

I've made up my mind.
Sep 23, 2018
Nope. I reckon when you die that's it. Game over.
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Oct 9, 2018
My bladder is falling out through my lady parts and it's not considered a medical emergency so I don't believe in god. Else he is one sick b. I haven't even had kids.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
Either there is a God who has revealed Himself to us.
There is a God who has not revealed Himself to us.

How else could everything in the whole entire universe just come from nothing ?
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Sep 7, 2018
If you look at all the worldwide cultures and different ways of perceiving god, there are so many gods that the question should be if you believe in 'your god'. I think if you believe in one it's necessary to believe in them all. I see god as a metaphor for something in every person, our relationship with the rest of life. In this way, god has nothing to do with religion. This is why some philosopher said that we are all gods. Do i believe in me, that's the question. There used to be times when i'd see a sunset or a flock of birds and think that this surely can't be a coincidence. I really don't know anymore, it doesn't bother me or pose the questions that it used to.
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Sep 7, 2018
No. If a God exists, he has to be one hell of an asshole to allow all the atrocities that happen in this world.
I think the idea is that people bring the suffering upon themselves, god or no god. But yes, if people insist on inflicting suffering on each other it's hard to see that the raw material can have been created by something divine. As usual we are completely centralised on humanity with regards to god. Humans represent a tiny fraction of life on this planet. Perhaps god exists naturally in every aspect of life on earth and it's just humans who worry about it all.
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Aug 4, 2018
I've discovered humanism recently - where no God exists but everyone should just be a decent human being anyway
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World of Warcraft gamer
Oct 4, 2018
No because I'm a Buddhist.
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life is fleeting.....
Oct 8, 2018
God is backwards for Dog so therefore dogs should be worshiped.
you crack me up...i love dogs...love is a kind of worship..isnt it??
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Oct 3, 2018
i hope in an afterlife without suffering , an infinite warm soft cloud for us all ... for our broken hearts ...but no , i do not believe in god, but if he really existed , it would be a sadistic god who loves watching people suffering and does nothing about it ...
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life is fleeting.....
Oct 8, 2018
i hope in an afterlife without suffering , an infinite warm soft cloud for us all ... for our broken hearts ...but no , i do not believe in god, but if he really existed , it would be a sadistic god who loves watching people suffering and does nothing about it ...
one of the litrature on after life i went thru states that there are different levels... 1 to 7..one being the highest and 7 bring the lowest. it's states that based on the learnings by the soul on the earth life and the way the individual conducted him/ her self they would be send to the levels they deserve.it says that the level one would be thr darkest one. there would be angels or evolved souls who would help the souls at lover level to progress up. your relatives and friends who are on upper level will alto try to help you reach higher levels...

another theory says there is no different treatment of the souls that pass over irrespective of how their conduct during their earth life... it says as parents forgive children God to forgive thr souls which pass over.

both the theories says they every soul which passes over will be helped to heal..
as i mentioned in my earlier post..all these are theories..no proof..its totally on us to be live it or leave it!!

I was worried initially..but not any more..slowly am moving into a space where nothing matters..god..after life, heaven or hell..all that matters to me is my exit form this world as planned.
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Sep 7, 2018
Like you say, i used to be interested much more in all this. Humanity is good, the rest i have no idea. The buddhists i met in india and nepal and also here seemed very sincere about humanity, the christians.. a few good ones also quite a few notable total hypocrites and racists. All that really mattered to them was ringing bells on sunday and wanting to get rid of the dispossessed, the immigrants. It's just my experience, i know some christians who get the humanity thing completely, some who don't. My only contact with a christian on this site revealed a very human person.
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Oct 3, 2018
one of the litrature on after life i went thru states that there are different levels... 1 to 7..one being the highest and 7 bring the lowest. it's states that based on the learnings by the soul on the earth life and the way the individual conducted him/ her self they would be send to the levels they deserve.it says that the level one would be thr darkest one. there would be angels or evolved souls who would help the souls at lover level to progress up. your relatives and friends who are on upper level will alto try to help you reach higher levels...

another theory says there is no different treatment of the souls that pass over irrespective of how their conduct during their earth life... it says as parents forgive children God to forgive thr souls which pass over.

both the theories says they every soul which passes over will be helped to heal..
as i mentioned in my earlier post..all these are theories..no proof..its totally on us to be live it or leave it!!

I was worried initially..but not any more..slowly am moving into a space where nothing matters..god..after life, heaven or hell..all that matters to me is my exit form this world as planned.
i have always had the idea of an afterlife in which our souls could be healed with a love that is not accessible in this life ... a love so pure and infinite that cant be reached by this fragile reality…it's like if i perceived that there's something that i cant explain or understand, but whose peace and greatness i can feel … and it attracts me ... i thank you for writing those theories :33 … i'm so sensitive to them … about the existence of god, i can't believe it because of the suffering that is life … but i believe in some sort of energy that is love that we will experience out of this life <33
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Aug 31, 2018
No. I did ask a kid but one day it occurred to me this doesn't make any sense.
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Aug 31, 2018
i hope in an afterlife without suffering , an infinite warm soft cloud for us all ... for our broken hearts ...but no , i do not believe in god, but if he really existed , it would be a sadistic god who loves watching people suffering and does nothing about it ...

Very true. I was also once at a funeral and they were talking about how the deceased man is in heaven and how he's at peace and all that. I thought to myself, "Wouldn't a loving God just have heaven, and every living being would bypass suffering and go straight to heaven?"
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Sep 3, 2018
Either there is a God who has revealed Himself to us.
There is a God who has not revealed Himself to us.

How else could everything in the whole entire universe just come from nothing ?
Maybe nothingness is the true reality and all of this is but a dream/hologram like matrix where the Void tries to cope with itself. That's what I 'believe' anyway.
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Oct 3, 2018
Maybe nothingness is the true reality and all of this is but a dream/hologram like matrix where the Void tries to cope with itself. That's what I 'believe' anyway.
maybe this is why we all feel so empty ...
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Sep 3, 2018
you crack me up...i love dogs...love is a kind of worship..isnt it??
Well besides a few other species dogs are the only 'All-loving' beings I know of that comes close to what a 'god' is or how humans want to define it.
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Sep 3, 2018
That's exactly my point! Think about it about for a moment. Have you ever heard the saying 'We are the universe experiencing itself'? Especially when we are stuck between two eternities of unknown properties where eternal oblivion may be the default setting of the universe? Also considering that life is a losing game regardless and you enter this world with nothing and will end with nothing. Humans like to define objects and have a certain understanding of what this reality is when it could be the complete opposite of what actually is. Look up Alan Watts 'Nothingness is the ultimate reality' or 'the beauty of nothingness' on YouTube. He briefly explains what I somewhat believe which is the aesthetic Void which encompasses everything. When asked 'Who are you really?' We tell urselves we may know but in all actuality we know nothing. Now of course I could be wrong and it's just that I've taken too many drugs.

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life is fleeting.....
Oct 8, 2018
i hope in an afterlife without suffering , an infinite warm soft cloud for us all ... for our broken hearts ...but no , i do not believe in god, but if he really existed , it would be a sadistic god who loves watching people suffering and does nothing about it ...
soft cloud or not...but am sure of one thing..there wont be any more suffering <33
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life is fleeting.....
Oct 8, 2018
Well besides a few other species dogs are the only 'All-loving' beings I know of that comes close to what a 'god' is or how humans want to define it.
can't agree more..they define unconditional love...
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Oct 3, 2018
That's exactly my point! Think about it about for a moment. Have you ever heard the saying 'We are the universe experiencing itself'? Especially when we are stuck between two eternities of unknown properties where eternal oblivion is the default setting of the universe. Also considering that life is a losing game regardless and you enter this world with nothing and will end with nothing. Humans like to define objects and have a certain understanding of what this reality is when it could be the complete opposite of what actually is. Look up Alan Watts 'Nothingness is the ultimate reality' or 'the beauty of nothingness' on YouTube. He briefly explains what I somewhat believe which is the aesthetic Void which encompasses everything. When ask 'Who are you really?' We tell urselves we may know but in all actuality we know nothing. Now of course I could be wrong and it's just that I've taken too many drugs.

... i have thought about something similar .. we are an infinitely little piece of the universe .. so small that we dont matter anything in the evolution and growth of the universe ...at the end of the day we did nothing ...we cant influence the way the universe evolves and progresses…idk ..i'm so confused ...maybe this does not even have anything to do with what you are saying ... im on drugs to oXD ...i saw some videos of alan watts … and everything he says is so fascinating and misterious ...i am definitely going to watch them :33
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Sep 3, 2018
... i have thought about something similar .. we are an infinitely little piece of the universe .. so small that we dont matter anything in the evolution and growth of the universe ...at the end of the day we did nothing ...we cant influence the way the universe evolves and progresses…idk ..i'm so confused ...maybe this does not even have anything to do with what you are saying ... im on drugs to oXD ...i saw some videos of alan watts … and everything he says is so fascinating and misterious ...i am definitely going to watch them :33
We may be nothing but if that's the case then in a way we are everything. I know that doesn't help much especially for people like us who feel so disconnected from it all.
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Oct 3, 2018
We may be nothing but if that's the case then in a way we are everything. I know that doesn't help much especially for people like us who feel so disconnected from it all.
being nothing and everything at the same time makes me feel so … i dk ..i cant find a word ..but very very lost :D
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Sep 3, 2018
being nothing and everything at the same time makes me feel so … i dk ..i cant find a word ..but very very lost :D
Lost in translation because we don't know how we fit in within this reality.
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Oct 3, 2018
Lost in translation because we don't know how we fit in within this reality.
i was exactly thinking about lost in traslation when i wrote it :D my fav movie :3 ..emm anyway if there was really a god , we would perceive him and perceive us as his creation , and we wouldnt feel so lost …
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Oct 3, 2018
i was exactly thinking about lost in traslation when i wrote it :D my fav movie :3 ..emm anyway if there was really a god , we would perceive him and perceive us as his creation , and we wouldnt feel so lost …

That's assuming God is actually benevolent and omnipotent. Now imagine an imperfect, limited creator, with dubious morality. Reminds me of a very good short story by Australian SF author Greg Egan:
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Sep 17, 2018
Yes I believe in God and in the afterlife that is in the NDEs, it gives me so much comfort and consolation and is the most important thing in my life besides my family
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
Not at all.
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