

Sep 12, 2020
Please do not take me wrong. These questions aren't judging, I am just curious.

I have often read or heard that people are found at the last second by relatives before they die by suicide. Mostly by methods that are not necessarily lethal, such as pills. Often they inform their relatives in advance what they intend to do.

Why do people do this? Is that a cry for help?
Does one really want to die for sure if one informs people in advance?

Since there are people here who have attempted suicide, I would be interested in their intention (apart from the cause/pain) why they gave people the opportunity to save them.
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
not a personal story, but a friend of mine, who's been depressed since 14 at least (and is now 22), made a suicide attempt last month. although she did have suicidal thoughts before, and even did some research, her attempt, may I say was rather pathetic.

it might sound like I'm being a bitch, but hear me out, she didn't even try to ingest a potentitly harmful medicine, she merely ingested lots of tylenol with alcohol. she had no plan, she did it on her house, while her whole family was there, in the middle of the day. because she was drunk as fuck, she passed out in the bathroom and they found her. she was not even taken to the hospital.

after that we talked a lot, and she told me that she did it, obviously, impulsively. yes, she contemplates suicides often, she would disappear if she could, still, there is still some sense of self preservation (which I believe it is if not impossible, tough, to get rid off) and even somehow hope in her. she told me she wasn't sure if she is happy or sad that it didn't succeed, but that even though she might deny it, she was crying for help as she passed out, she wanted to be found.

I think it may vary according to individuals circumstances. That friend of mine for example, her parents never acknowledged her issues, they dismiss it and treat it as if it was merely a childish behavior. For her, the suicide attempt, was a way to show them she is not kidding, it's not a phase or something irrelevant.

that's why I believe some people are really seeking out for attention, but not on a degrading sense, but they desire to be seen, acknowledged, helped. that doesn't mean they don't want to die, it is possible that they actually do, but at the same time, a part of them might want to stay, still wants to believe there is hope and perhaps a better tomorrow.

even if that's not the case, it can be that the person is just so desperate, so lost on it's feelings that any path might seem reliable enough. sometimes we cannot think rationally, sometimes we do not see things that are in front of us, and that might be the reason why people take pills that won't kill them, they want so bad for the pain to go away that they can't even spare time to look out for a solid method. I mean, that's what happens when I self harm, or indulge into stupid behaviors. I don't care for consequences, I can't barely form a thought or word, I just act.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I get a slight thrill when I tell people trying to get me to want to be saved that it's problematic for me (a man) to want to be saved, preferably by a woman (which I do). Whether or not it actually is problematic though, it's still funny watching people struggle to argue against that.

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