

Jul 13, 2018
'There may have been a previous thread about this.

Lots of posts, but how often is that effective ?
For me, it's all about what's effective.'

Discussion about the effectiveness of having a partner. This discussion includes the risks, dangers, and benefits associated with having a partner. Do you want to have a partner? Why? In your mind what is the practicality of success related to having a partner?

This thread is being recreated with the permission of Arak (Thanks!), in this thread there needs to be quality discussion. Please do not post less a reply with less then 1 sentence.
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I want ...
Nov 18, 2018
'There may have been a previous thread about this.

Lots of posts, but how often is that effective ?
For me, it's all about what's effective.'

Discussion about the effectiveness of having a partner. This discussion includes the risks, dangers, and benefits associated with having a partner. Do you want to have a partner? Why? In your mind what is the practicality of success related to having a partner?

This thread is being recreated with the permission of Arak (Thanks!), in this thread there needs to be quality discussion. Please do not post less a reply with less then 1 sentence.
How often is that effective? Sorry, but a suicide is not an exact science. Every human is different. Everyone here is looking for her/his way. We are looking for good way for us. We have needs, dreams, wishes, ideas. Nothing more.
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Jul 13, 2018
How often is that effective? Sorry, but a suicide is not an exact science. Every human is different. Everyone here is looking for her/his way. We are looking for good way for us. We have needs, dreams, wishes, ideas. Nothing more.

This thread is meant to gauge the effectiveness through discussion. I can't answer that question, only foster a thread that offers a place to have that discussion.
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I want ...
Nov 18, 2018
This thread is meant to gauge the effectiveness through discussion. I can't answer that question, only foster a thread that offers a place to have that discussion.
Ok. Sorry. For me a idea of a suicide partner is attractive. I hope he will give me more courage. But it is a idea only.
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ember in the dark
Dec 7, 2018
Personally I don't think a partner is worth it unless it's someone you already know and trust in real life. Imo finding someone on the internet and meeting them to ctb is way too risky and the cons definitely outweigh the pros. They could be dangerous, wanting to take advantage of you, pro-life, call the police, interrupt your attempt. I'd much sooner do it alone even if that makes it scarier for me.
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ember in the dark
Dec 7, 2018
It's a definitely a risk in a lot of ways, but I can say I've met someone on this site IRL with no issues. You need to talk to them a lot before meeting and if you think they might be dodgy just avoid it altogether
Yeah, I imagine a good 99% of people are legit especially if you see them active in the forums a lot. Knowing my luck if I had a partner they'd turn out to be dodgy and screw with my attempt somehow, lol
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Global Mod
Nov 20, 2018
There's another thing that comes to my mind when I think about partners.
What happens when one of the people survives the attempt while the other doesn't?
I can imagine it's likely you're gonna get arrested, at the very least until investigation is over.
A lot of countries don't have bail-systems either.
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Nov 6, 2018
There's another thing that comes to my mind when I think about partners.
What happens when one of the people survives the attempt while the other doesn't?
I can imagine it's likely you're gonna get arrested, at the very least until investigation is over.
A lot of countries don't have bail-systems either.
Yes, you'd most likely be arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder. And you'd probably be sued by the victim's family. So many risks involved in finding a partner.. i guess if you find an ideal one, great but so many factors can go wrong. What if you're ready to CTB and your partner backs out the last second? How do you deal with that situation?
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Apr 30, 2018
I wasn't going to chime in again but I will now because, well, I'm undisciplined that way.

I posted in the partners thread because I wanted to find someone offline to chat with in the days/weeks (God forbid months) leading up to the act and received not a single like or response—perhaps I should take this personally but, really, if you can't even secure an online/virtual buddy what are the chances you will find an actual partner?

I would LOVE an assisted dying guide to hold my hand as I pass but it's obvious that's not realistic, and frankly the suicidal folks I've met are much too (understandably) ambivalent about this to reckon a legitimate consideration.

Was speaking with a person for MONTHS in another country and suddenly this person is "fine" after claiming they wanted to die. So, I am skeptical. Extremely skeptical.
Last edited:
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Definitely not an option for me, the very significant risks far outweigh the scant possibility of success and, whilst obviously everyone is free to make their own decisions regarding partnerships, each decision should be made with full awareness of the possible dangers of such a course of action. By definition this forum houses people at their most vulnerable and desperate, and such a place will naturally attract people with far from noble intentions.

In three months here I've seen two scammers and one predator outed, just the other day l looked into the chat box to see one user pipe up with "where do l find necrophilia online?" before apologising publicly for this bizarre outburst in the off topic forum and receiving support and solidarity from other users for doing so. Any advert placed in the Partners megathread is an advertising of one's own desperation and vulnerability to such people of perhaps dubious intent and is done so at (potentially very significant) risk in my opinion. With all of this in mind, finding the appropriate partner would require such a time consuming and intensive amount of vetting which would often lead to such a deflating degree of disappointment, and would often be so beyond me when I'm in a very desperate state and with a nagging sense of urgency that I'd inevitably choose unwisely or allow my own judgement to be clouded.

For me, if l can't ctb alone, l can't ctb at all.
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Nov 15, 2018
I wasn't going to chime in again but I will now because, well, I'm undisciplined that way.

I posted in the partners thread because I wanted to find someone offline to chat with in the days/weeks (God forbid months) leading up to the act and received not a single like or response—perhaps I should take this personally but, really, if you can't even secure an online/virtual buddy what are the chances you will find an actual partner?

I would LOVE an assisted dying guide to hold my hand as I pass but it's obvious that's not realistic, and frankly the suicidal folks I've met are much too (understandably) ambivalent about this to reckon a legitimate consideration.

Was speaking with a person for MONTHS in another country and suddenly this person is "fine" after claiming they wanted to die. So, I am skeptical. Extremely skeptical.
Yes I was talkig to another person who lives in another country and I felt like I could relate to them. But turned out all they needed was someone to talk too. I was happy I could help them. But I felt played because if they just needed an ear to be listened to I wouldn't have poured my heart to them or talk about ctb with them when there was clearly another way to help them. It just made me realise that there is no solution for me. I felt alone again.
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I want ...
Nov 18, 2018
Personally I don't think a partner is worth it unless it's someone you already know and trust in real life. Imo finding someone on the internet and meeting them to ctb is way too risky and the cons definitely outweigh the pros. They could be dangerous, wanting to take advantage of you, pro-life, call the police, interrupt your attempt. I'd much sooner do it alone even if that makes it scarier for me.
Honestly. I know, looking for a right suicide partner will be difficult and hazardous.
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ember in the dark
Dec 7, 2018
Honestly. I know, looking for a right suicide partner will be difficult and hazardous.
Best luck though, if you are looking for a partner!
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I think if u decide to get a suicide partner, and especially if you are a female. I would run their name and do a background check just to at least know wether they are dangerous. Might cost a little but it might be wise. I would also talk to the person a lot prior to get a feel for them. You can discover a lot of inconsistencies in a text convo. You can see red flags if you pay careful attention and trust your gut. Also have phone conversation and Skype if u can. That way u know the person is legit. Linked in profile can help. Social media accounts.
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Self-Annihilation is loading...95%
Nov 27, 2018
Those who do find a suitable partner will most likely not post here and describe to everyone the success they had with it.

So this thread is going to be one-sided. Anti partner.

I encourage everyone who wants a partner to keep trying. And remember, bring something to the table to increase your chances.

Good luck fellow sufferers :)
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I want ...
Nov 18, 2018
Truth. Successful members are dead now. Only who was failed can write. So looking for positive experiences is not possible.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Truth. Successful members are dead now. Only who was failed can write. So looking for positive experiences is not possible.

The same could be said of every discussion regarding methods on here. The fact remains that stories of successful suicide pacts are very, very rare.
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Nov 23, 2018
And remember, bring something to the table to increase your chances.
Good point. Many don't. And I think this is one of the main reasons genuine partners don't reply.
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Nov 23, 2018
The fact remains that stories of successful suicide pacts are very, very rare.
Yes. But it's also due to the fact that the media don't cover suicides (at least in my country).
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Some idiot
May 11, 2018
If I wanted to do a pact I would rather have it be a close friend than a rando online but I would much rather try to ctb by myself cause if I fuck up, the consequences will definitely be less severe than say, my partner successfully ctbs and I suddenly back out at the last minute.

For those who are looking though, best of luck to you. If you're choosing to ultimately end your life then you might as well make the best you possibly can out of it for yourself.
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I want ...
Nov 18, 2018
The same could be said of every discussion regarding methods on here. The fact remains that stories of successful suicide pacts are very, very rare.
I found many news about suicides in pair from India. Also in Japan a group suicide is ordinary. In my country usually any news about suicides does not exist. But the statistic say it was 1482 suicides in last four years.
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I want ...
Nov 18, 2018
I still have hope.
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Ella Disenchanted

Sep 3, 2018
If I were to form a pact it would have to be with someone who wanted the same method as me, who wanted to go through with it at a similar speed and similar approach. Really.. what are the chances of that? Everybody's different. What if I hesitated? I wouldn't want to see anybody die despite understanding that it may be the right decision for them. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to feel rushed so that I definately died before them. No.. I don't think pacts are for me.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I don't see the likelihood of pacts and partners working out well. Similar to what others have said, there is so much risk and a huge gamble to find just the right person. There is also the whole issue of changing one's mind or things not going as planned and as a result, things can go to shit in almost an instant. I solely believe in that suicide is a solitary road that one takes.
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I want ...
Nov 18, 2018
I don't see the likelihood of pacts and partners working out well. Similar to what others have said, there is so much risk and a huge gamble to find just the right person. There is also the whole issue of changing one's mind or things not going as planned and as a result, things can go to shit in almost an instant. I solely believe in that suicide is a solitary road that one takes.
I think, it is the main question. What do you want?
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Nov 19, 2018
I don't see the likelihood of pacts and partners working out well. Similar to what others have said, there is so much risk and a huge gamble to find just the right person. There is also the whole issue of changing one's mind or things not going as planned and as a result, things can go to shit in almost an instant. I solely believe in that suicide is a solitary road that one takes.

That's your opinion and respectfully you are entitled to it.

However, I would disagree. For example, all I need to do, which I am doing, is not only posting every now in the partners thread, all I want in a partner from Melbourne Australia or elsewhere on the eastern coast of Australia, is have the means and resources (even as simple as a detached home of their own and some rope) for CTB and I'm good to go.

Are there risks? Yes. Scammers? Sure. Risk of surviving? Always present in my mind.

But even despite all of that, if I was afraid of taking risks looking for and still waiting for a partner, then I never would have signed up to this site.

Maybe I'm just one of a kind, hooray! :)

My 'bus' will come.
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Nov 19, 2018
Best luck though, if you are looking for a partner!

I know I am. If it was directed at me too, thanks from me! I will let you all know should I find a partner. Looks like I'm now delayed until some time in 2019.
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Nov 6, 2018
That's your opinion and respectfully you are entitled to it.

However, I would disagree. For example, all I need to do, which I am doing, is not only posting every now in the partners thread, all I want in a partner from Melbourne Australia or elsewhere on the eastern coast of Australia, is have the means and resources (even as simple as a detached home of their own and some rope) for CTB and I'm good to go.

Are there risks? Yes. Scammers? Sure. Risk of surviving? Always present in my mind.

But even despite all of that, if I was afraid of taking risks looking for and still waiting for a partner, then I never would have signed up to this site.

Maybe I'm just one of a kind, hooray! :)

My 'bus' will come.
i really hope you find what you're looking for but I don't see the there is any likelihood of you finding a partner, who fits your strict profile, will happen. I really hope I'm wrong but i know this has been frustrating journey of a number of weeks for you....and i hope you can manage your expectations in reality
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Dec 15, 2018
I was thinking about exiting with my dog. She is a pit-bull that will not get along with other animals and would almost certainly be euthanised after my departure. I would leave her to my children but they already have animals and I am certain my dog would kill them. I have enough N for both of us and am planning on giving her a lethal dose of powder form in capsules. My concern is her sensitive gag reflex, as she does vomit things she eats that disagree with her system as most dogs do.

I would have to wait until she departs before I drink my potion and depart. That would be an extra step and possibly cause failure if my dog vomits. If she did not depart, I would stop and rethink my plan.

I would appreciate any thoughts on exiting with my dog-partner.
Why not take her to the vet to be put to sleep? At least then you can guarantee that your pet is at peace before you take the N.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Why not take her to the vet to be put to sleep? At least then you can guarantee that your pet is at peace before you take the N.

Agree strongly, animal euthanasia is much kinder and easier than it is for us humans, no need to risk causing a beloved dog unnecessary suffering or illness by cack-handed, improvised euthanasia imo.
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