

Ima shake the champagne bottle...
Jun 23, 2020
Hello everyone. As you can see I'm genuinely interested to have your opinions.. I've been reading a lot about unsolved crimes that were solved by psychics who gave an accurate description of the crimes, the perpetrators, the victims, and the specific interactions that occurred even though they were not present obviously.. what do you think? I'm seriously considering this.. I want to contact an actual psychic/medium to have a reading please note the one I intend to contact is a woman who has an actual success record with law enforcement not talking about the teenagers apps that are filled with frauds and wannabes. I'd like to have a look on my future if there's any.. maybe have some answers as to why some things the way they are yaknow? Do you think it's worth it? Would you ever contact a psychic knowing that they had successful documented predictions and explanations in the past?
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Apr 19, 2022
I am not sure, I heard of people who visited psychics who accurately predicted something for them, not the future but more of what happened to someone they weren't in contact with. If they are real, in this day and age 99% of psychics you'd find are scams and the ones that aren't would be very hard to find


No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I believe the vast majority of psychics are scam artists with no real power, that couldn't intuit something the size of a barn right in front of them. Crimes solved by psychics are probably coincidence or a factor of the subconscious brain putting the pieces together better than the conscious could. I'm not saying there's no such thing as psychic phenomena at all, but I don't think you can achieve success by asking another person to derive something helpful from it. There's no evidence of that. Rely on your own instincts and intuition, I say. I personally wouldn't contact a psychic about personal info no matter how successful they are.
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Al Cappella

Al Cappella

Are we there yet?
Feb 2, 2022
Absolutely, 100%, not. Now having said that, I have to admit to oscillating between only accepting scientific explanations, and occasionally wondering at additional dimensions. Generally, though, it's no.


Jan 31, 2021
No. I think that psychics are just very clever con artists. They just tell you what you want to hear,. Nobody can predict the future. You haven't lived it yet. I wouldn't base my future on or make decisions based on what a psychic told me would happen. You have to follow your own instinct and intuition and make your own decisions and do the best that you can.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Psychics are full of shit. They're amongst the snake oil sellers of our present day. Fuck me, I could do with some money but wouldn't stoop that low. Grimy bastards. They're no better than tinder swindlers and phone scammers. Smile to your face while emptying your wallet with lies. All aimed at getting return visits too. Soon as they get an in they'll milk it as long as they can. They' ll have subscriptions from beyond the grave soon teust me. Uncle derict has asked (from beyond the grave) that you keep our lines of communication open so he can get his commissary comp'd in heaven. They don't give a smelly fuck who they hurt in the process. If any of you visit one any time soon please could you give them a kick in the cock socket from my dead granny. My psychic told me she requested that I ask it of you. Think she may be playing me but I need my money's worth. :))
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Feb 21, 2022
Some. I think most of the legit ones are not "in business".

They are just regular people who happen to have a gift of clairvoyance.
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Mar 9, 2022
I do tarot readings, very rarely and only by one person.

I would never use a psychic, though. It's impossible for anyone to know what the future holds, as it's just totally unpredictable. So many things can change super quickly, even the decisions you make aren't set in stone.

Maybe try getting into astrology and getting your birth chart read, but only for fun. Don't try to take any of it too seriously, if it resonates with you then awesome and if it doesn't, that's fine too.
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Apr 26, 2022
I once worked as an audio engineer and had several psychics as clients. I'm convinced all I dealt with were frauds. They also really didn't appreciate my answering questions like, "Are you available on the 21st" with "Don't you already know?" Or pointing out that a "chant as old as time itself" wouldn't be in modern English.

Anyway, I've been asked if I was psychic, as I have a knack for seeing patterns and making good guesses/predictions. I'm keenly observant is all; I just don't try to convince anyone (including myself) it's more than that.
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
I'm a very skeptical person so I don't believe in those things, but I respect those who do or want to try it. If you really try it and if it somehow gives you some relief I don't see why you shouldn't continue. At the end of the day we're all looking for things to help us deal with our problems.

Quiet Desperation

Lonely wanderer
Dec 7, 2020
I'm with James Randi on this one.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I think I will get into trouble ... it has been difficult for me to follow the thread from the beginning because the translator translates it for me as psychologists and not as psychics or mediums.

Let's see ... there are two rules or laws that can be easily deduced:
1st: Nothing can be seen that should not happen
2nd: You look but you don't touch

From these two premises come all the inconveniences and, due to them, all the obstacles and limitations that the ability to see the future gives.

It must be understood, perhaps it is another trap, that all this only makes sense if you understand and accept that there is no free will, that you are just one more piece in an immense machinery in which you can not decide anything and 'has decided beforehand your position in the universe ....
... this is unbearable for years to come, it's hard to accept.

I've only heard of two people who had this ability (and they've been dead for years) and what they had in common was that they didn't ask you for money - there was one who was happy with a box of cookies ... -

In fact, seeing the future - and the past too, you can go back and forth as you please ... - is useless, you can't avoid anything, you can't change it ... it's also protected and consistent, no matter how much you want, you will never be able to find out the lottery number if it doesn't have to touch you ... what nonsense if every week the lottery number touches you as if the Universe is at your service, this will never happen.

Also, the information you get is out of context and very difficult to interpret ... it's like walking down the street and walking past a couple of people chatting with each other, which you can deduce from a few words ?, nothing.

There are those who see images and there are those who perceive emotions or moods ... if you try to look for specific things you will get lost and you will not find anything, maybe because it will never happen. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. (*Note: I don't know where the translator got this from//No se pas d'on ha tret això el traductor.. I wrote "Has de deixar que les coses vinguin").
And the loops? they are a headache, worrying for months about something that will never happen but that has been fed back from the future to the past ...

Sometimes I think that maybe there is a hierarchy within this network of knowledge and maybe what happens is each person has certain user permissions to access depending on what levels, but it's just a thought.

Oh, and obviously the vast majority are scammers, they say a lot of nonsense and it makes me very angry to hear them.
As for those who read or see the future seriously with various tools, such as tarot cards, just to say that I am convinced that fate has made it easier for them to access this knowledge ... and for those who come to them whether they like the future or not and that conditions their mental stability so much, just wish them the best.

But really, whoever likes spoilers about his life, is more grateful to live it yourself than to be crushed by your own story.

Crec que em posaré amb problemes... m'ha costat seguir el fil des de el principi perquè el traductor m'ho tradueix com a psicòlegs no pas com a psíquics o mediums.

A veure... hi han dues normes o lleis que es poden deduïr fàcilment:
1ra: No es pot veure rés que no hagi de passar
2na: Es mira però no es toca

A partir d'aquestes dues premises surten tots els inconvenients haguts i per haver, tots els obstacles i limitacions que dona la capacitat de veure el futur.

S'ha d'entendre, potser és un parany més, que tot plegat només te sentit si comprens i acceptes que no existeix el lliure albir, que només ets una peça més dins una immensa maquinària en la qual no pots decidir rés i ja s'ha decidit d'avantmà la teva posició a l'univers....
... això és insoportable per anys que passin, costa d'acceptar.

He sentit parlar només de dues persones que tenien aquesta capacitat (i són mortes de ja fa anys) i el que tenien en comú es que no et demaneven pas diners -n'hi havía una que amb una capsa de galetes era feliç...-

En realitat veure el futur -i el passat també, pots anar envant i endarrera com et plagui...- no serveix per a rés, no pots evitar rés, no pots cambiar-lo... a més està protegit i és coherent, per molt que vulguis no podràs mai esbrinar el número de la lotería si no t'ha de tocar... quin disbarat si cada setmana et toques el número de lotería com si l'Univers estigués al teu servei, això no passarà mai.

A més, la informació que obtens està fora de context i és molt difícil d'interpretar... es com quan vas pel carrer i passes pel costat d'un parell de persones que estàn xerrant entre elles, que pots deduïr d'unes poques paraules?, rés.

Hi ha qui veu imatges i hi ha qui percep emocions o estats d'ànim... si intentes cercar coses concretes et perdràs i no trobaràs rés, potser perquè no passarà mai. Has de deixar que les coses vinguin.
I els bucles? són un maldecap, preocupar-te durant mesos per una cosa que no passarà mai però que s'ha anat retroalimentant desde el futur cap al passat...

De vegades penso que potser hi ha una jerarquía dins aquesta xarxa de coneixement i poder el que passa es cada persona te uns determinats permisos d'usuari per accedir a segons quins nivells, però només és un pensament.

Ah!, i evidentment la gran majoría són uns estafadors, diuen moltes bajanades i fa molta ràbia escoltar-los.
Respecte als que llegeixen o veuen el futur de debó amb eines diverses, com les cartes del tarot, només dir que estic convençut que la fat els hi ha facilitat aquesta manera d'accedir a aquest coneixement... i respecte als que els hi ve el futur vulguin o no i que condiciona tant la seva estabilitat mental, només desitjar-los el millor.

Però de debó, a qui li agraden els 'spoilers' sobre la seva vida, és més agraït viure-la tú mateix que no que t'aixafin la teva pròpia història.
Feeding Pigeons

Feeding Pigeons

Aug 5, 2021
Crimes solved by psychics are probably coincidence or a factor of the subconscious brain putting the pieces together better than the conscious could.
I agree with this take. I don't trust coincidences, and I think intuition is very powerful. I do not think the future can be predicted. I think the whole concept of psychics takes advantage of people underestimating what the subconscious is capable of comprehending.
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Oct 25, 2021
My personal opinion is the same as the truth, psychics are not real. They're in the same realm as snake oils and horoscopes.
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Jul 31, 2020
No, I've never seen a psychic guess the lottery numbers