I've had to deal with around 20 people and businesses over the past 18 months and the only one who fulfilled their side of the deal without me having to chase them is the mortgage company. Everyone else, the housing association, financial advisor, solar panel company, friends, ex employer, job centre, therapists, other helpers, they have all failed in their obligation or promise, whether that be not calling back when they said they would, not getting me information they said they would find out, not processing paperwork they should have done. I'm just fed up of it all. It's bad enough with me making more mistakes because of my mental health problems but when I have to keep calling them back or telling them they have done something wrong or forgotten to do something - especially when they think I'm just moaning so they ignore me the first few times, and then they realise I'm actually informing them of a real error they have made, and it took me a month to get them to even take a look.
And I know I'll just end up getting another job where my colleagues will be the same as always, unambitious, deliberately going slow to get overtime offered, bitching about the bosses, but being nice to their faces, ignoring rules and not doing any learning properly, even breaking the law. I can't go into another job like that.