Did you have an amazing childhood?

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Jan 5, 2019
Apocalyptic nightmare, I had the hiroshima of childhoods. Siblings all either commit suicide or where taken by social services. Parents both schizophrenic, and my mother had dementia on top of that, then they stopped taking their medication. there was about as much "parenting" as there was staring at the wall and mumbling about Satan. Parents put me through some deranged things I don't wanna mention too much. Mostly because I spent all this time suppressing my memories of it. I got so messed up, no amount of therapy can help me work through all the years of shit. My dad still knocks on my door sometimes, just cause he wants money, I moved a whole fucking town away, it wasn't far enough. /Vent
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Oct 8, 2018
I had a pretty good childhood.Amazing?Hm,i guess not but i dunno what that would be.
If i asked for more,i would be entitled.
Part of the reason,for how awful i think my adult life is.It just does not stack up to it.
I kinda know i will not be as happy again.

Adult life really is a farce.I do not know how people stand it.
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Aug 4, 2018
My childhood aged 0-11 was great. Good school, good friends, things were fine.

High school 11-18 sucked so much. Depression came at 12 along with bullying and just not getting on with anyone dragged me down. I think that darkness has stayed with me since.
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Oct 19, 2018
Lol. I could use many words to describe my childhood. "Amazing" is not one of them.

I suppose I could say it was amazingly bad but that seems a bit hyperbolic to me. I mean a lot of people I meet in real life seem pretty amazed when I tell them what my childhood was like. But my assumption is that it's because most of them had pretty typical childhoods.

Then again, it's not like I knew how bad my childhood was at the time because I didn't have much to compare it to. So for the longest time it was just my story.

But I'm much more depressed about my childhood now, ironically considering it's all over. It just wears me down getting to know people because childhood and family inevitably comes up, and then people just feel sorry for me. It sucks.
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Dec 14, 2018
My childhood was a mess and so was my family. I have very little positive memories to look back on. Most are of time with my dad.
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The World Is Quiet Here
Jan 23, 2019
I had a horrible childhood. Was abused in all three textbook ways and left home at 16. I do think that kind of ongoing trauma inhibits proper growth and development of the brain, so it makes sense that most of us who have had a bad childhood also have mental health issues. Sadly, I don't know that there exists any possible treatment to fix the damage that was done - maybe they'll come up with something in a hundred years or so.
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Cloak and Dagger
May 21, 2019
Holy crap. Look at that ratio of no compared to yes. I can safely assume that our childhood may have something to do with us ending up being on this site. My childhood was great but at the same time awful. I was adopted at birth. I was unable to be held because I was 3 months preemie and weighed just under 3 pounds. I was in an incubator for a long time. The only contact with my parents was what they could do with their arms in the holes. My parents are saints for dealing with my bs as a child. The usual "you aren't my real parents" bs. But they ARE my parents. They were the ones who fed and clothed me and put a roof over my head. I lived a fairly comfortable lifestyle because my dad worked at IBM. But since I was so premature I have a lot of mental issues. I'm sure the not being held has something to do with that. It got so bad that I was starting fires and basic creepy crap that my parents put me into a mental institution that was only children and adolescents. One time I told the doctor that something was boring and he had me thrown into the iso room for 2 days to show me what "boring really is". Eff that doctor. I had nothing but a mattress in the room and a camera in the corner. That's it. I got to watch the kids in the hallway making turkeys that you make by tracing your hand(thanksgiving obviously). And the lights were controlled from outside. And another time some kid stole keys to the facility and they for some reason were dead set that it was me, which it wasn't so again right back to the slammer. They eventually found the keys. He had misplaced them. Yet I suffered for it. After my parents took me out of there after a year I was so scarred from the experience. And come to find out the facility was shut down a year after I left due to the horrible conditions the kids were in along with the death of 3 kids in their care. One by suffocation when they had her pinned down. Another from starvation. I can't remember they last one though. Needless to say I still have issues left over from that and that was 23 years ago(when I was 10).
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Waste of Agony
Jun 1, 2019
Partially. Maybe thats why I'm such a mess.
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Jun 2, 2019
I had some good times but in general absolutely not, I grew up in a relatively big family 2 brothers and 3 sisters I'm the youngest boy my parents did what I assume was there best. My older brother would force himself on me and use his privates on me I was small boy not even 11 he was late teens to put it politely. My parents didn't believe me he was the "golden child" a lot happened to me but almost everyone just thought I was lying, thankfully I had someone keep me grounded mostly.
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Apr 16, 2019
Compared to my adult life, my childhood was heaven.

In a twisted kind of way, it makes me wish i should have been bullied more as a child so i would have adapted sooner.
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Jun 30, 2018
Yeah, my father was a cool guy until he was sent to prison when I was like 5 and came back... Then he became Hitler reincarnated. And I guess that is what happens when you send a young man to live amongst sociopath gangsters so he can get his ass kicked and raped on a daily basis.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Under the age of probably 11, are where all the better memories remain for me. When I was close with my family and relatives and had freedom to live out my imagination.
Even though I still had a major problem, if I could go back to that time, I would at least know how to go about fixing it.
I also prefer looking at pictures from when I was much younger, the older I got the more likely the picture was to get torn up.
That time so long ago was not perfect, but it was a much better deal than I'm sure a lot of people here got.
My childhood aged 0-11 was great. Good school, good friends, things were fine.

High school 11-18 sucked so much. Depression came at 12 along with bullying and just not getting on with anyone dragged me down. I think that darkness has stayed with me since.
Interesting, that's basically the same time things started to go really downhill for me too.
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May 21, 2019
Not really, life is okay at home but being bullied for your looks feels terrible
People laugh at my wide head and theres not much to do about it because you cant change it, tried therapy but they cant really make you feel better if other people are bullying you
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Oblivion Lover

Oblivion Lover

No life, no suffering
May 30, 2019
No, but it wasn't as nearly as bad as the childhood of some people in this site. I would describe it as "meh". Nothing interesting ever happened, but I certainly was happier as a kid than now. It was good thinking that I was smarter than average and being a spoiled kid. Now I'm poor as heck and realized that I'm borderline mentally retarded.
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Jun 30, 2018
No, but it wasn't as nearly as bad as the childhood of some people in this site. I would describe it as "meh". Nothing interesting ever happened, but I certainly was happier as a kid than now. It was good thinking that I was smarter than average and being a spoiled kid. Now I'm poor as heck and realized that I'm borderline mentally retarded.
You don't seem borderline mentally retarded. You aren't here, trying to convince us, committing suicide is evil, after all.
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May 9, 2019
No. It was hell. I still jerk awake from night terrors in cold sweats about my childhood decades later.
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Jun 1, 2019
Nope. I wish I did though, oh well.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
I had a pretty bad childhood. There are entire chunks that are fuzzy or I can't remember, at least until they are triggered by something random and then I get to spend the day in a cold sweat. Thing is there are people who have been through what I've been through or worse, and they've become successful and happy, so I think a large part of me being suicidal is still me. I'm just an evolutionary failure. A genetic hiccup.
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Jun 2, 2019
Nope, and I have the disorders to prove it! :')

Abused by my brother since I was born (and blamed for it), abused/neglected by my mom, dad was mostly absent both before and after the divorce even when he was around, abused in every way possible by my step-father, got to watch him slowly die from the chemo/radiation to treat his brain tumor, wasn't allowed outside on my own from like age 10-16 (so basically the most important times to socialize) and my mom and step-dad would use socializing privileges (like phone, computer) as leverage against me. Psych hospitals since age 11 and at least once a year since then (I'm almost 27) if not 2-3+ times, and allllll of the abuse that comes with shitty hospitals and doctors. My mom used therapists/psychiatrists as a weapon against me, didn't allow me any outlets, so all I could do to relieve the pain was cutting and trying to kill myself. My step-dad would steal my journals even though I padlocked them in a binder that was inside my double padlocked backpack. Then they'd show them to like the school principal, therapist, psychiatrist, or whoever. Step-dad died when I was 14/15.

Spent most of my time from 17-20 doing drugs and drinking because I had no help given how my mom manipulated the mental health system about me and made them believe all sorts of things about me that weren't true. I was diagnosed with a fucking personality disorder when I was 13. (You can't do that, btw; personality disorders are not supposed to be diagnosed until you are AT LEAST 18). Well, when I was 20, I met this much older dude who had this highly charismatic energy and spiritual guru vibe, which was something I felt I needed at the time. Slowly but surely devolved into him taking over our lives (my friend and me), keeping us socially isolated aside from 12-Step meetings (he convinced me I was an alcoholic/addict - I'm legitimately not, I just used those things to survive when there were no resources for me) which are indoctrinating af, and he would keep us food and sleep deprived, threaten that we would die by possession without him, that the walls would bleed, convinced us that we were "infected" so that I was always afraid to be around anyone lest the demon he convinced us was after us rub off on someone else. Once I got out of that and realized it had been a cult, there was no one within 1k miles of me who knew a single fuck about cult psychology and I had to contact an agency in fucking Australia to get confirmation that that's what it was. You can imagine the fun of explaining cult psychology to a doctor who doesn't have a single iota of a clue beyond "You mean like Patty Hearst?" -facepalm-

So I moved my friend and me out to Massachusetts and was engaged before I realized he was a groomer and a creep (12 yrs older than me, had been grooming me since age 16). Broke up with him, realized I'm trans, started T, realized I'm gay and that that added to my confusion about gender/sexuality. Been trying to get help for years mentally, my psychiatrist and I have agreed that my meds - I'm on 9 psychiatric, 4 physical, and like 7 supplements - are as good as they're gonna get, that I need therapy. And just this week my therapist told me that he can't help me, so yeah...Throw in undiagnosed Dissociative Identity Disorder, too, and that the walls separating all of these pieces of me and the memories and all of that are crumbling so that I can see my life more clearly...it used to threaten to drown me, but now I'm just floating until I sink instead of fighting it. Whew, sorry for the length, I didn't mean to go on for so long. ^^;
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catching the bus
Aug 4, 2018
unfortunately i didn't have a good childhood. i don't even know what is a good childhood. i just watch other kids having it and other people having a peaceful puberty, thing that didn't happened to me. i found out i have tricotillomania and gender dysphoria since when i was 8yo. i found out i have several kidney's cancers since when i was 18yo. now i just found out at 23yo i have cushing syndrome. plus i had my parents hitting me, treating me in a different way. my dad in jail. i went to school and being bullied from everyone. a fucking fell. i don't want to reborn. i left university for the same reasons
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Conflicted Cat

Conflicted Cat

May 23, 2019
Not necessarily an "amazing" childhood, but an alright one. Went through a lot of fucked up shit, but at the same time have a lot of good memories.


May 28, 2019
i did not have a childhood.
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Not 2B
Aug 22, 2018
My childhood was awful by most measures - poverty, temporary but recurrent homelessness, physical/verbal/psychological/sexual abuse from multiple sources, problems with my education, severe mental health breakdown at ten, unable to maintain friendships or get close to anyone, family issues, eating disorder, sickness, etc. - but I also accomplished things that an adult would be proud of. I enjoyed playing games and reading books - I had plenty of free time - as well as creating art and working. I truanted frequently to go to the library, and I always remember being happy there. I got used to some of the forms of abuse. I spent most of my childhood fervently wishing I was an adult because of the terrible powerlessness a harmed child experiences, and I was suicidal and self-mutilated. Now I am an adult I think it is worse, in a way, even though all the care available to children was denied to me when I was a child anyway. I am expected to function as if I had never been a child now, just as I was then.

Parentification robbed me of a real childhood and any innocence, so I tend to fixate on those memories a lot - reading at the library, filling out worksheets at school, playing Pokémon, etc.

I care tremendously about children. I could never have one, in huge part because I care about them. The childhood - not just the home life - is profoundly formative in a way not a lot of people understand - the non-traumatised would be surprised how aware and impressionable infants are. Children have few rights and are structurally wronged in almost every way. I want happy children to grow up into a world where they can be happy, fulfilled, non-exploited adults. I want children to be born for something other than exploitation, economically and otherwise. I want to be part of a society that guides its own. I just feel so much grief right now.

I'm so sorry because none of us have gotten what we deserved, as children or adults.
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May 31, 2019
It wasn't amazing, but not horrible either.

I would say mediocre with several low points.
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Apr 3, 2019
No, it was very dysfunctional, neglective and some horrific experiences. Most likely the foundation for my mental fucked up state.
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Jun 6, 2019
I honestly would not know how to answer that question. Recently, a lot of repressed memories about my childhood come back to my mind. I know that my parents financially did everything they could for me and I also know that they loved me deeply. But there are so many things recently where I just remember that they did not treat me in a way I would have been needed to be treated. I don't think it's a clear yes or no answer for quiet a lot of people. I love my parents, I really do. But they have put so much pressure on me, controlling my life to almost the smallest detail until I moved out from them. They never just told me that I am good the way that I am or that I am loved. I always had to do something to get their attention, bringing home the best grade, winning the competition. I was also left alone at home a lot and my parents knew how to reduce me to tears with a single glance, only to threaten me then with physical violence if I would not toughen up. Needless to say, that I actually never managed to toughen up.
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Oct 6, 2018
I said No because it wasn't amazing. It wasn't terrible I don't think. I wonder whether all my horrid health problems ( which bring me here) have been triggered because of certain experiences. I don't know. My brother has no health problems and had it worse than me growing up.
I know exactly what my son needs and how to be a devoted, caring mum. My illnesses have taken that away from me and my child and I now have to let others raise him whilst I decay physically and emotionally. The pain of all this combined has brought me here
I had some good times but in general absolutely not, I grew up in a relatively big family 2 brothers and 3 sisters I'm the youngest boy my parents did what I assume was there best. My older brother would force himself on me and use his privates on me I was small boy not even 11 he was late teens to put it politely. My parents didn't believe me he was the "golden child" a lot happened to me but almost everyone just thought I was lying, thankfully I had someone keep me grounded mostly.

Do you keep in touch with your older brother? How awful for you x
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I Liked Ike
May 11, 2019
My Mum and Dad loved me and did their very best.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
It was fucked from the start. I was very neglected, I felt alone like nobody was on my side as a kid. There were no adults who genuinely gave a shit. So I grew up with a poor self image and many psychological difficulties as a result. I don't really want to die but I just can't see any other permanent solution to the problems I'm faced with. I realize problems will always be there but so far I have not been able to handle things appropriately. I'm 42 it's not gonna be improving anytime soon.
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Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
I will never overcome the abuse I suffered as a child. I will never be able to count on myself to take good care of myself and make a good life for myself. I will always make one bad choice that will cancel out all the good choices I made before it. I am broken.
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