

Jul 14, 2018
It's a controversial question with confusing answers. Some people say yes and others say no.

I think they do matter but not in the ways people think they do. You can get definitely get away with more bad things if you're attractive as a man or woman in relationships and in the workplace. However, you have to have some reasonable common sense, politeness etc otherwise you'll get fired, people will hate you.

So looks I think lower the bar for unacceptable behaviour to a certain point.

I know a lot of people say "If looks are so important, why do good looking rich people kill themselves?" I say that obviously looks won't make you happy but they'll take away stresses like money, No one would say just because rich people kill themselves that means money isn't important. It would be ridiculous and it's the same for appearance.
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Lizzie S.

Lizzie S.

Sep 2, 2018
I think it's like money. It won't make you happy exactly but it helps
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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
I have to agree with @Lizzie S. There are many studies confirming how good looking people tend to be viewed as more favorable in their personality traits than average or "unattractive" people. Apparently height is directly correlated with income. Weird stuff like this. And of course get more access to opportunities like jobs. Of course, it may also invite undeserved trauma in some ways too.
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your pathologist

your pathologist

Sep 5, 2018
Maybe I'm just shallow, perhaps its a show of how much i value my appearance, but i think something like losing a front tooth would be enough to push me over the edge these days.
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Earth’s Parasite
May 11, 2018
I use to think so. But I've stopped giving a shit.

Physically, I am less self conscious about my looks than I was before. I use to stress myself out because I always saw myself as ugly af. But I've come to terms with it and I don't give a flying fuck now how people see me now. I still groom, cut my hair and make sure I look presentable in work environment, or any other occasion. But for relationship and "good looks" I don't care.

Like you have mentioned, I'll be polite to you if you're nice to me. I'll be professional at work and be respectful to others. I just be myself.

If you don't like me? Fuck off. You cool with me? I'm cool. That's how I present myself. They either accept or nah.
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your pathologist

your pathologist

Sep 5, 2018
Of course, it may also invite trauma in some ways too.

Well hopefully the ugly ones arent looking over their shoulders constantly worrying about being assaulted...
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Jul 2, 2018
Looks, as in beautiful, ugly, sleezy etc matters, but I think appearence matters more. A good- looking person without any other appeal will struggle in life. Things might come more easy for beautiful people, but in the long run, it's your personality that counts. God, I feel old when writing this.
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Sep 29, 2018
For me personally how someone looks doesn't matter,but in the real world i would have to say mostly they do.
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Sep 16, 2018
They absolutely do, especially when it comes to ethnicity and skin tone. And that's not just black vs white. A lot countries in Asia and South America favour individuals with a lighter skin tone.
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Sep 30, 2018
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Jul 9, 2018
In order of importance

1. Money
2. Reputation
3. Looks

I dont have any at this point im totally fucked.
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Aug 18, 2018
It's one of those things that can provide an advantage in life, but it's not absolutely important. It only becomes everything once you fall below a certain threshold. Kinda like money: having a 7 figure income would be amazing, but making $70k a year means you don't have to care that much about money and all your needs are met. When you hit poverty level, then money becomes everything, because now it becomes difficult to fulfill basic human needs.

Likewise, if you have "good enough" looks, enough to attract people that you also find attractive, then becoming better looking is not something you have to care that much about. If you are ugly, and are unable to attract somebody, then you have to go through life without sex, love, affection, physical intimacy, emotional intimacy, the validation of being wanted, and other fundamental human needs. Your looks becomes the focal point of your life, because it is now preventing you from getting things that are essential to being healthy and happy.

Being ugly is the biggest, but not the only, reason I want to CTB. I have tried for years and years to improve my physique, style, socioeconomic status, hygiene, charisma, and other factors in attraction, but in spite of my efforts, I have completely failed at finding someone to fulfill my basic human needs for love and affection. The way my face looks, which I have no control over, has caused me to feel this void of loneliness that has been there since I hit puberty. It has grown and grown and now the pain of being unwanted and unloved has completely overwhelmed me. I fell in love with my best friend, but she obviously did not find me physically attractive, something neither of us had any control over, and it ruined our friendship; I lost my most cherished human connection because of the way my face looks. If I were good looking, I would be in a loving relationship with my best friend and I would be very happy in life. But because I am ugly, my love for her only pushed her away and eventually I lost my best friend. So believe me when I say that looks absolutely do matter.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I think being attractive simply carries a different set of problems as opposed to being ugly. If you're good looking you may have an easier time getting your foot in the door so to speak, but I think a big concern is people sucking up to you without knowing the real you, and that can feel shallow and ungratifying. I've found that people in life tend to either live for one of two things: food or sex. I enjoy spotting that in others, as you can usually tell quite easily depending on how they take care of themselves.

Having said that, there are a whole lot of factors that come into play when it comes to overall magnetism. Charisma, smiling, posture, ability to make people laugh or feel good about themselves etc. I am not the best looking dude but always did pretty well with girls. I guess we all have things that make us attractive even if we don't feel great about ourselves.
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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
I've found that people in life tend to either live for one of two things: food or sex. I enjoy spotting that in others, as you can usually tell quite easily depending on how they take care of themselves.
A bit reductive way of reading people, isn't it?
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Nah, it's not that black and white of course, but it's something I see a lot of.


They definitely care in this world. If you are disliked by them or you can't be as majority of people want, you just have disadvantage.
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Aug 5, 2018
Looks do matter more than most people would like to admit.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Yes considering both are technically the same thing
Hence my username - I can't do nothin' right. :pfff:

Edit: my bad if I offended anyone, it was clumsily worded, I agree.
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Aug 31, 2018
Humans are shallow. So to some extent, they matter. And studies have shown that attractive people do have it a bit easier in life than unattractive and average people. However, with that said, looks aren't everything. They can help, but it's not guaranteed to make you happy, successful, socially competent, etc.
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Aug 14, 2018
I think they do, I think it does give you more of an advantage but then it can also be a disadvantage as well.


Jul 2, 2018
It's one of those things that can provide an advantage in life, but it's not absolutely important. It only becomes everything once you fall below a certain threshold. Kinda like money: having a 7 figure income would be amazing, but making $70k a year means you don't have to care that much about money and all your needs are met. When you hit poverty level, then money becomes everything, because now it becomes difficult to fulfill basic human needs.

Likewise, if you have "good enough" looks, enough to attract people that you also find attractive, then becoming better looking is not something you have to care that much about. If you are ugly, and are unable to attract somebody, then you have to go through life without sex, love, affection, physical intimacy, emotional intimacy, the validation of being wanted, and other fundamental human needs. Your looks becomes the focal point of your life, because it is now preventing you from getting things that are essential to being healthy and happy.

Being ugly is the biggest, but not the only, reason I want to CTB. I have tried for years and years to improve my physique, style, socioeconomic status, hygiene, charisma, and other factors in attraction, but in spite of my efforts, I have completely failed at finding someone to fulfill my basic human needs for love and affection. The way my face looks, which I have no control over, has caused me to feel this void of loneliness that has been there since I hit puberty. It has grown and grown and now the pain of being unwanted and unloved has completely overwhelmed me. I fell in love with my best friend, but she obviously did not find me physically attractive, something neither of us had any control over, and it ruined our friendship; I lost my most cherished human connection because of the way my face looks. If I were good looking, I would be in a loving relationship with my best friend and I would be very happy in life. But because I am ugly, my love for her only pushed her away and eventually I lost my best friend. So believe me when I say that looks absolutely do matter.
I really don't think anyone is ugly, physically. Actually, I can't come up with any ugly- looking person. Maybe my eyes are fucked, haha. Minds, on the other hand, can be super- ugly..
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Sep 30, 2018
when it comes to love and human relationships ofc it does

you just have a lot more opportunities


Enemy of the world
May 2, 2020
Yes, looks truly matter in life. People are more accepting and kind to beautiful persons than to ugly ones. In fact, ugly people aren't even considered humans and are constant target for bullying and at being made fun of and they have to do everything by themselves, while beautiful people are treated like kings/queens and have it easier in life.
Those who say "lOoKz dOnT mAtTeR, iTz tHe iNsiDe tHaT cOuNtS" are fucking lying in your face.


Apr 25, 2020
Y know, not everyone is that shallow. People can see further than what is skin deep. It's not that cut and dried.
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Enemy of the world
May 2, 2020
I'm talking about most people


Enemy of the world
May 2, 2020
i don't think so. plus you can clearly predict what the average person things about looks at how much they value those even if they hide it under the ''looks dont matter'' pretense.

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