
Aug 20, 2024
Do you guys believe in dreams? I had a dream that my son is standing in the other room but I can see him. He looked so handsome just they way he is and he said "mom, someone told me to do it" he said that twice and then I wake up.. I think my son was brain washed or bullied! The dream was so real but it was a minute.
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May 12, 2024
I don't. I think dreams are images your brain creates based on your thoughts, beliefs, fears/desires, memories, etc. I don't think our dreams can reveal things to us that we didn't already know (or are unknowable to us). I also don't believe in dream analysis- I don't think you can really glean a deeper meaning or insight out of your dreams.
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Jan 1, 2024
I fully believe thats him visiting you to let you know hes ok!
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Aug 20, 2024
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
I'm not here to bash on any possible spirituality or beliefs, nor am I here to diminish your grief. Moreover, even though I'm studying psychology, I have only really put the bear minimum effort into dream psychology and the works of Jung and Frued, as I'm more aligned and interested in the clinical aspects rather than the philosophical. That said, going off their perspectives, Frued would likely say that this is some unconscious desire to relieve you of any guilt you had for your son's death, by directing that guilt towards another person. Jung might argue that this person indirectly is you, as it's a manifestation of your guilt.

That said, again, my personal stance on dream psychology is that it's more based in theory than reality. Whether you accept dreams as truth, and not just a garbled mess of our brains interpretation of our experience and subconscious thoughts is ultimately up to you.
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Jul 18, 2024
I would say that most people here are hardcore materialists, but I'm not one of them.

I think visitation dreams can be plausible and they are common after the passing of a loved one. Even when I think about things a lot I rarely dream of them, for whatever reason, but these types of dreams seem not uncommon.
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Careless Soul « MtF »
Nov 13, 2023
I don't "believe" in dreams. They're simply a reflection of my state of my mind, memories and what I did during the day. There's nothing I should believe, it's just a thing and that's it imo. A mashup of brain data. My dreams usually are clear to understand at least roughly. When I feel very bad my dreams become very dark. If I think about CTB a lot my dreams will reflect that. I hardly have inexplicable dreams and my dreams stabilised over the years. I hope to lucid dream more.
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
I don't "believe" in dreams. They're simply a reflection of my state of my mind, memories and what I did during the day. There's nothing I should believe, it's just a thing and that's it imo. A mashup of brain data. My dreams usually are clear to understand at least roughly. When I feel very bad my dreams become very dark. If I think about CTB a lot my dreams will reflect that. I hardly have inexplicable dreams and my dreams stabilised over the years. I hope to lucid dream more.
This is a very self aware and reflective perspective. Even if I myself don't really think there is anything to gleam from dreams, I still find dream analysis to be interesting and to some degree based in reality even if it's 95% based in theory and philosophy.

Even if I have nightmares or shitty dreams I'm glad to remember a fair amount of my dreams, they occasionally help provide differing perspectives on conflicts.
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Aug 20, 2024
I don't. I think dreams are images your brain creates based on your thoughts, beliefs, fears/desires, memories, etc. I don't think our dreams can reveal things to us that we didn't already know (or are unknowable to us). I also don't believe in dream analysis- I don't think you can really glean a deeper meaning or insight out of your dreams.
Thank you so much appreciate your response
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Aug 28, 2024
Not really but they sometimes represent what we fear. When I was in a horrible situation for a long time I was often dreaming about escaping from various places, or traveling and getting separated from the group, lost and unable to find a way out. The brain just takes random things from your memory and creates scenarios without any logic lol
I enjoy dreams a lot, they're way more interesting than my real life could ever be and I sometimes wish I could just sleep all the time and be in an alternate reality
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Aug 20, 2024
I'm not here to bash on any possible spirituality or beliefs, nor am I here to diminish your grief. Moreover, even though I'm studying psychology, I have only really put the bear minimum effort into dream psychology and the works of Jung and Frued, as I'm more aligned and interested in the clinical aspects rather than the philosophical. That said, going off their perspectives, Frued would likely say that this is some unconscious desire to relieve you of any guilt you had for your son's death, by directing that guilt towards another person. Jung might argue that this person indirectly is you, as it's a manifestation of your guilt.

That said, again, my personal stance on dream psychology is that it's more based in theory than reality. Whether you accept dreams as truth, and not just a garbled mess of our brains interpretation of our experience and subconscious thoughts is ultimately up to you.
It was my fav class I took psychology as elective and Frued theories was fun I'm not trying to build defense mechanism I know I'm guilty and I'm not blaming anyone but me. But it could be a sign to let me know he's ok. I do believe in dreams. I had dreams that come true in the past. I can't really say you could be right.. appreciate your response
I would say that most people here are hardcore materialists, but I'm not one of them.

I think visitation dreams can be plausible and they are common after the passing of a loved one. Even when I think about things a lot I rarely dream of them, for whatever reason, but these types of dreams seem not uncommon.
Thank you so much!! I believe so too
I don't "believe" in dreams. They're simply a reflection of my state of my mind, memories and what I did during the day. There's nothing I should believe, it's just a thing and that's it imo. A mashup of brain data. My dreams usually are clear to understand at least roughly. When I feel very bad my dreams become very dark. If I think about CTB a lot my dreams will reflect that. I hardly have inexplicable dreams and my dreams stabilised over the years. I hope to lucid dream more.
Appreciate your response and sharing your experience.. because they are dreams we can't really tell.. we just wake-up in the morning and think about them I know I do..
Not really but they sometimes represent what we fear. When I was in a horrible situation for a long time I was often dreaming about escaping from various places, or traveling and getting separated from the group, lost and unable to find a way out. The brain just takes random things from your memory and creates scenarios without any logic lol
I enjoy dreams a lot, they're way more interesting than my real life could ever be and I sometimes wish I could just sleep all the time and be in an alternate reality
Do you think when we are actually dreaming we're dead and our soul leaves our body to this adventure and it comeback if we're not ready to die? That's what my grandma told me
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
It was my fav class I took psychology as elective and Frued theories was fun I'm not trying to build defense mechanism I know I'm guilty and I'm not blaming anyone but me. But it could be a sign to let me know he's ok. I do believe in dreams. I had dreams that come true in the past. I can't really say you could be right.. appreciate your response
More than fair enough! I will caution taking action on the wisdom or knowledges inferred from dreams though, as it's potentially dangerous.
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Aug 20, 2024
More than fair enough! I will caution taking action on the wisdom or knowledges inferred from dreams though, as it's potentially dangerous.
I know thank you so much tho! Appreciate you


Aug 28, 2024
It was my fav class I took psychology as elective and Frued theories was fun I'm not trying to build defense mechanism I know I'm guilty and I'm not blaming anyone but me. But it could be a sign to let me know he's ok. I do believe in dreams. I had dreams that come true in the past. I can't really say you could be right.. appreciate your response

Thank you so much!! I believe so too

Appreciate your response and sharing your experience.. because they are dreams we can't really tell.. we just wake-up in the morning and think about them I know I do..

Do you think when we are actually dreaming we're dead and our soul leaves our body to this adventure and it comeback if we're not ready to die? That's what my grandma told me
It's one way to look at it haha, I think it's just a metaphor, I don't know if we people actually have souls as in spirits because I'm not really religious
But sometimes it really feels like I'm in a different place when dreaming, a few times after waking up I even managed to come back to that same dream, weird
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Aug 20, 2024
It's one way to look at it haha, I think it's just a metaphor, I don't know if we people actually have souls as in spirits because I'm not really religious
But sometimes it really feels like I'm in a different place when dreaming, a few times after waking up I even managed to come back to that same dream, weird
lol 😂 Right? I feel the same way! I don't think it matters if we religious or not there is something behind our unconscious. I need the laugh, thanks
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Womp womp myself
Aug 21, 2023
I feel like dreams are just the brain moving and compressing information. Though, I do feel like what you have dreams about do represent emotions and can provide insight into your thoughts.
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Aug 20, 2024
I feel like dreams are just the brain moving and compressing information. Though, I do feel like what you have dreams about do represent emotions and can provide insight into your thoughts.
Make sense! Appreciate your response


May 20, 2024
I think dreams are only related to your own state of mind, concerning your own thoughts, memories, feelings and emotions, but nothing suggests they are related to someone elses's. And that includes not representing any kind of communication, either through telepathy or anything supernatural.
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Aug 20, 2024
I think dreams are only related to your own state of mind, concerning your own thoughts, memories, feelings and emotions, but nothing suggests they are related to someone elses's. And that includes not representing any kind of communication, either through telepathy or anything supernatural.
Thank you for your response! It's all suspicious everything is possible but we can never know.


Jul 31, 2024
I'm not here to bash on any possible spirituality or beliefs, nor am I here to diminish your grief. Moreover, even though I'm studying psychology, I have only really put the bear minimum effort into dream psychology and the works of Jung and Frued, as I'm more aligned and interested in the clinical aspects rather than the philosophical. That said, going off their perspectives, Frued would likely say that this is some unconscious desire to relieve you of any guilt you had for your son's death, by directing that guilt towards another person. Jung might argue that this person indirectly is you, as it's a manifestation of your guilt.

That said, again, my personal stance on dream psychology is that it's more based in theory than reality. Whether you accept dreams as truth, and not just a garbled mess of our brains interpretation of our experience and subconscious thoughts is ultimately up to you.
Question! I thought Frued and co. had been relegated to the past by modern psychology. They're still teaching it?

I enjoy dreams a lot, they're way more interesting than my real life could ever be and I sometimes wish I could just sleep all the time and be in an alternate reality
Yea, when I have periods where I can briefly recall my dreams after waking they're always my favorite part of the day. Eager to go to sleep again and have another dream. Even if it's a nightmare it's still more interesting than my reality. Better than movies. There's been long stretches of time where I seem to have dreamless sleep, but I just assume I can't recall anything from them when I wake. They're always the worst periods of my life. My one 'joy' gets taken away ;-;

Dreams are fun, but meaningless. Like another user posted, they won't tell you anything you didn't already know.
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
Question! I thought Frued and co. had been relegated to the past by modern psychology. They're still teaching it?
Sigmund "THESE EELS ARE ALL MEN" Freud is stupidly still taught by psychology courses, including upper division university psychology in America(albeit more for introductory courses as I haven't heard about him in a while but did when taking research methods). Though a lot of his theories were him literally snorting cocaine, he still played an important role in psychology. While most of his theories have since been debunked about 10000 times over, his takes on dream analysis, and to some level the pseudo science that is psychological analysis are still relevant to many psych courses, be it as a historical example of progress, or in the case of dream analysis a proper psychological theory(with faults ofc).

For anyone wondering about the Eel thing, before being a psychologist Freud famously dissected 400 eels, and because he didn't know eels don't develop sexual organs until they are fully mature he just made the assumption that the eels he was dissecting somehow were all the same gender(I actually can't recall if it was male or female but vaguely remember it being male). Quite the funny lad, definitely doesn't jump to conclusions like children lusting after their parents.
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May 20, 2024
Thank you for your response! It's all suspicious everything is possible but we can never know.
Well, it's not as if other explanations could not be true, but we would first need to find out by studying dreams and by proving something bold. And we are just not there...yet. :)
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Aug 20, 2024
Well, it's not as if other explanations could not be true, but we would first need to find out by studying dreams and by proving something bold. And we are just not there...yet. :)
Agreed! Somethings you can't explain not everything is detailed just like the after life. Thank you so much for your response and I totally agree with you
Question! I thought Frued and co. had been relegated to the past by modern psychology. They're still teaching it?

Yea, when I have periods where I can briefly recall my dreams after waking they're always my favorite part of the day. Eager to go to sleep again and have another dream. Even if it's a nightmare it's still more interesting than my reality. Better than movies. There's been long stretches of time where I seem to have dreamless sleep, but I just assume I can't recall anything from them when I wake. They're always the worst periods of my life. My one 'joy' gets taken away ;-;

Dreams are fun, but meaningless. Like another user posted, they won't tell you anything you didn't already know.
Thank you appreciate your response! And yes dreams are my fav too it's included with sleeping away from my pain
Sigmund "THESE EELS ARE ALL MEN" Freud is stupidly still taught by psychology courses, including upper division university psychology in America(albeit more for introductory courses as I haven't heard about him in a while but did when taking research methods). Though a lot of his theories were him literally snorting cocaine, he still played an important role in psychology. While most of his theories have since been debunked about 10000 times over, his takes on dream analysis, and to some level the pseudo science that is psychological analysis are still relevant to many psych courses, be it as a historical example of progress, or in the case of dream analysis a proper psychological theory(with faults ofc).

For anyone wondering about the Eel thing, before being a psychologist Freud famously dissected 400 eels, and because he didn't know eels don't develop sexual organs until they are fully mature he just made the assumption that the eels he was dissecting somehow were all the same gender(I actually can't recall if it was male or female but vaguely remember it being male). Quite the funny lad, definitely doesn't jump to conclusions like children lusting after their parents.
He's the most stupid person ever and his theories are all outdated… it's 2024 for god sake we have way more explanations and research But his theories are fun and unfortunately they still in grad school classes.
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
Question! I thought Frued and co. had been relegated to the past by modern psychology. They're still teaching it?
Also I just thought to add, but it's bold of you to assume that college courses, even upper division prestigious universities would actually put in effort to adjust their curriculum instead of just rehashing old information(even if it's been disproven or highly criticized). Last year in my upper division cognitive psychology course the textbook cited a notably questionable source to support that videogames cause violence(one I've seen before and one the used literal prisoners as the participants). Even the APA has backtracked on saying there is a causal link between videogames and violence.

At least in Murica, college is a business, and like all highly capitalistic business, they cut corners to increase profits. Even if it's at the expense of spreading misinformation.
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Aug 20, 2024
Also I just thought to add, but it's bold of you to assume that college courses, even upper division prestigious universities would actually put in effort to adjust their curriculum instead of just rehashing old information(even if it's been disproven or highly criticized). Last year in my upper division cognitive psychology course the textbook cited a notably questionable source to support that videogames cause violence(one I've seen before and one the used literal prisoners as the participants). Even the APA has backtracked on saying there is a causal link between videogames and violence.

At least in Murica, college is a business, and like all highly capitalistic business, they cut corners to increase profits. Even if it's at the expense of spreading misinformation.
Wow! It's crazy! It's all about business even at the hospital where I work at. They dc patients once Medicare stops payment. It's like there is no morals anymore. It's all about money. I really hate this life.

Connecting video games to violence and even suicide was talked about in my area. They do research and interview a couple if participants but do they represent all people??? We will always have questions
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
Wow! It's crazy! It's all about business even at the hospital where I work at. They dc patients once Medicare stops payment. It's like there is no morals anymore. It's all about money. I really hate this life.
When I was a 12 year old, I actually was going to do a presentation of euthanasia(for life support and hospice) and the morality of it. I still remember to this day having to change my argument from being anti euthanasia to pro since all the information I found literally was about how the medical industry milks people for their money to keep them barely alive rather than inject them with two shots worth around 100 dollars. There was 0 things really negative about euthanasia equipment on premise aside from a couple of famous serial killer nurses who went rogue.
Connecting video games to violence and even suicide was talked about in my area. They do research and interview a couple if participants but do they represent all people??? We will always have questions
This is something I've done a bit of looking into, and can say there are some studies which show videogames can cause lasting aggression, but it's nothing solid enough to actually make the assessment and the weight of evidence in the psych community still is profoundly one sided in the idea that videogames don't cause long term aggression. It's worth noting that they can cause short term aggression, but it's nonviolent and subsides with 10-15 minutes. The experiment for one of these studies was literally playing Darksouls 3 iirc.
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Aug 20, 2024
When I was a 12 year old, I actually was going to do a presentation of euthanasia(for life support and hospice) and the morality of it. I still remember to this day having to change my argument from being anti euthanasia to pro since all the information I found literally was about how the medical industry milks people for their money to keep them barely alive rather than inject them with two shots worth around 100 dollars. There was 0 things really negative about euthanasia equipment on premise aside from a couple of famous serial killer nurses who went rogue.

This is something I've done a bit of looking into, and can say there are some studies which show videogames can cause lasting aggression, but it's nothing solid enough to actually make the assessment and the weight of evidence in the psych community still is profoundly one sided in the idea that videogames don't cause long term aggression. It's worth noting that they can cause short term aggression, but it's nonviolent and subsides with 10-15 minutes. The experiment for one of these studies was literally playing Darksouls 3 iirc.
It's all about money! I agree with you
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
It's all about money! I agree with you
Another thing worth noting. A good chuck of the money which is used to lobby against euthanasia isn't from republicans or religio-nazis. It's from the medical industry.


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Nope. Dreams are, in of themselves, meaningless. They are more likely to be as a result of things, such as emotional processing or just an unintended byproduct of brain activity during sleep. It's more likely that your dreams of your son are just a result of brain activity, not because of some sort of spiritual thing.

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