• If you haven't yet, we highly encourage you to check out our Recovery Resources thread!
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    If you would still like to donate, you still can. We have more than enough funds to cover operating expenses for quite a while, so don't worry about donating if you aren't able. If you want to donate something other than what is listed, you can contact RainAndSadness.

    Bitcoin Address (BTC): 39deg9i6Zp1GdrwyKkqZU6rAbsEspvLBJt

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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
So, I am trying my hardest to try and recover from just saying fuck it all and just catching that bus. (Ironically, I am riding ON an actual bus as I type this.) I have tried different forums and Discord servers trying to just find people to talk to without all the drama and clichés and immaturity that often come with these places. I simply want to build a private community of people like myself where we can chill, speak about our issues or just talk about whatever. As long as it isn't about plans or anything that would violate Discord's TOS. I am doing this by invite only so as to keep it quiet and safe for everyone. If you are interested, reply here or hit me up in a private message. Look forward to seeing you all.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Well if it's a Discord "server" it won't be private at all, so count me out.
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Well if it's a Discord "server" it won't be private at all, so count me out.
Ok....thanks? Could have just not replied at all. Jezze...some people...
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Actually you can make them private. I have one and i searched it to test and couldnt find it.
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Actually you can make them private. I have one and i searched it to test and couldnt find it.
Exactly what I did. Some people are just so miserable they have to shit on everything because they just are like that.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Exactly what I did. Some people are just so miserable they have to shit on everything because they just are like that.
Seems more like a lack of understanding to me. I mean unless you knew private was an option you wouldnt know because its...well private.


Jan 26, 2021
If you allow me to humbly tell my opinion, I have serious concerns about Discord. I know about many cases where they just decided the content is not allowed and they banned or blocked people or whole channels. I am afraid we would be in constant danger of being thrown out.

I wonder what your opinion would be about a more oldschool but effective alternative?

Using an IRC client is very easy to learn - and very easy to get addicted to it, of course.
So what about choosing a good and solid network? Quakenet, Freenode and Undernet are the most stable but there are many other ones working.
Quakenet and Freenode actually have web clients - in case someone does not feel like, or cannot download an IRC client.
We could create a channel - it might be invite-only and/or secret - and hang out there,. This way, we would be safer I think.
IRC has been around for decades, literally. It survived the instant messengers, and I think it's a safe bet to say it will probably survive Discord too. The advantages of being decentralized.

Of course I gladly talk to you lot, on any given channel or network. It's just my concerns about Discord.
Exactly what I did. Some people are just so miserable they have to shit on everything because they just are like that.
Cannot understand what this kind of behaviour is good for. My go-to solution for this kind of people is putting them on my ignore list.
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
I like discord, when the TOS doesn't get in the way.

I know about many cases where they just decided the content is not allowed and they banned or blocked people or whole channels. I am afraid we would be in constant danger of being thrown out.
IRC networks do that too. Unless you're running the IRC servers yourself, there are going to be rules to follow and administrators who will shut down channels that break the rules. I can't imagine a large IRC network allowing discussion of suicide.

IRC is really clunky and a terrible experience on mobile. And some networks expose your IP address to other users....

Freenode in particular has been compromised: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/202...been-taken-over-by-the-crown-prince-of-korea/
many users have moved to Libera.Chat
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Oct 4, 2020
Why not just post whatever you want to write on discord on here?
That way you don't have to mess about with anything regarding anonymity.
Just make a profile here, don't include your personal info…then write away on here.
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Guys, the whole point is to make an interactive real time community for RECOVERY. Not sure if I made that point clear. No discussion of methods or any of that. Just little safe haven fir mature and like minded people to interact. I'm trying to recover, not be a prophet of doom like I have been fir the last several decades. All I want. Not conspiracy discussions or discouragement. WhyI posted this in RECOVERY.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Actually you can make them private. I have one and i searched it to test and couldnt find it.
That's a low bar to set for "private" tbh.

What's wrong with SS's in-built chatroom OP?
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Sigh, fine. Forget I said anything. For a "supportive" community, people sure like to just make people want to give the fuck up. Maybe you're right. Maybe it us fucking pointless and I should just do it tonight. Thanks fir the encouragement.
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
I really like the idea of a recovery discord and would join if invited.
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work, love, and learn
Feb 25, 2021
it is difficult to embrace recovery when there is so many talks about dying methods, goodbyes. Not good for your mental health. Don't see how someone can hang around here over the long-term.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Sigh, fine. Forget I said anything. For a "supportive" community, people sure like to just make people want to give the fuck up. Maybe you're right. Maybe it us fucking pointless and I should just do it tonight. Thanks fir the encouragement.
It's just 1 criticism, harden up.

A lot of people (like myself) have their real identities tied to their discord accounts, expecting a bunch of SS users to basically doxx themselves for you is unrealistic.


Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
Sigh, fine. Forget I said anything. For a "supportive" community
It's hard to be supportive with something you disagree with, Salt may not be interested in it but they don't represent everyone, and I hope this isn't the way people will be treated for having differing opinions in a Discord because it is quite aggressive.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with a Discord side by side with SS, it has a private/unlisted option and anyone concerned about their identities can just create a new Discord account and use a VPN. I'm mutual with the idea, as there's always pros and cons to Discord as with all private chats, especially with how easy drama can occur; it may not be the best thing for someone trying to recover (but of course that's not for me to decide).
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
There are pros and cons to anyplace and anytime you post online.

I find it hard to believe that any online place would object to a safe haven for those seeking help and support for recovery. I would just be cautious of the words used there, as there may be built-in algorithms that search for such words resulting in an arbitrary shut down of a server within discord without realizing what that server is actually about.

Discord is very nice in that when people chat there, responses are almost immediate (ie, no wait time, unless someone has a problem with their internet provider). It also offers voice and video options, which can be either one on one or group voice/video.

As long as you abide by the TOS/guidelines I don't think you will have a problem. And a server on discord set up as Recovery/Aid would not violate the TOS.

There are also bots that can be added for free that allow for music/games/etc., if people just want to get out of their heads a bit. Not to mention that bots can be set up to "police," the site based on predefined rules.

For those who want to check out Discord TOS, they can be found here: https://discord.com/terms and the guidelines for their site, which are much easier to read, can be found here: https://discord.com/guidelines

As others have said, use of a VPN or TOR (if possible), would facilitate anonymity.

I think you have a great idea @avoid_slow_death. I think it might be very helpful to those trying to recover or trying to stay in recovery.

The powers that be here, could also add a visible link to the site, indicating that in addition to the recovery section provided here, there is an active recovery site on discord. Seems to me this would be a win-win for everyone.


On edit: I once created a server there and had no problem with it.
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Dec 26, 2020
I think something like this could be interesting
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
As others have said, use of a VPN or TOR (if possible), would facilitate anonymity.

You would need to also provide an email and phone number, even if you faked those (which is a fair bit off effort) Discord slurps up soooo much user data they could likely still de-anonymise you.

Not everyone is happy supporting these huge spying machines, Discord embodies a lot of what's wrong with the internet.

But i've said my piece already, good luck if you do set it up.


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
phone number
You dont need a phone #. I dont use a phone #. Those are only to gain access to specific servers that have it set up that way. (Which are ones i personally avoid)
Are we done with bad information?
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
You would need to also provide an email and phone number, even if you faked those (which is a fair bit off effort) Discord slurps up soooo much user data they could likely still de-anonymise you.

Not everyone is happy supporting these huge spying machines, Discord embodies a lot of what's wrong with the internet.

But i've said my piece already, good luck if you do set it up.

I agree with you. I am not happy to support these huge spying machines, but I think that this is a risk one takes anytime they log into the internet, not just discord.

Is any place 100% safe? If someone wants to find you on the internet, they will. It may take some effort, but if they are determine it can happen. Eg., news agencies recently reported the take down of a huge pedophile ring that ring existed on the darknet.

And this would be a recovery/support effort. If certain language was avoided, who is to know that it is anything other than people supporting people?

Maybe discord is more of a risk than other places and I am not aware of it?

I just think it is a good idea in general. People supporting people out of a dark place.

: )
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Is any place 100% safe? If someone wants to find you on the internet, they will
Exactly. You can get a lot of info just from an email, something that you need to do just about anything on the internet so if someones that concerned about it they probably shouldnt be on the internet at all.
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May 20, 2021
What about the good old TeamSpeak?
Can easily be hosted on a private Virtual Machine.


Memento mori
Oct 1, 2019
Who pissed in your Cornflakes, saltshaker? You're not being forced to join anything are you? You say your worried about a lack of anonymity on discord but you aren't allowed a VPN when you sign up here for a reason. It's not any different, your account is linked to you and as anonymous as you think you are on here, you're far from it.

The "issue" with the built in SS chatroom is alot of the conversations going on there discuss active suicide plans. It's not exactly helpful for those who want a recovery space. A discord server would give those in recovery a more active place while still being in the community, with less risk of being triggered. You don't have to shit on other people's ideas just because it doesn't suit you.

You also said about personal details linked to your discord account, but you can just make a 2nd one? Just use whatever email you signed up to SS with. (and if your using a personal email for SS then your anonymity argument is even more pointless).

OP, this sounds like a great idea and I think it would help alot of us in the SS community who are trying to recover. If you do decide to go ahead with it I would definitely be interested in joining
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Who pissed in your Cornflakes, saltshaker? You're not being forced to join anything are you? You say your worried about a lack of anonymity on discord but you aren't allowed a VPN when you sign up here for a reason. It's not any different, your account is linked to you and as anonymous as you think you are on here, you're far from it.

The "issue" with the built in SS chatroom is alot of the conversations going on there discuss active suicide plans. It's not exactly helpful for those who want a recovery space. A discord server would give those in recovery a more active place while still being in the community, with less risk of being triggered. You don't have to shit on other people's ideas just because it doesn't suit you.
SS isn't a gigantic ad-broker, it's funded by donations, do you have evidence that the admins here are sharing signup data or other user data with other parties? I doubt it. :)

I'm allowed to comment. Don't shit on me pointing out how shitty it is to use Discord or to expect other people to use Discord.
You also said about personal details linked to your discord account, but you can just make a 2nd one?
That would still involve using Discord though, and it's bloated malware, so i'll pass.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
The same rule applies to any kind of social media app, if you don't want to expose yourself, use precautions like a VPN, fake Identity, etc. to disguise your activities on Discord. A large hacking community is on Discord as well as suicidal chat rooms and we're fine. The main idea for OPs chat room is recovery based and to share recovery ideas which I for one, do not oppose. It's a great idea.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
I agree with you. I am not happy to support these huge spying machines, but I think that this is a risk one takes anytime they log into the internet, not just discord.

Is any place 100% safe? If someone wants to find you on the internet, they will. It may take some effort, but if they are determine it can happen. Eg., news agencies recently reported the take down of a huge pedophile ring that ring existed on the darknet.
There are a LOT of places/platforms online that don't violate user privacy like Discord does. The point isn't to have absolute anonymity/privacy, just having some would make this idea more welcoming.
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Memento mori
Oct 1, 2019
SS isn't a gigantic ad-broker, it's funded by donations, do you have evidence that the admins here are sharing signup data or other user data with other parties? I doubt it. :)

I'm allowed to comment. Don't shit on me pointing out how shitty it is to use Discord or to expect other people to use Discord.

That would still involve using Discord though, and it's bloated malware, so i'll pass. :)
You said "count me out" 6 hours ago yet your still here complaining. You've taken somebody else's really positive idea, shat on it and made it into an anti discord post. Why not offer some actually helpful advice instead, or if you really aren't interested just stop replying? Yes you are allowed to comment, you're entitled to your opinion. But I'm also entitled to think your being an ass.

And yes, police told me they got my information from SS. You can believe what you want, I'm sure SS is alot safer when it comes to data sharing than a big company like discord. But I'm just saying that you can keep telling yourself your anonymous here but you really aren't. There is no such thing as anonymity on the Internet.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
You said "count me out" 6 hours ago yet your still here complaining. You've taken somebody else's really positive idea, shat on it and made it into an anti discord post. Why not offer some actually helpful advice instead, or if you really aren't interested just stop replying?
If you want my advice I am happy to give it.

Knock knock
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
There are a LOT of places/platforms online that don't violate user privacy like Discord does. The point isn't to have absolute anonymity/privacy, just having some would make this idea more welcoming.
Discord may well be another data-sucking platform like FB (shudders at FB - that place is awful IMO). I also recently read that Microsoft intends to purchase discord - not sure if that is true.

Given some of the objections you have to discord, I am surprised you have an account there - unless I misunderstood what you wrote here:

It's just 1 criticism, harden up.

A lot of people (like myself) have their real identities tied to their discord accounts, expecting a bunch of SS users to basically doxx themselves for you is unrealistic.

Please understand, I am not trying to argue with you, and there may well be other viable options to provide such a site in someplace that some deem more safe, which many here may need (personally, I was never safe growing up and am not safe now with my ex, so I understand the need some may have to feel safe).

A positive dialogue of pros and cons is always helpful, and hopefully with everyone's ideas/suggestions/thoughts/recommendations this idea will actually come to fruition. I think that ultimately, a site such as the one @avoid_slow_death suggested has the potential to save many lives.

On edit: I have had a FB account and I currently have a Discord account, and Discord is nothing like FB IMO.
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