
Dec 14, 2021
Broken brain and I'm sick and fucking tired of everything.
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Reactions: Dead Ghost


Aug 14, 2022
i'll tag you in something
here. click this and just comment on random stuff
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Reactions: maya.sml
CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
Many includ physical mental addition life concept faulty
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Reactions: Suicidebydeath and Install-Gentoo
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
It's been a long time since my path has ended, it won't continue... I'm just waiting to see if there's another path that will allow me to move forward and keep learning and growing as a person.
But not alone, this time I want to walk the path accompanied, but how can I walk this path if I can't stand being around other people?

I don't want to die and that's the problem, not knowing how to accept that it's all over a long time ago and throwing myself into the false hope that someone will accept me and make me move forward. As if other people don't have their own lives to take care of and enjoy.


Fa temps que el meu camí s'ha acabat, no se continuar... només estic esperant per si hi ha algún altre camí que em permeti avançar i seguir aprenent i creixent com a persona.
Però no sol, aquesta vegada vull fer el camí acompanyat, però com puc fer aquest camí si no suporto ser a la vora d'altres persones?

No vull morir i aquest és el problema, no saber acceptar que s'ha acabat tot fa temps i abocar-me a la falsa esperança de que algú m'accepti i em faci tirar endavant. Com si les altres persones no tinguessin la seva própia vida de la qual tenir cura i gaudir.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I want to die as I believe that to die is ideal. To die would remove the cause of all problems in the first place which is life itself. I have a very strong dislike for existence and as well as all the cruelty and suffering that exists, I'm tired of being trapped in this human body and I view staying alive as being so pointless.

Theres no benefit and nothing to be gained from being alive, it will only cause us to suffer more all for no purpose. Life is just never ending needs and problems with no relief which can get worse at any moment. Life doesn't interest me in any way and all that humans have to look forward to is old age where they will deteriorate and die anyway eventually. I would rather die at a time of my own choosing rather than it being at a time out of my control, so therefore suicide is the best way to die.


Jul 14, 2022
We're all gonna die anyways and since life is just pain and suffering i don't see why i shouldn't just end it sooner. Life is truly meaningless, even on a cosmic scale and that in itself is also meaningless, after we all die nothing matters as nothing mattered before as well but at least there's no more pain. We were also already dead before we were born so it's only going back to the way it used to be right?