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Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
Hi, before I start ranting, allow me to introduce myself; I'm Mecha Man! It's lovely to meet you all, and if any of you are old school gamers you should easily be able to deduce who my name is actually referencing : D

Anyways, I have to say it was really not easy to find this forum; for quite some time I periodically frequented some other suicide help forum with a chat room in it (which was where I always resided), and I have to say, almost every time I went there, I ended up leaving mad or upset or something. What I couldn't wrap my head around was the fact that this was a "pro-life" suicide site, and encouraging suicide or even talking about specific methods was strictly forbidden, because it might "trigger" people. This really drove me up a wall sometimes, and it just got more frustrating as I kept going back every once in awhile, and people would always say the same dumb shit: "just hang in there, everything will get better eventually," and many variations of that. And no one would ever tell me about a pro-suicide site, either because they didn't know one, or they just felt it was wrong.

In my searches I also found many articles online... articles directed towards people looking to kill themselves, giving advice for such people, but they all shared the same kinds of advice: "GET HELP, so you can help yourself get better. Eventually it will get better."

Then came the articles -about- suicides, many of which discussed the "troubling" increase of suicides of late in the cases of people with mental illness, and what we can possibly do to stop this from happening. Incidentally, and ironically, it was in one of these articles that I found out about this site, so thank goodness for that, at least.

But the point is, yesterday I would've told you that I am so incredibly sick of the entire world's infinite concern for, and never ending willingness to help people who are suicidal, but the complete and absolute lack of anyone willing to help people actually kill themselves. I've been feeling that way for awhile now, to be honest, and I guess I still do... But I can see now that at least not the ENTIRE world is like that.

I just don't understand it. Why is the whole world so incredibly preoccupied with trying to delay something that is absolutely going to happen anyway? Death is about the only thing in this world we can be certain WILL happen, and yet if someone wants to get there more quickly, people will do almost ANYTHING to stop them, including locking them up against their will. It all seems so cruel and nonsensical to me. I just don't understand it.
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I understand you perfectly. I think in the same way you do. I know how do you feel when somebody is encouraged to live more because I feel something similar.

You can talk with me if in some moment you think you need to talk with somebody that understands your thoughts.
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May 8, 2018
It doesn't really make any sense, lot's of things we humans do and think don't make all that much sense. We are the accumulation of a billion years of chance, every thought, moral, emotion, influenced by our pre-programed DNA. For a lot of people it's experiences they lack that allow them to relate to the troubles suicidal people have. Most people are happy and love life, they are equipped with the right biological hardware to have a good time in life. When they think about people killing themselves it is a very sad thing to them. They don't understand why and don't want to believe that there are situations where it is probably best for a person to kill themselves, it's not a nice thought. Take these things from a person who was formally pretty normal and who had never had a suicidal thought in his life (before being severely fucked over by some unfortunate and persistent adverse drug reactions). And then there is societal shame in doing the 'right' thing that people feel pressured by, especially when it comes to touchy topics. I don't know, these are my thoughts, but I am a little drunk. Tootles
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I'm guilty of this, but I'm trying to curb it because I realize people are preparing to die here mostly. I think the reason people want to help other people is that many people naturally want to do the right thing. We might feel guilty about egging on someone's death especially if there is a solution at times. Sometimes I get so depressed and suicidal that I get angry when people try to encourage me to live too. But yea I get what u mean. I don't think everybody really wants to die here although some people do and there is absolutely nothing that can be done to make them want to live. Especially if you are in bad health or something.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
There are 2 types of suicide... slow suicide and fast suicide. We're all committing slow suicide by the stuff we eat, drink, and expose ourselves to.
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shattered dreams

shattered dreams

Jun 5, 2018
The fact of the matter is that there are rational suicides and irrational suicides. An online friend from another forum worked at a assisted living facility. He told me of 90 year old seniors that were in severe pain all day and could not even go to the restroom themselves talk about wanting to end their lives. It was an immediate trip to the 72 hour hold in the psych ward. This is ridiculous. However, if I see a 13 year old on here wanting to hang themselves because of some bullies, or school is too hard, I will certainly try to talk them out of it. That kind of thing just breaks my heart when it happens.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Right, I feel like very young people who are in good health and have trouble coping through a difficult life circumstance makes me want to help them but if it's an older person who absolutely has no options and is miserable and in a lot of pain well I would want to help them end that misery.
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Jul 17, 2018
I've actually had to nix a lot of my possible methods because of the thought that some nosy "Good Samaritan" could get me hauled off to the looney bin. I hate that suicide has to be such a private act, filled with the fear of getting caught in the act, or of having your method fail and getting punished for that. It's absolutely not okay that severely mentally ill people are locked up in psych wards like fucking animals.
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May 8, 2018
It's not okay and makes me want to very publicly kill myself in defiance of our societies (and my own emotional feelings) illogical perspective on catching the bus. But then that's so hard and will probably only do the opposite of what I hopped it would (as in the majority of the public will just see me as a looney with mental health issues). As smart as we humans are we are still so dumb compared to what's possible. Seems hopeless sometimes
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El revisionismo en castillano
Jul 16, 2018
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Yea the reason that the government makes it this way is because the people behind the government. The real controllers, see us as tax livestock. In this system you aren't truly free because of collectivism. Basically other people see you as something to exploit and even if you are not a producer in society u are benefiting the existing structure just by being alive because u have to eat and use resources to remain alive. I'm not saying we all don't have intrinsic value under normal conditions in a free society, but under socialism we are seen either as producers or dependents and as a means to an end primarily to benefit the government or state at our expense. This may not make sense to everybody because some people actually see others as a group not as individuals. I know right? This is why collectivist thinking is so dangerous to individual persons.
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Jul 13, 2018
In layman's terms.

The cognitive dissonance of normal people creates a dichotomy of this nature.

1. Society and life is wonderful (Pick and choose your positive buzzword/phrase)
2. Anyone who wants to take their lives or not be a functional member of society hasn't experienced the true wonders/beauty/(See above) of society/life or suffers from a mental illness that prevents them from doing those things.

The ultimate form of cognitive dissonance. In the barest of terms I can give you, normal people assume that if you want to commit suicide, you need professional mental help and will do anything to keep you alive. While suicide is often a symptom of mental illness, mental illness is not always the cause of suicide. The vast majority of people are emotionally/intellectually incapable of realizing the earth shattering reality that life and society is not wonderful or beautiful and that the vast majority of people who are suffering, have suicidal thoughts, and posting here are people that are not mentally prepared to cope with it.

I'm not mentally prepared or even capable of coping and being a functional member of society. In my mind there's nothing wrong with that. I was dealt a very shitty hand in life, it isn't my fault. In the eyes of my father. Peers. Family. If I am not being a functional member of society, there must be something wrong with me. I am functional. I pay my bills. I pay take care of what is necessary. I go to school. I have a job. I do what is expected of me. Except. I hate living and being apart of society. I can push a lot of my blame onto society (And I can make strong arguments about how society is partially responsible for my and likely your suffering without sounding like an edgy nihilist/teenager).

The other arguments I hear are.
Happiness is a choice.
You're responsible for your own well being and life.
Just keep trying, try new things.

Our society emphasizes that it is 'Our fault' that we are in this predicament and has created a mental healthcare system (At least in the United States) that 'punishes' those who seek help. The costs for mental healthcare are greatly inflated and astronomical. A three day trip in the psych ward will cost you thousands of dollars, and will do nothing but further your pain. Therapy is a long term solution.

That's all I feel about writing on the topic.
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Jun 30, 2018
I agree with a bunch of people in this thread. If someone is old enough that their brain in fully developed then I think it is their choice I world just urge them to take some time to think.

Kids whose rational and logical part of their brains are still developing I think should wait first.

I also came here from other forums where talking about methods was banned etc and thought it was silly. What is the point of a suiside based forum if you can't discuss suiside?..
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Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
I'm guilty of this, but I'm trying to curb it because I realize people are preparing to die here mostly. I think the reason people want to help other people is that many people naturally want to do the right thing. We might feel guilty about egging on someone's death especially if there is a solution at times. Sometimes I get so depressed and suicidal that I get angry when people try to encourage me to live too. But yea I get what u mean. I don't think everybody really wants to die here although some people do and there is absolutely nothing that can be done to make them want to live. Especially if you are in bad health or something.

I guess the only reason I find it frustrating is because of the complete and utter lack of people actually trying to help people kill themselves. If there was more of a balance then it probably wouldn't bother me at all, really. But its like practically nonexistent. I mean its beyond taboo, sites like this get shut down, I'm given to understand, and after reading a bazillion articles about how it's so terrible that there's people out there killing themselves I just get frustrated that no one is interested in helping people like me in the way I actually want (need?) to be helped.
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