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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
I've had a number of run ins with invisible sometimes visible entity's that occasionally harass me in the middle of the night.

The best one was when this 3 foot tall entity manifested itself by the bottom of my bed and attacked me. It must have been around noon time when I noticed it. I was laying in bed on my side and when I looked towards the bottom of my bed I saw it there! It was about 3 feet tall and all black with big white eyeballs and big black pupils. It was just standing there starring at me like it wanted to kill me and as soon as it saw that I saw it. it just suddenly appeared on my chest. I grabbed it's wrists and started pushing up as hard as I could while it was pushing down on me but it was a total stalemate... It only went on for about 15 seconds then the thing just vanished leaving me all terrified and like wtf just happened!

If you have ever had any bad experiences with non human entities that you believe are 100% true and real I'd really like to hear about them. I've had a handful more myself that I will probably share on this thread.


Many years later I came across an episode of "Ghost Adventures" where some guy had the same exact experience that I had with possibly the exact same or same type of entity !!! proving to me that it wasn't a dream or some other state of mind in between sleeping and being awake!

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Aug 6, 2018
I don't believe in a divide between what's physical and supernatural since quantum physics has already to be figured fully out yet, so I'd say that I haven't met nothing particularly ghoulish
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
I've experienced sleep paralysis to the fullest extent twice in my life!! Both times it was exactly the same experience! I was sound asleep when all of a sudden both of my eyelids opened up and I gained consciousness. It was in the middle of the night, my bedroom was pitch black, and I was laying on my bed on my back with both of my arms straight down along my sides. I immediately tried to move and could not move any part of my body at all! My whole entire body was paralyzed and I was terrified out of my mind like never before in my life. I remember trying to scream "HELP" at the top of my lungs but could only manage the faintest whisper of a sound. And to make the whole entire situation even more frightening and worse was that I could hear these small entities talking and running around my bedroom floor! The whole entire experience probably lasted 30 minutes until I fell back asleep. When I woke up hours later I could move my body again and clearly remembered the whole experience. Also when I woke up my whole entire body felt sluggish and I was experiencing feelings of being scared and shook up pretty good while I was thinking about what happened!
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Jul 27, 2018
No I haven't, but there is a possible explanation for yours:
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Jun 15, 2018
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
Another night terror that I have experienced about 5 times while laying on my bed under the covers and wide awake is all of a sudden out of nowhere I will feel one of the bottom corners of my bed go down like 6 inches as if someone or something just put it's foot there or decided to sit down there! And whatever "IT" is or was is usually there for a few minutes then leaves.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
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blood orange

blood orange

Sep 14, 2018
The year after I was born, my dad's younger brother was shot and killed by a rival gang member. My dad and grandma believed he'd still be in the house living like normal. You could hear someone pressing the buttons on the microwave like they're reheating food, sometimes the microwave is going with nothing inside. Or in the afternoon, I'd be napping in the crib then crying and not crying, laughing gurgling. My mom would check, but it would be just me. Then the staircase would creak from someone heading away into our kitchen.

When I was with my grandma on my mom's side, my cousin would visit on weekends. His dad was murdered on Halloween by a masked assailant posing as a trick or treater. So us cousins are playing in my grandparents office. Everyone is having a blast, it's not loud just very lively. The office door kind of jangles, even though the door isn't flimsy. The door opens, slow and with purpose. Like someone is keeping an eye on us, sticking their head in. Everyone is quiet and watching the door. The door closes slow and gentle, the door knob clicks. Everyone bolts out of the room screaming, confused.

I think, I understand if both my uncles stuck around, because their lives ended so suddenly.
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not yet
Sep 3, 2018
When I was 5 years old I was scared of witches. Not the cute Sabrina kind but ugly old hags with warts.
I remember how during storms they would fly up to my window on their brooms and scratch with their finger nails trying to get in. Either to eat me or steal my shadow. If I stayed very quiet and still they would fly away again.
Sometimes I would hear them cackling the moment I was about to fall asleep and I had to be on my guard again.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
Another demonic attack I had was just a few years ago. I was lying on my bed in my pitch black bedroom sometime after midnight. I was lying on my right side when all of a sudden I could feel a presence hovering above me ! As soon as I noticed it I began to move and that's when it attacked me ! Whatever this invisible force was it started to push down on me really hard ! This force was completely flat and at least as long and wide as my bed. It pushed me down into my mattress at least 6 inches and just kept me there while I was starting to feel some agony. I was terrified, I couldn't scream, I couldn't move and my kidneys felt like they were going to explode ! The whole entire experience sucked really bad but only lasted about 30 seconds. Once it stopped I was still scared, covered in sweat, my mouth was dry, and my whole entire body felt beat up and dehydrated. I turned on the lights got some water to drink sat on my bed with my feet on the floor and was like wtf just happened. Looking back I wonder why it attacked me ? Did I pick up a demonic attachment somehow someway or did somebody who hates me conjure it up and sent it to attack me ?
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blood orange

blood orange

Sep 14, 2018
It sounds like sleep paralysis.

With demons, they usually conceal themselves and introduce themselves under the guise of a harmless spirit, they kind of require opportunities to be invited into the home. The most common is being a playful child. Or they speak in a nonsense kind of way. The smell of sulphur is the tell tale sign it is a demon.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
It sounds like sleep paralysis.

With demons, they usually conceal themselves and introduce themselves under the guise of a harmless spirit, they kind of require opportunities to be invited into the home. The most common is being a playful child. Or they speak in a nonsense kind of way. The smell of sulphur is the tell tale sign it is a demon.

Get this !!! I had another experience with this same or same type of invisible force ! And it's funny that you mention "a playful child" because that's how the experience started off ! Again I was lying on my bed on my right side when all of a sudden I felt the bottom left corner of my bed go down a few inches. Then whatever it was that did that started walking up the left side of my bed and I clearly remember that all of the steps were very small with very small feet or shoes like a baby was walking up the side of my bed foot over foot in a straight line. When it got behind my back it stopped and I knew the little fucker was there and I was just waiting for it to do something to me. So what I did was I leaned back to see if I could lean into it to really see if something was there because even though I knew something was there I didn't want to believe something was actually there. So as soon as I leaned into it I did not feel a small body of a child or something Instead I felt an invisible force that was solid and perfectly flat like a wall ! I don't know if this entity knew I was awake at first because when I first leaned my back into it I was actually able to push this wall back a little bit but when I did it again that's when the fun started because it pushed me back a little and then instead of getting scared I actually got pissed off and started pushing my back into this thing with my feet on the floor while sitting on the bed. I was using all the strength I have in my legs to push back into this thing but it wouldn't budge at all. This little battle that went on only lasted maybe 30 seconds but it took everything out of me and once it ended and that thing left I got some water and laughed at the experience while being all drenched in sweat and shook up pretty good and being like wtf why me ?
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
The latest episode of GA features a man who killed himself by a firearm. The team investigates the house where it happened.

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Sep 19, 2018
I had odd things happen to me before that could have been misconstrued as "supernatural". But I'm pretty sure we live in a material only universe and that my brain misinterpreted what I saw.
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I've figured it out
Sep 20, 2018
Not entirely impossible for these things to exist we don't know really anything about the Universe as is. I've had some experience with abnormal things and sounds
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Nov 16, 2018
Something spoke to me/ into my right ear when I was reading a book in my bedroom a couple of weeks ago. It was 2 or 3 am soo nobody was around and I sleep alone.
It sounded demonic almost like a animal ( my dog doesn't sleep with me) but weirdly enough before I even registered that it was talking to me it dissapeared.

It could have been a brain fart i don't really know lol
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