
Sep 16, 2020
The worst type of people who preach life's worth living without doing anything to help others, they take and take whilst putting pressure on kids etc.
They are evil and they tend to be the cause people turn into mentally ill types of evil like these bloody shooters.
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May 29, 2020
i think anyone is capable of feeling any emotion under the right circumstances
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Mar 21, 2021
I watched like 6 hours worth of psychiatrist interviews with him on YouTube, doesn't seem like a murderer at all.
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Mar 22, 2020
Maybe some of them do!
I've read some stories of different serial killers and I'm like "Damn, my childhood and adolescence were a blessing in comparison to this guy's".
Of course that doesn't justify the fact of taking anyone's life but, going through that is certainly something hard to deal with.
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Jul 7, 2019
A few do, but most really evil people are psychopaths who are literally incapable of feeling remorse or empathy.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
99% if criminals aren't evil, and of all the truly "evil" people they would probably all be capable of regret
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Sep 10, 2018
No, if someone gets sentenced to death for being a criminal (for example, being gay in the Middle East), there's no way there's anything good about them. Joking. But seriously though. Lately I have felt evil. And I have thought about the "you either die or live long enough to become evil". It's like this world has removed all the good things about me. I wonder how many bad people were originally good people who were just infected by this world and became evil. Like narcissists. Some narcs are born, but some were good people who got treated like trash.

People are often in three groups. Imagine a really good looking, neurotypical, healthy, rich person. He gets treated well his whole life thanks to the halo effect (google if you don't know). He's always liked, always loved, always gets support. He becomes a person who says bad things, because he knows people will still love him. What is the hatred of one or two people, when you can go to any bar, say "I'm tall and handsome and rich" and impregnate the whole town and next day get a promotion at your work? (According to studies, your height affects your promotion chances, people want big, tall, handsome leaders, no one wants to be led by an ugly small man. Just like a gorilla group. People haven't evolved much.) He has grown accustomed to people loving him no matter what he does and says, and then one day he starts to think "I can do literally anything!" and does something bad. Maybe assaults an old woman and robs her bag or maybe even something worse. After all, Meeks exists. If you need help in ctb, google Meeks. He might feel some bits of remorse sometimes, but it's hard, after getting brainwashed by everyone to think he's so good.

The second group is "normies", the normal people. They may or may not feel remorse.

The third group is the mistreated ones. The boy who gets laughed at for having a small dick, being short, autist, being vegan, liking dolls instead of cars, being gay, trans, whatever. And though he can get friends and with luck even a spouse, there are always those who will treat him badly no matter what he says or does. Does he starts to do bad things, in the "I have been a good person and still been treated like trash, it doesn't matter what I say or do. I have tried being good, hasn't worked. Let's see if being bad works. After all, that tall handsome rich man does bad things and he gets treated well! I want people to take me seriously! What better way to make people take me seriously than to become serious myself? People always bow to fear!". He either feels a lot of remorse and might kill himself for that, or is so angry at others that he thinks that those people deserved it and that he shouldn't feel any remorse. He's so mentally numb, he can't feel anymore.

If people were a species which didn't have sexes, none of this would exists. There would be no reason to treat others based on their genes. Thus people would treat others based on their personalities. That good-looking person who calls every fat person an ugly pig? Outcast. That ugly person who is a good listener? Celebrated.

So long as people are mammals with sexes, we are no different from harem animals who celebrate the biggest and strongest and turn a blind eye when the weak ones die.

If people at the very least were like monogamous birds, where the personalities of the birds matter more than looks, things would be much better. If the tall, handsome male bird pumped and dumped you, you couldn't take of the kids alone. Your bloodline would end there. So you choose the smaller male who brings you food and warms the eggs when you're hunting.

Sure even in humans there are people who treat others based on their personalities and not looks, but those people aren't the majority. After all genitals control people more than brains could ever hope.

Birds truly are more evolved than humans.

Do I feel remorse = do people hate me now? No remorse = they love me because of my looks, status, money so I can do anything or they'll always hate me no matter what I do so no reason to have any remorse. Yes remorse = I get treated well when I do good things but they treat me badly when I do bad things, thus I feel remorse and try to correct my behavior and apologize in order to make people like me more.

Remorse exists to make you do things that make you more liked by other people. More remorse is always good. But people aren't always good.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
The more narcissistic / psychopathic ones no doubt regret that they got caught. But I can believe that many serious criminals do feel genuine remorse and regret, yes
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Mar 14, 2021
I think people make mistakes and are so very very sorry but I also think there are people who are disturbed and do not regret their criminal activities
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'm evil and I have tons of regrets. In fact, a lot of the hatred and vile spirit within me is actually motivated by regret.
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May 10, 2021
Wow, I think think Manaaja mentioned some really good points on regret and evil, as have the others here.

I think it is possible, but I would say it would be on a case-to-case basis. I definitely wouldn't blanket statement it being yes or no.

For this reason, I would say it depends on the person and the circumstances.
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Apr 29, 2021
Psychopaths make up about 1% of the population and are incapable of remorse, empathy or guilt. You'd therefore hope that the rest of us can feel regret or remorse but the environment that's nurtured you may make that very hard.

I'd probably challenge the phrase 'are criminals evil'. Think by nature human beings are a bit depraved anyway. Where the goodness in us comes from God only knows.


Sep 16, 2020
People are mostly made evil by their environment.
I believe true evil is people who are well aware of all the factions of humanity, psychology etc. Yet decide to do wicked things to hurt others.

Mass shooters tend to be seeking revenge for wrongs they feel we're done to them, the media certainly doesn't help *"cmon kids shoot each other and we'll put your name and message on the front page" *.
*"quick whilst stocks last" *

And also labelling someone as evil is only keeping them in their perhaps destructive nature even making them delve deeper into it.
Psychopaths make up about 1% of the population and are incapable of remorse, empathy or guilt. You'd therefore hope that the rest of us can feel regret or remorse but the environment that's nurtured you may make that very hard.

I'd probably challenge the phrase 'are criminals evil'. Think by nature human beings are a bit depraved anyway. Where the goodness in us comes from God only knows.
Its more liken15% fringe studies are now showing.
Of course I will get jumped on as people don't want to believe they are living among so many people without consience.
Do you really believe 1% of people can cause this world to be so horrifying, 15% will soon be the undeniable fact there's evidence for with a quick Google, I personally look around and think 1 out of four people intentionally do harm to others for pleasure and superiority even when it's not necessary for survival.
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Dec 4, 2020
Regret is often a byproduct of bad consequences.
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May 1, 2021
Everyone has regrets, has their own ways of coping, including psychopaths. I just deal with regrets differently.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It depends on the person, I think many probably do over time as they are suffering the consequences for the crime, they are incarcerated and have lots of time to think about what they have done. Some probably don't, maybe if they have severe mental illness and it is the way their brain is wired, to not feel remorse.


Tell my dogs I love them
May 29, 2020
I don't, for the most part, think people are divided into either 'good' or 'evil', I think good people can do bad things

I've done things that could be considered 'bad', albeit pretty much entirely as a result of my mental illnesses in which I essentially did not know what I was doing, but am absolutely riddled with guilt for said mistakes I've made in the past-a main reason for me wanting to CTB

So to answer your question, yes
M Berry M

M Berry M

Slutty and suicidal
May 9, 2021
i feel like everyone has regrets but it depends on the criminals psych and intention behind the crime in the first place at least thats my opinion.


May 12, 2021
I've read a book (A Dark Knight in Aurora) about this mass killer, James Holmes, and it appears that he was not in the right mind when he was doing this. The psychiatrist that was on the case decided otherwise but he was displaying some very psychotic thinking and was suffering from delusions and I think hallucinations too. Right before he decided to enter the movie theatre he called a psychiatric institution as some kind of hail mary.

I am in no way justifying his actions and what he did was clearly wrong and quite immoral but I do think it is possible for him to feel guilt. I would not say he has Antisocial Personality Disorder though.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Anyone who could do that is without shame or feelings of guilt. If he had not been caught he wouldn't be claiming he felt bad about it.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I don't really care. I'm more interested in the feelings of the people they've hurt


Dec 13, 2018
why all criminals should be called evil? What about all the others that never get caught and most people love as their idols?
I believe brainless and stupid people are the evil ones. Only creatures with no return errors in their heads can kill or hurt for no reason, or even worse - can hurt and kill with good intentions. And as long they don't have the brain to understand simple causality, the won't ever feel regret.
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