress whenever I think about leaving this world. I just wanted to know if people also have this experience because it just makes life feel so doomed: I live to suffer, or leave my suffering to others.
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Mar 22, 2020
I can relate.
I'm not proud of wanting to ctb since I'm 12. I just hate to find living so hard! I admire "normies" because they just ignore life, death and the universe and live a normal life without worrying about ctb. Most of them believe in a God and that's enough.

What about us? Even if we believe in a god or not, not being able to live life to the fullest feels bad. There are people who care about us but we would be selfish enough to leave them and this world. Or maybe it's our parents fault for bringing out to this world?

Who knows...

To sum up, yes, I feel bad for wanting to ctb. That's why I'm in recovery now.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I can relate, I don't want to make my family suffer. It is we, ourselves, who get to make value judgements when it comes to our own lives imo, tho.
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Scribble Fan

Scribble Fan

I'm out!
May 30, 2019
I used to feel the same way about my family. I didn't want to abandon them and put my suffering on their shoulders.

Well, now my family and I are estranged. They don't like me anymore since I had multiple breakdowns due to my mental illnesses. I really have no other reason to feel bad about CTB now.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
yes. my friend has already lost someone close to them to suicide. my brothers are only young and havent even since me since the oldest was 5, they wouldnt understand, especially now where we can only talk over fb for 6 more years while i wait for them to become adults so their parents cant be dicks. my grandfather would be absolutely heartbroken im basically the only person he has and i had lost him for 7 years (thanks to my parents hence having to wait to see my brothers. they also pulled this stunt with my biodad) and my husband would....i have a feeling it would kill him inside, he doesnt admit it but i can read between the lines and im fairly confident hes dealing with his own problems.

(im sorry everyone, i promise i love you with all my heart)
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Jan 10, 2021
I can relate.
I'm not proud of wanting to ctb since I'm 12. I just hate to find living so hard! I admire "normies" because they just ignore life, death and the universe and live a normal life without worrying about ctb. Most of them believe in a God and that's enough.

What about us? Even if we believe in a god or not, not being able to live life to the fullest feels bad. There are people who care about us but we would be selfish enough to leave them and this world. Or maybe it's our parents fault for bringing out to this world?

Who knows...

To sum up, yes, I feel bad for wanting to ctb. That's why I'm in recovery now.
I hope you do well in recovery i hope to one day be able to recover also <3
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
I used to feel really guilty about wanting to die, mostly because my mom always told me to be grateful I could see or whatever. The funny thing is, back in 2015 society mocked & abandoned me due to reasons I don't feel like getting into, and I STILL felt ashamed for desiring death, even though no one was truly around to tell me "No, don't die."
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May 27, 2020
I do not feel bad for wanting to die, but I do feel bad about not being able to right now.

Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
Yes because of how sad my best friend will be. I am more concerned about her than my actual family and have tried to explain to her that if it happens she should know that it is what I wanted and be happy that I am not suffering anymore but obviously she doesnt understand.

Why dont they ever understand?
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Sure, though not as bad as I probably should and certainly not bad enough to not do it at some point. I also already constantly feel bad about every little thing I do. Eating, consuming electricity, even breathing feels like I'm taking precious resources away and hoarding them for myself which I am.
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Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
My thinking,as selfish as it is is that once I am gone I will be dead so wont be aware of the hurt I have caused.


Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
I do feel bad about it, mainly because I once had a good life that I destroyed. So it's a new thing relatively speaking, and everyone around me can't understand why I want to ctb because they see it as throwing my life away, when from my perspective, I've already thrown my life away. I'm no longer living, just existing and taking up space.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Feeling bad about it is why I'm still here
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permanent eternal absoluteNONexistenceNOTHINGness
Dec 17, 2019
No lmfao why the damn fuck do I fcking have to 'feel' ""bAd""? Its literally what i precisely want/want to want and always will NO 'matter' what. And what's the """pRoBlEm""" with that lmao why tf do i yes or fcking yes have to nOt WaNt tO dIE ""uNlEsS i SaY i WaNt tO bEcAuSe Of ThIs aNd Or ThAt rEaSoN""????!!!! 'who' the fuck INVENTED that fucking garbage shit? :pfff::pfff: I literally just can't fcking 'understand' why tf cant i simply just want to simply just die and just not exist at all and NOT "be" ANYTHING/ANYONE/ANYWHERE ETC IN GENERAL AT ALL and just NOT 'experience' etc ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF IT IS/CAN BE ETC OF ANY TYPE/WAY/FORM/KIND ETCETC NOR ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL ETCETC AND A LOOOOONG ETC. BASICALLY ANYTHING AT ALL AND THAT'S IT THATS LITERALLY BASICALLY SIMPLY IT WITHOUT ABSOLUTELY ANY GODDAMN REASON AT ALL OF ANY TYPE ETC IN GENERAL AT DAMN ALL.
To die/just not exist AT ALL is the ONLY "thing" Ive always wanted/wished and wanted to want and what ill LITERALLY always *"'want'/'wish'/'desire'/'crave'/want to 'want'/'wish'/'desire'/'crave' AND THAT'S IT AND ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ANY DAMN REASON AT ALL. NEITHER "DEPRESSION" NOR "APATHY" NOR "SUFFERING"/"PAIN" NOR "lOw sElfEsTeEm" NOR "sElF hAtReD" NOR "NIHILISM"/"ANTINATALISM"/"EFILISM" NOR "BAD LIFE" NOR "BAD FAMILY" NOR "hOpEleSsnESs" NOR ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY ANY. OTHER. REASON/CAUSE ETC. IN. GENERA. AT. ALL. OF. ANY. TYPE. **or whatever tf those 'verbs'/'words' mean lol those 'verbs'/'words' are ONLY 'APPLICABLE' or whatever the fck that means TO DEATH/ABSOLUTE TOTAL PLAIN PURE LITERAL ENDLESS LIMITLESS COMPLETE ABSOLUTE INFINITE NOTHINGNESS/NON-EXISTENCE. I COULDNT GIVE ANY LESS OF A DAMN GODDAMN FUCK SHIT ABOUT LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY BASICALLY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL no fcking 'matter' what/how tf it is/can be, neither what type/way etcetc nor basically anything else in general at all etcetc and thats fkcing it JESUS FUCKING DAMN CHRIST :pfff::pfff::pfff:

The 'reason' i 'feel' "bad" (cant "help" it lol, the fucking 'inevitable' ""gUiLt"" that i cant fucking help but "feeling" because i WoUlD lEaVe ThEm bEhInD aNd mAkE tHeM 'sUfFeR'/'cRy' and blahblah) about wanting to die (NOT BECAUSE OF ANY REASON AT ALL) is lEaViNg mY 'parents'/'family' bEhInD. If you refer to that then yes. I cant fucking "help it" and that's basically why im still "here" instead of SIMPLY LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY BASICALLY NOWHERE AT ALL IN GENERAL OF ANY FORM/TYPE/KIND/WAY ETC. because i know that they'll be absolutely/extremely 'devastated'/'hurt' and 'traumatized'/'shocked' and will have an 'impact' or whatever tf that means on 'them' for the 'rest' of their 'lives' and bla bla bla all that. and well, also the 'fact' that I FUCKING UNFORTUNATELY (or whatever tf "unfortunately" means, couldnt care any less) just dont have any way out (yet) are the only reasons I haven't *"ctb" yet and what "holds me back" INSTEAD OF FINALLY SIMPLY DOING IT ALREADY, although well i cant really do it already nor anytime soon, it's just so fucking risky and hard to do here in their 'house' and well theyd be the first ones who find/see the dead body/corpse, thatd 'traumatize'/'shock' them a lot and bLahBlaHBlaH all that crap. Sigh. IF FUCKING ONLY IT WAS EASY TO DIE AND FINALLY JUST NOT EXIST AT FUCKING ALL. IF FUCKING ONLY. (*"catch" the "bus" to eternal absolute total plain literal endless infinite NOTHINGNESS/NONEXISTENCE. not to any fucking "something"/"afterlife" at all in general of any type/kind/way/form nor absolutely anything else in general at all)

If it wasn't for them and because finding a reliable way out to FINALLY DIE and because its so fucking hard and risky to die, I would've ctb/died many many many years ago/'ages' ago and wouldve 100% been more than gone/dead already, *or probably not but because of my 'parents'/'family' (and well my 'parents' also 'adopted' a 'cat' some years ago that loves me a lot and all that and well, 'she' would be 'sad' and 'lost' or whatever the fuck that means lol without me but well, that also DOESNT mean that ill never ctb and finally have what i precisely truly actually 'want'/'wish'/'desire'/'crave' or whatever tf all those 'words'/'verbs' fucking mean, that is DEATH/NOTHINGNESS/NON-EXISTENCE AND SIMPLY JUST NOT EXIST AT ALL AND NOT 'BE' ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY TOTALLY ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE ETC AT DAMN ALL IN FCKING GENERAL AND LITERALLY SIMPLY JUST FCKING DONT 'EXPERIENCE' ETC ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT FUCKING ALL) to not 'dEvAsTaTe'/'hUrT'/'tRaUmAtIZe'/'sHoCk'/'rUiN' them and also because it's just too hard and risky to do here anyway, so fucking risky and difficult or whatever tf that means too. Its SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING to have to fucking 'admit' this but if I want to not have to fucking 'worry' about any 'risks'/'worries' like not having enough time to attempt/FINALLY DIE, getting caught/being found, fucking 'psych ward' or whatever the fuck that garbage crap is/means, ending up on/under 'sUiCiDe WaTcH' and without any more opportunities to attempt again at least for a FUCKING long time until they completely forget and "don't suspect" anymore, getting 'brain damage' (which i really just dont give a goddamn fuck about and has never/doesn't/never will """aFfEcT"""/"""wOrRy""" "me" at all lmaooooo i couldnt give any less of a shit about a/the "brain"/"mind" in general no fcking 'matter' how tf it is/can be neither what type of "brain"/"mind" and or whatever the damn fck it is, neither if it's """""fUnCtIoNaL"""""/"""""uSeFuL"""""/"""""hEaLtHy"""""" or whatever tf all that crap means and or any/whatever other """""pOsItIvE""""" 'way'/'adjective'/tYpE oF "bRaIn"/"mInD" and or whatever tf in general lmao i simply just dont give a fuck for fucks sake!!!!!) 'traumatizing'/'shocking' my 'parents'/'family' nor 'worry' about any other 'risk'/'worry' in general that id have no fucking choice but to fcking deal with if I attempted here in this 'house', I literally just have no fucking damn choice but to do it outside ("outside" where ffs where the fuck would i fucking go, it's just too suspicious/risky and its even harder now because of the "pandemic"/"covid"/"restrictions"/"curfew"/"lockdown" or whatever tf all that mean/is lol i couldnt give a shit lmaooooooo that doenst """aFfEcT"""/"""wOrRy""" me at all AND IT'S ALSO NOT THE """rEaSoN wHy I wAnT tO dIE""", NO FFS JESUS FCKING CHRIST ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ANY GODDAMN REASON IN GENERAL AT ALL IT SIMPLY JUST FCKING ISN'T BECAUSE OF ANY) and risk being found by the fucking police and or fucking 'buy'/'have' an "oWn HoUsE"/"oWn PlAcE"/"oWn aPaRmEnT" or whatever tf that is and do it there "without any" risks/worries/interruptions/'problems' or whatever tf all that fucking means and to finally have as much time as I want/need or whatever tf those 'verbs'/'words' mean to "reliably"/"successfully"/"safely" attempt and FINALLY DIE/NOT EXIST AT ALL/DISAPPEAR ENTIRELY COMPLETELY LITERALLY TOTALLY ETERNALLY and not have to fucking 'worry' or whatever tf that means about 'someone'/'people' around finding 'me' and fcking sending me to a fcking 'psych ward' or whatever the damn fck that crap means/is nor about any other 'risks' in general. BUT FOR FUCKS SAKE NO I LITERALLY JUST SIMPLY FUCKING DONT WANT TO HAVE TO FUCKING 'WORK'/'GET'|'HAVE' A FCKING GODDAMN FCKING 'JOB' OR WHATEVER TF THAT GARBAGE TRASH BULLSHIT IS/MEANS AND THEN HAVE TO FCKING WAIT FOR WHO THE FCK 'KNOWS' HOW MANY FCKING YEARS UNTIL I FINALLY HAVE 'ENOUGH' FCKING 'MONEY' OR WHATEVER TF THAT SHIT IS/MEANS TO FINALLY FCKING 'BUY' A FCKING 'HOUSE'/'APARTMENT' OR WHATEVER THE DAMN FCK THAT IS/MEANS AND AND FINALLY HAVE ONE TO FINALLY BE FCKING FINALLY 'ABLE' TO ATTEMPT/"CTB"/DIE/DISAPPEAR/NOT EXIST AT ALL "SUCCESSFULLY" or whatever the fuck that crap shit means lmfao/'100%' 'GUARANTEED'/"SAFELY"/"RELIABLY" AND "WITHOUT ANY" RISKS AT ALL. Id IMMEDIATELY RIGHT AWAY do it just right after 'entering' the 'house' that's for sure without any fucking "doubt" nor any "indecision"/"hesitation" or whatever tf that means lmao. for that to FINALLY FUCKING HAPPEN I'd fcking have to fcking 'work' and all that garbage shit and wouldve had to fcking force myself to fcking "hAvE" "mOtIvAtIoN"/"wIlL"/"eNeRgY"/"sTrEnGtH"/"dEdIcAtIoN"/"iNtErEsT" or whatever tf all that """pOsItIvE""" bullshit crap means lmao and or any/whatever other """""pOsItIvE"""""" shit like that and or in general, EEEEWWWWW lmao. and would have also have to fucking wait for a long long fucking time. sigh -_-
It's fucking either do it here and risk it a lot/risk many things or have to fcking wOrK or whatever tf that shit fucking means/is and wait for so many fucking years until I finally have the fucking house/apartment TO FUCKING FINALLY CAN BE 'ABLE' TO "RELIABLY"/"SUCCESSFULLY" ATTEMPT/"CTB"/DIE AND NOT RISK ANYTHING. SIGH. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKK WHY IS IT SO FCKING HARD TO DIE FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can i "rent" or whatever tf that means 'houses'/'apartments'? Because im thinking of just doing that instead of having to fucking wait for who the goddamn fucking knows until i finally have fucking 'money' enough to fcking 'buy' a fcking 'house' AND FINALLY BE 'ABLE' TO ATTEMPT/FINALLY DIE. Im guessing that "renting" is "cheaper" or whatever tf that means than "buying" so if itll fucking take less time for the waiting I guess ill fucking force myself to fcking make the fcking effort/sacrifice or whatever tf that means to fucking 'work' and wait for AT LEAST LESS THAN IF I TRY TO FCKING 'BUY' A 'HOUSE'/'APARTMENT' but jfc I SIMPLY JUST DONT WANT TO FFKING 'WORK' [NOR LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL/ANY OTHER 'ACTION'|'VERB' ETC IN GENERAL AT ALL] ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING AT ALL IN GENERAL OF ANY TYPE/WAY AT ALL ANY FCKING "JOB"/"PROFESSION" NOR LITERALLY BASICALLY ANY OTHER FCKING GARBAGE BULLSHIT TRASH CRAP LIKE THAT/IN GENERAL AT ALL NO FCKING 'MATTER' WHAT/HOW THE DAMN FCK IT IS/CAN BE ETC AND A LONG ETC FFS I SIMPLY JUST FCKING DONT!!!!!!!!!!!

Even if i havent done it ("ctb") any of these years because of 'fear' or whatever tf that means of getting caught/being found in the 'middle' of the attempt and to not 'traumatize'/'shock' my 'parents'/'family, I 1000% know that someday i YES or YES will finally attempt/"CTB" and FINALLY leave/get rid of/get out of/ditch the 'meat sheath'/'flesh' that prevents me from FINALLY NOT EXISTING AT ALL/NOT 'BEING' ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY TOTALLY ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE ANY DAMN WAY AT ALL ETC IN GENERAL AT ALL. I'm 100% sure that someday I will even if i haven't done it all these years because of the 'inevitable' fucking ""guilt"" and for cant 'help' but to 'feel' "bad"/"sad" for them, and will FINALLY have what/the ONLY "thing" ive always wanted/wanted to want, want and want to want and will literally always want to want and 'wish'/'desire'/'crave' or whatever tf all those 'words'/'verbs' mean lmao so much no fucking 'matter' what etc, that is, DIE/JUSTNOT EXIST AT ALL/DISAPPEAR ENTIRELY TOTALLY COMPLETELY DEFINITELY LITERALLY ETERNALLY FOREVER AND EVER/NOT 'BE' ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY TOTALLY ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE ETC IN GENERAL AT ALL. *But that DOESNT mean ill never ctb lmao of course I will thats for sure, there's absolutely no "doubt" of that and I cant fcking wait for that 'day' to finally come. Im "sorry" or whatever tf that means for them because i know that they'll 'suffer'/'cry' and will be extremely 'affected' and bla bla bla all that. But 'this' (NOR ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL WHATEVER HOWEVER THE DAMN FCK IT IS, WHATEVER TYPE/WAY/KIND/FORM ETC AND OR WHATEVER TF IT IS, WHATEVER/WHEREVER THE FCK ITS FROM ETCETC) SHOULDNT be a fucking obligation/obligatory thing that i yes or fucking yes have to want/care about/be 'interested' in/want to 'like'/'experience'/'do'/'participate' in/'be part of'/'explore'/'enjoy'/'live'/'inhabit'/'discover'/'know' 'about'/'learn' 'about'/'belong to'/'perceive' and or blahblahetcetc whatever/any other 'verb'/'action' etc in general """"""""uNlEsS i DoNt WaNt To bEcAuSe Of 'hOw'/tHe 'wAy'/tHe 'sTaTe' oF/tHe 'sItUaTiOn' 'oF'|'iN' 'lIfE'/'tHe WoRlD'/'pLaNeT eArTh'/'eXiStEnCe'/'hUmAnItY'/'sOcIetY'/tHe 'sYsTeM'/'hUmAn RaCe'/'cOnScIoUSneSs' bLaHbLahEtCeTc aNd Or WhAtEvEr ThE dAmN fUcK iN gEnErAl 'iS'/'iSnT'/'cAn Be'/'wIlL bE' aNd Or bEcAuSe Of WhAT 'hApPeNs' iN 'lIfE' 'iTsElF' iN gEnErAl aNd Or iN 'mY lIfE' aNd Or 'wHoEvEr ThE fUcKs lIfE' aNd Or iN 'pEoPlEs' 'lIvEs' iN gEnErAl aNd Or iN 'tHe WoRlD' aNd Or 'pLaNeT eArTh' aNd Or 'eXiStEnCe'/'cOnScIoUSneSs' iN gEnErAl aNd Or WhAtEvEr/wHeReVeR tHe fUcK, aNd Or bEcAuSe oF "sUfFeRiNg"/"pAiN" iN gEnErAl/"mEnTaL" aNd Or "pHySiCaL" aNd Or AnY oThEr tYpE oF "pAiN"|"sUfFeRiNg", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "dEpReSsIoN" aNd Or AnY/wHaTeVeR oThEr "mEnTaL iLlNeSsEs" iN gEnErAl oF aNy oThEr tYpE, aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "aPaThY" aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "bAd LiFe" aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "cHeMicAl iMbAlAnCe iN tHe BrAiN", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "bOrEdOm", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "eMpTiNeSs", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "sAdNeSs", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "dEsPaIr", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "aNgUiSh"/"dIsTrEsS", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "hOpEleSsnESs", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "dISapPoIntMent", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "sHaMe", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "gUiLt", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "rEgReT", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "lOw sElFeSteEm", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "sElF hAtReD"/"sElF lOaThInG", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "bAd FaMiLy", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "nIhIlIsM", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "aNtInAtAlIsM"/"eFiLiSm", ANd Or bEcAuSe Of ""fEeLiNg lIkE a "fAiLuRe""" *(as if i gave a goddamn fucking damn garbage fuck shit if "Im" a """"fAiLuRe"""" or whatever the fuck that """""nEgAtIvE""""" 'thing' fucking means or not LMFAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT FUCKING DOESN'T FUCKINF """"""aFfEcT""""""/""""""wOrRy""""""" "ME" AND NEVER AT FUCKING DAMN FCKING ALL EVER FUCKING WILL LMFAOOOOOOO WHY THE FUVKING GODDAMN FUCK IT FUCKINF HAS TO LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOL IVE LITERALLY BASICALLY ABSOLUTELY SIMPLY NEVER AT FUCKING ALL EVER FUCKINF WANTED/WANTED TO WANT TO 'BE' ANY FUCKING GODDAMN """""""pOsItIvE"""""""" 'WAY'/'ADJECTIVE'/'TRAIT'/'QUALITY'/'THING'/TYPE OF 'pErSoN' or whatever tf all that crap fucking means and whatever tf to fucking call that crap lmfaooooo NOR BLAHBLAHETCETC ABSOLUTELY ANY OTHER CRAP LIKE THAT/IN GENERAL AT ALL AND LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY BASICALLY SIMPLY NEVER AT FUCKING ALL EVER FUCKING WILL NO FCKING 'MATTER' FUCKING WHAT LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY THE FUCKING GODDAMN FUCKING FUCK DO I FUCKINF HAVE TO FOR FUCKS DAMN SAKE!!!!!!! I SIMPLY JUST FUCKING DONT AND SIMPLY JUST DONT FUCKINF WANT TO FUCKING WANT TO AND IF ITS NOT BELIEVED/UNDERSTOOD/COMPREHENDED I LITERALLY JUST COULDN'T FUCKING GIVE ANY FCKIMG GODDAMN LESS OF A FCKING DAMN GODDAMN FUCK SHIT LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) *aNd Or bEcAuSe oF "uNsAtIsFaCtIoN"/"uNfUlFiLlMeNt" (why the goddamn fuck shit do i yes or fucking yes have to want "sAtIsFaCtIoN"/"fUlFiLlMeNt" or whatever the fuck that fucking """pOsItIvE""" garbage bullshit crap shit fucking means lmfaoooo I dont give a damn shit and or any other """"pOsItIvE"""" fucking garbage bullshit trash crap like that/in general LMFAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO why the fuck can't I just don't fucking give a goddamn fucking garbage fuck shit and thats FUCKING IT WITHOUT FUCKING BEING BECAUSE OF A FUCKING REASON/REASONS FOR FUCKS SAKE ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ANY FUCKING GODDAMN REASON AT ALL IN GENERAL OF ABSOLUTELY ANY FUCKING TYPE IN GENERAL AT FUCKING ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) And Or bEcAuSe Of "aBuSe" aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "tRaUmA", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "bUlLyInG", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of AnY/wHaTeVeR oThEr 'rEaSoN'/'rEaSoNs'/'cAuSe'/'cAuSeS' iN gEnErAl bUt bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN wHy YeS oR yEs wHaTeVer It Is wHaTeVeR tYpE iT iS wHaTeVeR iTs AbOuT/rElAtEd To bUt bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN iN gEnErAl yEs Or YeS""""""" FOR FUCKS SAKE. THERE FCKING SHOULDN'T BE A FCKING "REASON WHY" YES OR FCKING YES JUST BECAUSE 'PEOPLE'|'HUMANS' IN GENERAL FCKING SAY SO AND FCKING FEEL LIKE IT AND HAVE FCKING INVENTED that tHeRe HaS tO bE a ReAsOn wHy YeS oR yEs TO WANT TO DIE/JUST SIMPLY NOT WANT TO EXIST AT ALL AND SIMPLY JUST NOT WANT 'EXPERIENCE' ETC ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL AND THAT'S FCKING BASICALLY LITERALLY IT FOR FUCK'S SAKE I FCKING SHOULDNT BE FCKING OBLIGATED/FORCED TO JUST BECAUSE "I" HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO 'EXIST'/'BE' 'BORN'/'BE'|'BECOME' 'SOMETHING'/'SOMEONE' AND 'BE' 'BROUGHT' "HERE", JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. IF I SIMPLY JUST BASICALLY LITERALLY DONT/DONT WANT TO WANT TO AT ALL, ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY NEVER AT ALL HAVE HAD AND LITERALLY BASICALLY ABSOLUTELY NEVER AT FCKING ALL EVER FCKING WILL NO FCKING 'MATTER' WHAT, I LITERALLY BASICALLY SIMPLY SERIOUSLY TRULY HONESTLY SINCERELY ABSOLUTELY JUST or whatever tf all those 'words' mean lmao SIMPLY FCKING DONT AND THATS LITERALLY BASICALLY SIMPLY FCKING IT AND I SHOULDN'T BE FCKING FORCED/OBLIGATED/PRESSURED TO!!!!!!! ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ABSOLUTELY ANY GODDAMN REASON AT ALL, AT. ALL. LITERALLY. ANY. DAMN. REASON/CAUSE. OR WHATEVER THE DAMN FCK THAT MEANS. AT. ALL. IN. GENERAL. OF. ANY. TYPE. AND. THATS. IT. WHETHER. ITS. BELIEVED/UNDERSTOOD/COMPREHENDED. OR. NOT. THAT'S. IT. FOR. FUCKS. SAKE. I SHOULD HAVE THE TOTAL ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO DIE ANYTIME/WHENEVER I WANT WITHOUT ANY FCKING """aGe ReStRiCtIoNs""" NOR ANY FCKING """rEaSoNs WhY""" NOR ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY ANY OTHER FCKING GARBAGE BULLSHIT SHIT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
Sure, though not as bad as I probably should and certainly not bad enough to not do it at some point. I also already constantly feel bad about every little thing I do. Eating, consuming electricity, even breathing feels like I'm taking precious resources away and hoarding them for myself which I am.
You belong here just as much as the trees and the stars do. This is for you. These are gifts for us. The world is cruel- we can be grateful for the tiny joys we have like food and air <3
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
You belong here just as much as the trees and the stars do. This is for you. These are gifts for us. The world is cruel- we can be grateful for the tiny joys we have like food and air <3
Idk...maybe for other people but not me. I endlessly consume greedily and without regard for the rest of the world. I don't even feel that bad about that either, I just feel bad that I love food MORE when it's unhealthy or created suffering. A cup of tea or coffee to me tastes better when a hapless wage slave prepared it for me than when I made it myself. I can't even feel good about my own creations which is why I don't cook. As for the air, I'm sure this oxygen I breathe could go to better people with better ethics and morals or at least some animal especially when I have no regard for the environment that creates this oxygen for me.


May 11, 2020
this world sux. existence is sufferingg. so yeah. i want to die. i feel bad about it because it'll hurt my family. it might even kill my mom. she always says she couldn't live without me and i'm not sure if that means she'll kill her self but i know it isn't good. i do feel bad about it but i have to do it anyways because i wasn't meant for this world and i'm in sooo much pain w sooo much mental illness and trauma so i rlly just wanna die i do.
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Apr 24, 2020
I want to CTB but I can't right now. But i feel guilty of leaving behind my wife, my parents (even if they are old
and don't care much about me or love me), my brothers (even if the don't give a shit about me). Life is hard... and after all I've been thru, I simply gave up. I don't care anymore. The world is a messed up place (no peace, only fucking politics and because of it people don't get along).

I just have emotional pain and can't speak about to my family... they don't care. It's an everyday matter, so they must be tired of the subject. So i also stop caring.

Someday in a near future i'll finally CTB and may find peace. From that moment, i'll become an statistic and be forgotten forever. Noboby will remember me. Maybe for
a little while, but as people says... life goes on.

So I can't relate with most of the people that posted comments.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
Idk...maybe for other people but not me. I endlessly consume greedily and without regard for the rest of the world. I don't even feel that bad about that either, I just feel bad that I love food MORE when it's unhealthy or created suffering. A cup of tea or coffee to me tastes better when a hapless wage slave prepared it for me than when I made it myself. I can't even feel good about my own creations which is why I don't cook. As for the air, I'm sure this oxygen I breathe could go to better people with better ethics and morals or at least some animal especially when I have no regard for the environment that creates this oxygen for me.
Recognizing our shit is the first step to making a different choice. Knowing stuff is good. You do deserve air and these basic things.
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Jan 10, 2021
Yes because of how sad my best friend will be. I am more concerned about her than my actual family and have tried to explain to her that if it happens she should know that it is what I wanted and be happy that I am not suffering anymore but obviously she doesnt understand.

Why dont they ever understand?
I dont know its hard to fathom for them i guess :(
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Blue Rose

Blue Rose

Feb 6, 2021
Yes I did, but I was so sorrowful rather. In every attempting to CTB, I used to cry out to the air alone.

My mother had craved to have a daughter and finally she gave the birth her only child.
I had felt resented at my mother, but how could I leave her behind?

And my boyfriend, who loves me with his all heart, and always listens to me, even my suicidal thoughts...
How could I leave him behind?
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I have been in an awful mental state for almost a whole year now not having at least a whole week where everything doesnt feel completely overwhelming and where im genuinely happy. But I just have my mom who im helping while shes in a tough situation rn, my gf who will just be sad and i dont wanna do that to her, and then even when i try to open up to people they just either tell me to fuckoff and tell me im complaining or tell me its selfish.
I get that I should (in their words) value life because I have people who care for me, but thats the problem, I dont feel that way at all. It all feels so sterssful and meaningless and I go to bed everynight not wanting to wake up.
Anyways, this all builds up so much more guilt and stress whenever I think about leaving this world. I just wanted to know if people also have this experience because it just makes life feel so doomed: I live to suffer, or leave my suffering to others.
I feel great about wanting to ctb. It's a rational decision for me. I can't worry about anyone else, this is my life not theirs.
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Feb 18, 2021
I don't want to hurt anyone at all, but nobody knows how bad I am hurting. I suffered a severe cognitive injury and can't bear it
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End Game

End Game

Feb 12, 2021
Absolutely, if I did not have anyone that would be really deeply hurt, I would have ctb. I might still, struggling with severe depression and anxiety, generally feeling like life is 80% difficult and painful to get the 20% pleasure payoff. The greater that disparity gets, the more I start ideation fantasizing. My wife is the best person I have ever known and my mom and sisters would have a hard time dealing with it if I left. Sometimes I wish there were less attachments that get in the way, they are a blessing...until they cause you this cognitive dissonance. When you are mentally ill, love and success isn't always enough, you can still have no peace of mind.
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May 27, 2020
I do not feel bad for wanting to die. I want to die because I feel bad.
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Feb 3, 2021
No lmfao why the damn fuck do I fcking have to 'feel' ""bAd""? Its literally what i precisely want/want to want and always will NO 'matter' what. And what's the """pRoBlEm""" with that lmao why tf do i yes or fcking yes have to nOt WaNt tO dIE ""uNlEsS i SaY i WaNt tO bEcAuSe Of ThIs aNd Or ThAt rEaSoN""????!!!! 'who' the fuck INVENTED that fucking garbage shit? :pfff::pfff: I literally just can't fcking 'understand' why tf cant i simply just want to simply just die and just not exist at all and NOT "be" ANYTHING/ANYONE/ANYWHERE ETC IN GENERAL AT ALL and just NOT 'experience' etc ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL WHATEVER/HOWEVER TF IT IS/CAN BE ETC OF ANY TYPE/WAY/FORM/KIND ETCETC NOR ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL ETCETC AND A LOOOOONG ETC. BASICALLY ANYTHING AT ALL AND THAT'S IT THATS LITERALLY BASICALLY SIMPLY IT WITHOUT ABSOLUTELY ANY GODDAMN REASON AT ALL OF ANY TYPE ETC IN GENERAL AT DAMN ALL.
To die/just not exist AT ALL is the ONLY "thing" Ive always wanted/wished and wanted to want and what ill LITERALLY always *"'want'/'wish'/'desire'/'crave'/want to 'want'/'wish'/'desire'/'crave' AND THAT'S IT AND ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ANY DAMN REASON AT ALL. NEITHER "DEPRESSION" NOR "APATHY" NOR "SUFFERING"/"PAIN" NOR "lOw sElfEsTeEm" NOR "sElF hAtReD" NOR "NIHILISM"/"ANTINATALISM"/"EFILISM" NOR "BAD LIFE" NOR "BAD FAMILY" NOR "hOpEleSsnESs" NOR ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY ANY. OTHER. REASON/CAUSE ETC. IN. GENERA. AT. ALL. OF. ANY. TYPE. **or whatever tf those 'verbs'/'words' mean lol those 'verbs'/'words' are ONLY 'APPLICABLE' or whatever the fck that means TO DEATH/ABSOLUTE TOTAL PLAIN PURE LITERAL ENDLESS LIMITLESS COMPLETE ABSOLUTE INFINITE NOTHINGNESS/NON-EXISTENCE. I COULDNT GIVE ANY LESS OF A DAMN GODDAMN FUCK SHIT ABOUT LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY BASICALLY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL no fcking 'matter' what/how tf it is/can be, neither what type/way etcetc nor basically anything else in general at all etcetc and thats fkcing it JESUS FUCKING DAMN CHRIST :pfff::pfff::pfff:

The 'reason' i 'feel' "bad" (cant "help" it lol, the fucking 'inevitable' ""gUiLt"" that i cant fucking help but "feeling" because i WoUlD lEaVe ThEm bEhInD aNd mAkE tHeM 'sUfFeR'/'cRy' and blahblah) about wanting to die (NOT BECAUSE OF ANY REASON AT ALL) is lEaViNg mY 'parents'/'family' bEhInD. If you refer to that then yes. I cant fucking "help it" and that's basically why im still "here" instead of SIMPLY LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY BASICALLY NOWHERE AT ALL IN GENERAL OF ANY FORM/TYPE/KIND/WAY ETC. because i know that they'll be absolutely/extremely 'devastated'/'hurt' and 'traumatized'/'shocked' and will have an 'impact' or whatever tf that means on 'them' for the 'rest' of their 'lives' and bla bla bla all that. and well, also the 'fact' that I FUCKING UNFORTUNATELY (or whatever tf "unfortunately" means, couldnt care any less) just dont have any way out (yet) are the only reasons I haven't *"ctb" yet and what "holds me back" INSTEAD OF FINALLY SIMPLY DOING IT ALREADY, although well i cant really do it already nor anytime soon, it's just so fucking risky and hard to do here in their 'house' and well theyd be the first ones who find/see the dead body/corpse, thatd 'traumatize'/'shock' them a lot and bLahBlaHBlaH all that crap. Sigh. IF FUCKING ONLY IT WAS EASY TO DIE AND FINALLY JUST NOT EXIST AT FUCKING ALL. IF FUCKING ONLY. (*"catch" the "bus" to eternal absolute total plain literal endless infinite NOTHINGNESS/NONEXISTENCE. not to any fucking "something"/"afterlife" at all in general of any type/kind/way/form nor absolutely anything else in general at all)

If it wasn't for them and because finding a reliable way out to FINALLY DIE and because its so fucking hard and risky to die, I would've ctb/died many many many years ago/'ages' ago and wouldve 100% been more than gone/dead already, *or probably not but because of my 'parents'/'family' (and well my 'parents' also 'adopted' a 'cat' some years ago that loves me a lot and all that and well, 'she' would be 'sad' and 'lost' or whatever the fuck that means lol without me but well, that also DOESNT mean that ill never ctb and finally have what i precisely truly actually 'want'/'wish'/'desire'/'crave' or whatever tf all those 'words'/'verbs' fucking mean, that is DEATH/NOTHINGNESS/NON-EXISTENCE AND SIMPLY JUST NOT EXIST AT ALL AND NOT 'BE' ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY TOTALLY ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE ETC AT DAMN ALL IN FCKING GENERAL AND LITERALLY SIMPLY JUST FCKING DONT 'EXPERIENCE' ETC ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT FUCKING ALL) to not 'dEvAsTaTe'/'hUrT'/'tRaUmAtIZe'/'sHoCk'/'rUiN' them and also because it's just too hard and risky to do here anyway, so fucking risky and difficult or whatever tf that means too. Its SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING to have to fucking 'admit' this but if I want to not have to fucking 'worry' about any 'risks'/'worries' like not having enough time to attempt/FINALLY DIE, getting caught/being found, fucking 'psych ward' or whatever the fuck that garbage crap is/means, ending up on/under 'sUiCiDe WaTcH' and without any more opportunities to attempt again at least for a FUCKING long time until they completely forget and "don't suspect" anymore, getting 'brain damage' (which i really just dont give a goddamn fuck about and has never/doesn't/never will """aFfEcT"""/"""wOrRy""" "me" at all lmaooooo i couldnt give any less of a shit about a/the "brain"/"mind" in general no fcking 'matter' how tf it is/can be neither what type of "brain"/"mind" and or whatever the damn fck it is, neither if it's """""fUnCtIoNaL"""""/"""""uSeFuL"""""/"""""hEaLtHy"""""" or whatever tf all that crap means and or any/whatever other """""pOsItIvE""""" 'way'/'adjective'/tYpE oF "bRaIn"/"mInD" and or whatever tf in general lmao i simply just dont give a fuck for fucks sake!!!!!) 'traumatizing'/'shocking' my 'parents'/'family' nor 'worry' about any other 'risk'/'worry' in general that id have no fucking choice but to fcking deal with if I attempted here in this 'house', I literally just have no fucking damn choice but to do it outside ("outside" where ffs where the fuck would i fucking go, it's just too suspicious/risky and its even harder now because of the "pandemic"/"covid"/"restrictions"/"curfew"/"lockdown" or whatever tf all that mean/is lol i couldnt give a shit lmaooooooo that doenst """aFfEcT"""/"""wOrRy""" me at all AND IT'S ALSO NOT THE """rEaSoN wHy I wAnT tO dIE""", NO FFS JESUS FCKING CHRIST ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ANY GODDAMN REASON IN GENERAL AT ALL IT SIMPLY JUST FCKING ISN'T BECAUSE OF ANY) and risk being found by the fucking police and or fucking 'buy'/'have' an "oWn HoUsE"/"oWn PlAcE"/"oWn aPaRmEnT" or whatever tf that is and do it there "without any" risks/worries/interruptions/'problems' or whatever tf all that fucking means and to finally have as much time as I want/need or whatever tf those 'verbs'/'words' mean to "reliably"/"successfully"/"safely" attempt and FINALLY DIE/NOT EXIST AT ALL/DISAPPEAR ENTIRELY COMPLETELY LITERALLY TOTALLY ETERNALLY and not have to fucking 'worry' or whatever tf that means about 'someone'/'people' around finding 'me' and fcking sending me to a fcking 'psych ward' or whatever the damn fck that crap means/is nor about any other 'risks' in general. BUT FOR FUCKS SAKE NO I LITERALLY JUST SIMPLY FUCKING DONT WANT TO HAVE TO FUCKING 'WORK'/'GET'|'HAVE' A FCKING GODDAMN FCKING 'JOB' OR WHATEVER TF THAT GARBAGE TRASH BULLSHIT IS/MEANS AND THEN HAVE TO FCKING WAIT FOR WHO THE FCK 'KNOWS' HOW MANY FCKING YEARS UNTIL I FINALLY HAVE 'ENOUGH' FCKING 'MONEY' OR WHATEVER TF THAT SHIT IS/MEANS TO FINALLY FCKING 'BUY' A FCKING 'HOUSE'/'APARTMENT' OR WHATEVER THE DAMN FCK THAT IS/MEANS AND AND FINALLY HAVE ONE TO FINALLY BE FCKING FINALLY 'ABLE' TO ATTEMPT/"CTB"/DIE/DISAPPEAR/NOT EXIST AT ALL "SUCCESSFULLY" or whatever the fuck that crap shit means lmfao/'100%' 'GUARANTEED'/"SAFELY"/"RELIABLY" AND "WITHOUT ANY" RISKS AT ALL. Id IMMEDIATELY RIGHT AWAY do it just right after 'entering' the 'house' that's for sure without any fucking "doubt" nor any "indecision"/"hesitation" or whatever tf that means lmao. for that to FINALLY FUCKING HAPPEN I'd fcking have to fcking 'work' and all that garbage shit and wouldve had to fcking force myself to fcking "hAvE" "mOtIvAtIoN"/"wIlL"/"eNeRgY"/"sTrEnGtH"/"dEdIcAtIoN"/"iNtErEsT" or whatever tf all that """pOsItIvE""" bullshit crap means lmao and or any/whatever other """""pOsItIvE"""""" shit like that and or in general, EEEEWWWWW lmao. and would have also have to fucking wait for a long long fucking time. sigh -_-
It's fucking either do it here and risk it a lot/risk many things or have to fcking wOrK or whatever tf that shit fucking means/is and wait for so many fucking years until I finally have the fucking house/apartment TO FUCKING FINALLY CAN BE 'ABLE' TO "RELIABLY"/"SUCCESSFULLY" ATTEMPT/"CTB"/DIE AND NOT RISK ANYTHING. SIGH. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKK WHY IS IT SO FCKING HARD TO DIE FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can i "rent" or whatever tf that means 'houses'/'apartments'? Because im thinking of just doing that instead of having to fucking wait for who the goddamn fucking knows until i finally have fucking 'money' enough to fcking 'buy' a fcking 'house' AND FINALLY BE 'ABLE' TO ATTEMPT/FINALLY DIE. Im guessing that "renting" is "cheaper" or whatever tf that means than "buying" so if itll fucking take less time for the waiting I guess ill fucking force myself to fcking make the fcking effort/sacrifice or whatever tf that means to fucking 'work' and wait for AT LEAST LESS THAN IF I TRY TO FCKING 'BUY' A 'HOUSE'/'APARTMENT' but jfc I SIMPLY JUST DONT WANT TO FFKING 'WORK' [NOR LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL/ANY OTHER 'ACTION'|'VERB' ETC IN GENERAL AT ALL] ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING AT ALL IN GENERAL OF ANY TYPE/WAY AT ALL ANY FCKING "JOB"/"PROFESSION" NOR LITERALLY BASICALLY ANY OTHER FCKING GARBAGE BULLSHIT TRASH CRAP LIKE THAT/IN GENERAL AT ALL NO FCKING 'MATTER' WHAT/HOW THE DAMN FCK IT IS/CAN BE ETC AND A LONG ETC FFS I SIMPLY JUST FCKING DONT!!!!!!!!!!!

Even if i havent done it ("ctb") any of these years because of 'fear' or whatever tf that means of getting caught/being found in the 'middle' of the attempt and to not 'traumatize'/'shock' my 'parents'/'family, I 1000% know that someday i YES or YES will finally attempt/"CTB" and FINALLY leave/get rid of/get out of/ditch the 'meat sheath'/'flesh' that prevents me from FINALLY NOT EXISTING AT ALL/NOT 'BEING' ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY TOTALLY ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE ANY DAMN WAY AT ALL ETC IN GENERAL AT ALL. I'm 100% sure that someday I will even if i haven't done it all these years because of the 'inevitable' fucking ""guilt"" and for cant 'help' but to 'feel' "bad"/"sad" for them, and will FINALLY have what/the ONLY "thing" ive always wanted/wanted to want, want and want to want and will literally always want to want and 'wish'/'desire'/'crave' or whatever tf all those 'words'/'verbs' mean lmao so much no fucking 'matter' what etc, that is, DIE/JUSTNOT EXIST AT ALL/DISAPPEAR ENTIRELY TOTALLY COMPLETELY DEFINITELY LITERALLY ETERNALLY FOREVER AND EVER/NOT 'BE' ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY TOTALLY ANYTHING ANYONE ANYWHERE ETC IN GENERAL AT ALL. *But that DOESNT mean ill never ctb lmao of course I will thats for sure, there's absolutely no "doubt" of that and I cant fcking wait for that 'day' to finally come. Im "sorry" or whatever tf that means for them because i know that they'll 'suffer'/'cry' and will be extremely 'affected' and bla bla bla all that. But 'this' (NOR ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY ANYTHING ELSE IN GENERAL AT ALL WHATEVER HOWEVER THE DAMN FCK IT IS, WHATEVER TYPE/WAY/KIND/FORM ETC AND OR WHATEVER TF IT IS, WHATEVER/WHEREVER THE FCK ITS FROM ETCETC) SHOULDNT be a fucking obligation/obligatory thing that i yes or fucking yes have to want/care about/be 'interested' in/want to 'like'/'experience'/'do'/'participate' in/'be part of'/'explore'/'enjoy'/'live'/'inhabit'/'discover'/'know' 'about'/'learn' 'about'/'belong to'/'perceive' and or blahblahetcetc whatever/any other 'verb'/'action' etc in general """"""""uNlEsS i DoNt WaNt To bEcAuSe Of 'hOw'/tHe 'wAy'/tHe 'sTaTe' oF/tHe 'sItUaTiOn' 'oF'|'iN' 'lIfE'/'tHe WoRlD'/'pLaNeT eArTh'/'eXiStEnCe'/'hUmAnItY'/'sOcIetY'/tHe 'sYsTeM'/'hUmAn RaCe'/'cOnScIoUSneSs' bLaHbLahEtCeTc aNd Or WhAtEvEr ThE dAmN fUcK iN gEnErAl 'iS'/'iSnT'/'cAn Be'/'wIlL bE' aNd Or bEcAuSe Of WhAT 'hApPeNs' iN 'lIfE' 'iTsElF' iN gEnErAl aNd Or iN 'mY lIfE' aNd Or 'wHoEvEr ThE fUcKs lIfE' aNd Or iN 'pEoPlEs' 'lIvEs' iN gEnErAl aNd Or iN 'tHe WoRlD' aNd Or 'pLaNeT eArTh' aNd Or 'eXiStEnCe'/'cOnScIoUSneSs' iN gEnErAl aNd Or WhAtEvEr/wHeReVeR tHe fUcK, aNd Or bEcAuSe oF "sUfFeRiNg"/"pAiN" iN gEnErAl/"mEnTaL" aNd Or "pHySiCaL" aNd Or AnY oThEr tYpE oF "pAiN"|"sUfFeRiNg", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "dEpReSsIoN" aNd Or AnY/wHaTeVeR oThEr "mEnTaL iLlNeSsEs" iN gEnErAl oF aNy oThEr tYpE, aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "aPaThY" aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "bAd LiFe" aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "cHeMicAl iMbAlAnCe iN tHe BrAiN", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "bOrEdOm", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "eMpTiNeSs", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "sAdNeSs", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "dEsPaIr", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "aNgUiSh"/"dIsTrEsS", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "hOpEleSsnESs", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "dISapPoIntMent", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "sHaMe", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "gUiLt", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "rEgReT", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "lOw sElFeSteEm", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "sElF hAtReD"/"sElF lOaThInG", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "bAd FaMiLy", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "nIhIlIsM", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "aNtInAtAlIsM"/"eFiLiSm", ANd Or bEcAuSe Of ""fEeLiNg lIkE a "fAiLuRe""" *(as if i gave a goddamn fucking damn garbage fuck shit if "Im" a """"fAiLuRe"""" or whatever the fuck that """""nEgAtIvE""""" 'thing' fucking means or not LMFAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT FUCKING DOESN'T FUCKINF """"""aFfEcT""""""/""""""wOrRy""""""" "ME" AND NEVER AT FUCKING DAMN FCKING ALL EVER FUCKING WILL LMFAOOOOOOO WHY THE FUVKING GODDAMN FUCK IT FUCKINF HAS TO LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOL IVE LITERALLY BASICALLY ABSOLUTELY SIMPLY NEVER AT FUCKING ALL EVER FUCKINF WANTED/WANTED TO WANT TO 'BE' ANY FUCKING GODDAMN """""""pOsItIvE"""""""" 'WAY'/'ADJECTIVE'/'TRAIT'/'QUALITY'/'THING'/TYPE OF 'pErSoN' or whatever tf all that crap fucking means and whatever tf to fucking call that crap lmfaooooo NOR BLAHBLAHETCETC ABSOLUTELY ANY OTHER CRAP LIKE THAT/IN GENERAL AT ALL AND LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY BASICALLY SIMPLY NEVER AT FUCKING ALL EVER FUCKING WILL NO FCKING 'MATTER' FUCKING WHAT LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY THE FUCKING GODDAMN FUCKING FUCK DO I FUCKINF HAVE TO FOR FUCKS DAMN SAKE!!!!!!! I SIMPLY JUST FUCKING DONT AND SIMPLY JUST DONT FUCKINF WANT TO FUCKING WANT TO AND IF ITS NOT BELIEVED/UNDERSTOOD/COMPREHENDED I LITERALLY JUST COULDN'T FUCKING GIVE ANY FCKIMG GODDAMN LESS OF A FCKING DAMN GODDAMN FUCK SHIT LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) *aNd Or bEcAuSe oF "uNsAtIsFaCtIoN"/"uNfUlFiLlMeNt" (why the goddamn fuck shit do i yes or fucking yes have to want "sAtIsFaCtIoN"/"fUlFiLlMeNt" or whatever the fuck that fucking """pOsItIvE""" garbage bullshit crap shit fucking means lmfaoooo I dont give a damn shit and or any other """"pOsItIvE"""" fucking garbage bullshit trash crap like that/in general LMFAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO why the fuck can't I just don't fucking give a goddamn fucking garbage fuck shit and thats FUCKING IT WITHOUT FUCKING BEING BECAUSE OF A FUCKING REASON/REASONS FOR FUCKS SAKE ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ANY FUCKING GODDAMN REASON AT ALL IN GENERAL OF ABSOLUTELY ANY FUCKING TYPE IN GENERAL AT FUCKING ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) And Or bEcAuSe Of "aBuSe" aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "tRaUmA", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of "bUlLyInG", aNd Or bEcAuSe Of AnY/wHaTeVeR oThEr 'rEaSoN'/'rEaSoNs'/'cAuSe'/'cAuSeS' iN gEnErAl bUt bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN wHy YeS oR yEs wHaTeVer It Is wHaTeVeR tYpE iT iS wHaTeVeR iTs AbOuT/rElAtEd To bUt bEcAuSe Of A rEaSoN iN gEnErAl yEs Or YeS""""""" FOR FUCKS SAKE. THERE FCKING SHOULDN'T BE A FCKING "REASON WHY" YES OR FCKING YES JUST BECAUSE 'PEOPLE'|'HUMANS' IN GENERAL FCKING SAY SO AND FCKING FEEL LIKE IT AND HAVE FCKING INVENTED that tHeRe HaS tO bE a ReAsOn wHy YeS oR yEs TO WANT TO DIE/JUST SIMPLY NOT WANT TO EXIST AT ALL AND SIMPLY JUST NOT WANT 'EXPERIENCE' ETC ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY BASICALLY ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING IN GENERAL AT ALL AND THAT'S FCKING BASICALLY LITERALLY IT FOR FUCK'S SAKE I FCKING SHOULDNT BE FCKING OBLIGATED/FORCED TO JUST BECAUSE "I" HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO 'EXIST'/'BE' 'BORN'/'BE'|'BECOME' 'SOMETHING'/'SOMEONE' AND 'BE' 'BROUGHT' "HERE", JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. IF I SIMPLY JUST BASICALLY LITERALLY DONT/DONT WANT TO WANT TO AT ALL, ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY NEVER AT ALL HAVE HAD AND LITERALLY BASICALLY ABSOLUTELY NEVER AT FCKING ALL EVER FCKING WILL NO FCKING 'MATTER' WHAT, I LITERALLY BASICALLY SIMPLY SERIOUSLY TRULY HONESTLY SINCERELY ABSOLUTELY JUST or whatever tf all those 'words' mean lmao SIMPLY FCKING DONT AND THATS LITERALLY BASICALLY SIMPLY FCKING IT AND I SHOULDN'T BE FCKING FORCED/OBLIGATED/PRESSURED TO!!!!!!! ITS NOT BECAUSE OF ABSOLUTELY ANY GODDAMN REASON AT ALL, AT. ALL. LITERALLY. ANY. DAMN. REASON/CAUSE. OR WHATEVER THE DAMN FCK THAT MEANS. AT. ALL. IN. GENERAL. OF. ANY. TYPE. AND. THATS. IT. WHETHER. ITS. BELIEVED/UNDERSTOOD/COMPREHENDED. OR. NOT. THAT'S. IT. FOR. FUCKS. SAKE. I SHOULD HAVE THE TOTAL ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO DIE ANYTIME/WHENEVER I WANT WITHOUT ANY FCKING """aGe ReStRiCtIoNs""" NOR ANY FCKING """rEaSoNs WhY""" NOR ABSOLUTELY LITERALLY ANY OTHER FCKING GARBAGE BULLSHIT SHIT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you smoking meth?


Nov 1, 2019
I wish that I wanted to live, because then I wouldn't be at such a crossroads. I don't relish the idea of taking a piece of my loved ones with me when I die - and that is exactly what will happen. They will wake up and they will never get to live as the person they went to bed as because I will be taking that away. I know what it is like to be on the other end and I would never wish that pain on anyone. I know what it is like to be left behind and thinking: "I don't want anything to do with the life that you thrust into my hands when you decided to end yours!".

But I am so tired.

Years of therapies, clinics, hospital stays, and treatments. I'm tired. I'm not living the life I wanted - much less the one that my parents wanted. I don't want to be a burden or to continue dangling the corpse of the child who I should have been in front of my parents' face. I was meant to be the one to take care of them in their final years, not the other way around. I don't want them to die and spend their last moments worrying about if I will be able to face the world without them. I am rotten and am being sustained far beyond my expiry date. I wish that I wanted to live but I can't.
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Feb 27, 2021
Only when I think about all the ppl who actually wanted to live that died in a freak accident or shooting. My parents are the only ones I'll be really leaving behind. no friends and don't really talk to any of my family.
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ready 2 go

ready 2 go

done with life
Apr 16, 2020
Yeah I feel guilty about it. I know how much it would hurt my family, that's what stops me.
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and now we rise and we are everywhere
Apr 19, 2020
Yeah I feel bad about it. I feel defective because besides you all I don't know if anyone I know irl can relate to me and my suffering. I feel like a loser who can't handle what everyone else around me does with such ease.
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