Nope, and I have the disorders to prove it! :')
Abused by my brother since I was born (and blamed for it), abused/neglected by my mom, dad was mostly absent both before and after the divorce even when he was around, abused in every way possible by my step-father, got to watch him slowly die from the chemo/radiation to treat his brain tumor, wasn't allowed outside on my own from like age 10-16 (so basically the most important times to socialize) and my mom and step-dad would use socializing privileges (like phone, computer) as leverage against me. Psych hospitals since age 11 and at least once a year since then (I'm almost 27) if not 2-3+ times, and allllll of the abuse that comes with shitty hospitals and doctors. My mom used therapists/psychiatrists as a weapon against me, didn't allow me any outlets, so all I could do to relieve the pain was cutting and trying to kill myself. My step-dad would steal my journals even though I padlocked them in a binder that was inside my double padlocked backpack. Then they'd show them to like the school principal, therapist, psychiatrist, or whoever. Step-dad died when I was 14/15.
Spent most of my time from 17-20 doing drugs and drinking because I had no help given how my mom manipulated the mental health system about me and made them believe all sorts of things about me that weren't true. I was diagnosed with a fucking personality disorder when I was 13. (You can't do that, btw; personality disorders are not supposed to be diagnosed until you are AT LEAST 18). Well, when I was 20, I met this much older dude who had this highly charismatic energy and spiritual guru vibe, which was something I felt I needed at the time. Slowly but surely devolved into him taking over our lives (my friend and me), keeping us socially isolated aside from 12-Step meetings (he convinced me I was an alcoholic/addict - I'm legitimately not, I just used those things to survive when there were no resources for me) which are indoctrinating af, and he would keep us food and sleep deprived, threaten that we would die by possession without him, that the walls would bleed, convinced us that we were "infected" so that I was always afraid to be around anyone lest the demon he convinced us was after us rub off on someone else. Once I got out of that and realized it had been a cult, there was no one within 1k miles of me who knew a single fuck about cult psychology and I had to contact an agency in fucking Australia to get confirmation that that's what it was. You can imagine the fun of explaining cult psychology to a doctor who doesn't have a single iota of a clue beyond "You mean like Patty Hearst?" -facepalm-
So I moved my friend and me out to Massachusetts and was engaged before I realized he was a groomer and a creep (12 yrs older than me, had been grooming me since age 16). Broke up with him, realized I'm trans, started T, realized I'm gay and that that added to my confusion about gender/sexuality. Been trying to get help for years mentally, my psychiatrist and I have agreed that my meds - I'm on 9 psychiatric, 4 physical, and like 7 supplements - are as good as they're gonna get, that I need therapy. And just this week my therapist told me that he can't help me, so yeah...Throw in undiagnosed Dissociative Identity Disorder, too, and that the walls separating all of these pieces of me and the memories and all of that are crumbling so that I can see my life more used to threaten to drown me, but now I'm just floating until I sink instead of fighting it. Whew, sorry for the length, I didn't mean to go on for so long. ^^;