I've sort of made my own pascal's wager for this question. I don't actually know if there's anything after we die, nor can I prove it, and good luck asking anyone who's dead; I figured however, that I might as well believe in something nice. Something I'd want to exists forever in, and it's not that difficult to imagine such a thing for me.
Fuck it, I'll share it right now:
Here's what I think, the afterlife is a massive mega-city. Every sentient being that dies ends up in this city, which is composed of not just humans, but all sorts of species from across the infinite universe. There is a common language, so everyone understands each other. There are modern appliances and futuristic technology, some of which automates the labor needed to upkeep such an impossible engineering feat, and it's so complex no one can grasp how it works, it just works. This city has sectors which are better build to accommodate certain species, say, bipeds humanoids with 2 grasping limbs, something along those lines. My ideal afterlife would be to be given housing in this mega city, and spend my eternity consuming the endless art produced by its denizens, including -but not limited to- books, paintings, videogames, food, movies, and so on. Ideally, I'd also like to make friends.
So yea, that's my unhinged afterlife. Anyone is free to steal this