I will never believe in an afterlife , reincarnation, souls , computer simulation, magic, multiverses , other demensions, rebirth, none of that ever.
to me it makes sense how only a chemical reaction and evolution could create such immense suffering and extreme torture in sentient animals like humans and others. the animals who could feel the worst pain lived longer and passed on their genes . our ancestors are those that could suffer the worst pain. every generation made pain worse. the ones who didn't feel the pain of hunger or starvation or injury or discomfort didn't work as hard to correct that pain so they died younger and didn't have offspring or less offspring. the pain had to be intolerable to the animal to get it to take massive action to stop the pain . so evolution created a torture chamber animal and human brains, a brain that can suffer unending constant unbearable pain.
I will never believe in an afterlife , reincarnation, souls , computer simulation, magic, multiverses , other dimensions, rebirth , none of that ever.there is not one single piece of evidence for any of that not one. however there are libraries of books of proof on every page on every paragraph for evolution , that humans and all life evolved from a single cell. and that cell evolved from naturally occuring chemical reactions. furthermore libraries of books in other sciences like brain science, chemistry, molecular cell biology and others further cross confirm every other experemint and peice of evidence in libraries thousands of books on these and other sciences.
I will never believe in an afterlife , reincarnation, souls , computer simulation, magic, multiverses , other demensions, none of that ever.it seems to me all these beliefs i mentioned above are kinda pro-life because they seem to impart some kind of importance on life. DNA based life is only chemical reactions. chemicals mixed in water and then life evolved. that's it a chemical reaction. it's not important and totally meaningless. only evolution and culture society implanting beliefs into the brains of humans from ages 0-7 is what makes them think any of this has any meaning , importance or value.
the only thing life produces is a brain that can suffer unending constant unbearable pain. that is not important , planned , special , beautiful but an extreme horror.
so to me i don't believe that there could be a god or computer programmer that would think it's so important to create this torture chamber , extreme suffering , unbearable pain .
it's very horrific to think that i would live / exist another minute in any kind of existence , to think that it could continue for quintilion years is a unimaginable nightmare. i'm glad i know it will end after this brain dies non-existence forever the ultimate bliss to me