

Apr 18, 2021
DMT is a psychedelic drug that is recognized as the strongest psychedelic out there. What is relatively unknown however, is that DMT is a naturally occurring compound in all living things. DMT is created in the Pineal Gland of our brains, which is referred to as our 'third eye'. It is theorized that the 'Eye of Horus' of the Ancient Egyptians is actually the Pineal Gland.

What do people experience on DMT? People describe being teleported to a 4D like space full of geometrical objects and patterns. You also see entities like Elves or Lions which give you advice and tell you about your life. The whole experience only lasts about 10-15 minutes but people who have taken it say it feels like an entire lifetime. The experience is also pretty much completely forgotten after it's over and it's almost impossible to describe to people who haven't taken it.

So, how does this relate to Death? Well many people who take DMT say it feels like death and there have been many scientific studies relating the experiences of those who have had near death experiences with those who have taken DMT. I have personally taken DMT a few times, never enough to 'breakthrough' into that 4D space though, and I would say that it felt like I had died and that I no longer existed but I was like just a body with eyes that was seeing. I had no ability to think but I was acting purely based on instinct. Ever since the experiences I've had on DMT, I am completely terrified of death and my urge to CTB has been dramatically reduced.

So how does this relate to the 'Afterlife'? It is my theory that DMT is released by your brain in the last few minutes of your life before you die and this trip that you experience helps ease you into the process of death. This experience can be good or bad however. Some people with near death experiences describe an utterly terrifying experience where they see the devil and are in a 'hell' like state; Others describe a 'heaven' like state where they are completely at peace. If you are in a good state of mind and satisfied with your life, I think you will have a good peaceful trip that will ease you into death. If you have many regrets though and are generally unsatisfied with your life, I believe that your trip will be terrifying and the last few minutes of your life that feel like an eternity will be a hell-like state. I believe this is what religion is talking about when it describes heaven and hell.

Sorry for writing so much but it's a very in depth topic. If any of you have urges to CTB, I would highly recommend trying DMT as it might scare you shitless and you might no longer want to. I've tried many things for my depression, including a therapist, and nothing has worked for me as well as DMT has.


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Mar 22, 2020
I only had DMT once and I don't remember practically anything except I met some beings who explained to me the origin of everything, life, death, afterlife, the universe, how something can come from nothing, etc.
However, I just can't remember. It's like those dreams you forget. Dammit!

I would like to have that experience again.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020

What do you think of this video? Would you say it is akin to a DMT trip?
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Apr 18, 2021

What do you think of this video? Would you say it is akin to a DMT trip?

I never took enough to go into that 4D realm but I imagine it looks a lot like that. Whoever made that video definitely has had some psychedelic experiences. What a beautiful song though!
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I did a psychedelic (a slightly modified form of LSD that was legal in Europe at the time) while listening to relaxing music in my dark bedroom. I don't believe in God, but when the drug kicked in I suddenly felt incredibly loved & protected by a force of what I can only call pure love. I felt connected to the entire universe for a couple of hours. I cried & cried tears of gratitude. When the trip was over it was like I was exiled from paradise back into hell, I felt conned & I wanted to kill myself even more than usual. I took this psychedelic about 10 times over a period of 10 months; I never had a bad trip once, in fact each one was incredible, but my depression never lifted & I still feel disconnected from everyone
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motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Dr. Rosalind Watts is a clinical psychologist at the Psychedelic Research Group at Imperial College London -

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Apr 18, 2021
I did a psychedelic (a slightly modified form of LSD that was legal in Europe at the time) while listening to relaxing music in my dark bedroom. I don't believe in God, but when the drug kicked in I suddenly felt incredibly loved & protected by a force of what I can only call pure love. I felt connected to the entire universe for a couple of hours. I cried & cried tears of gratitude. When the trip was over it was like I was exiled from paradise back into hell, I felt conned & I wanted to kill myself even more than usual. I took this psychedelic about 10 times over a period of 10 months; I never had a bad trip once, in fact each one was incredible, but my depression never lifted & I still feel disconnected from everyone
I've done LSD, Mushrooms, and MDMA multiple times and all of them gave me that feeling you describe as being connected to everything and feeling love for anything and everything. After all of them, I went right back to my life and didn't really really feel changed. The only drug that I feel like has had a lasting effect on me is DMT. 2 or 3 months ago I was right about to CTB and I took DMT and ever since then my thoughts have been reduced by like 90% I would say.
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Mar 21, 2019
I've done LSD, Mushrooms, and MDMA multiple times and all of them gave me that feeling you describe as being connected to everything and feeling love for anything and everything. After all of them, I went right back to my life and didn't really really feel changed. The only drug that I feel like has had a lasting effect on me is DMT. 2 or 3 months ago I was right about to CTB and I took DMT and ever since then my thoughts have been reduced by like 90% I would say.
Usually, this is a temporary effect. I have not tried DMT, but when I first tried mushrooms, I also had a very good mood for six months. But I am still here now, which means that even a psychedelic experience cannot be guaranteed to cure you of depression, it is all very individual.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I've done LSD, Mushrooms, and MDMA multiple times and all of them gave me that feeling you describe as being connected to everything and feeling love for anything and everything. After all of them, I went right back to my life and didn't really really feel changed. The only drug that I feel like has had a lasting effect on me is DMT. 2 or 3 months ago I was right about to CTB and I took DMT and ever since then my thoughts have been reduced by like 90% I would say.
How was DMT different? I had really intense, ecstatic, "mystical" experiences - tbh, I fucking believed that God existed & that he was pure love, but each time the trip ended I was still a suicidal atheist
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Apr 18, 2021
How was DMT different? I had really intense, ecstatic, "mystical" experiences - tbh, I fucking believed that God existed & that he was pure love, but each time the trip ended I was still a suicidal atheist
My experiences on LSD and Mushrooms also convinced me that 100% there is something else in this world that we don't understand but I really couldn't describe it. I felt as though we were all part of something much bigger. I only really had positive experiences on LSD and Mushrooms but literally every time I did DMT it was the opposite. The experience of DMT for me was completely terrifying and it felt like I had died. When it wears I have a new gratitude and my depression is considerably better for literally weeks after. Every time I feel down I take some and although the experience itself is terrifying, it cures my depression for weeks after. I haven't done it in a couple months but I would say I'm definitely still feeling the lasting effects of it.


Jan 16, 2021
I've been in psychedelic drugs my whole life. It is a great experience, an expanded perception and cognition of the multidimensional universe. I can thank them for 50 years in my life. In reality the universe is like that on psychedelic drugs, but that doesn't solve my accumulated problems with this civilization. What good is it to know that the universe is a beautiful place and that life can be beautiful, when we are stopped in everything by the monkeys that rule this civilization. If you want to get out of that sewer, all your doors are closed.
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Feb 6, 2021
Ok, you've sold DMT to me.

It was on my 'list' of things to do before CTB, but I wasn't sure.

After recently trying LSD and being ok with that - I think I'll buy some DMT.

I've done Ayahuasca in the Amazon jungle but that was lying on the floor puking and shitting my pants. The visuals were wild but the physical discomfort almost ruined the experience. I get that's what's meant to happen though - 'purging' the body.
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Apr 18, 2021
Ok, you've sold DMT to me.

It was on my 'list' of things to do before CTB, but I wasn't sure.

After recently trying LSD and being ok with that - I think I'll buy some DMT.

I've done Ayahuasca in the Amazon jungle but that was lying on the floor puking and shitting my pants. The visuals were wild but the physical discomfort almost ruined the experience. I get that's what's meant to happen though - 'purging' the body.
Wow. I have always wanted to do Ayahuasca, you're lucky to have had the authentic experience in the Amazon. Would love for you to describe how it was like for you.

As for DMT, I would buy a cartridge off the dark web. It's the easiest way to do it and it was pretty strong for me. You can go all the way and breakthrough if you want but in my opinion, a microdose of 1 or 2 hits is also extremely beneficial.


Feb 6, 2021
Wow. I have always wanted to do Ayahuasca, you're lucky to have had the authentic experience in the Amazon. Would love for you to describe how it was like for you.

As for DMT, I would buy a cartridge off the dark web. It's the easiest way to do it and it was pretty strong for me. You can go all the way and breakthrough if you want but in my opinion, a microdose of 1 or 2 hits is also extremely beneficial.
We tracked down a Shaman who was notorious for giving extremely high doses. This wasn't some kind of therapeutic retreat where they gently administer a small dose and give you a back rub. This was a proper authentic, off road, gnarly Ayahuasca experience.

To even get to the hut we had to trek for around 2 hours into the jungle. And this wasn't walking along some flat easy path, we were wading through small streams and our guide had to occasionally hack away ferns or branches obscuring the view.

The Shaman lived there - it was a small collection of huts with some chicken coops and places to grow crops. Full self-subsistence type shit.

The Shaman had covered himself with black face paint and had a band of feathers on his head, kind of like an Indian Chief.

It was night time when he brewed it and we approached him one by one and drank it. It tasted vile - imagine drinking hot candle wax.

After about 20 minutes I felt extremely nauseous and went to this hole in the side of the hut where we were instructed to puke out of. I puked everything up. Then I puked what seemed like gallons of green bile.

Imagine the worst case of puking from food poisoning and times it by 10. It was a harrowing experience.

Then I lay on the floor and became engulfed with visions and hallucinations. I could see faces very clearly and they would move past, like still photographs. It was like a slide-show of random cartoon-like imagery.

At one point I had a full out of body experience and could see myself in the third person back in my office job, stressed out and worried - OMG, I realised, I'm just a dumb human being and there's NOTHING to be scared of. I felt connected to something deep and nurturing.

Every 10 minutes or so I would stagger back to the window to vomit, then collapse back onto the floor and experience more visions.

Throughout the entire experience, the shaman was chanting and beating this fern against his leg and keeping a musical beat.

It was wild, man. Really, really wild.
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Apr 18, 2021
We tracked down a Shaman who was notorious for giving extremely high doses. This wasn't some kind of therapeutic retreat where they gently administer a small dose and give you a back rub. This was a proper authentic, off road, gnarly Ayahuasca experience.

To even get to the hut we had to trek for around 2 hours into the jungle. And this wasn't walking along some flat easy path, we were wading through small streams and our guide had to occasionally hack away ferns or branches obscuring the view.

The Shaman lived there - it was a small collection of huts with some chicken coops and places to grow crops. Full self-subsistence type shit.

The Shaman had covered himself with black face paint and had a band of feathers on his head, kind of like an Indian Chief.

It was night time when he brewed it and we approached him one by one and drank it. It tasted vile - imagine drinking hot candle wax.

After about 20 minutes I felt extremely nauseous and went to this hole in the side of the hut where we were instructed to puke out of. I puked everything up. Then I puked what seemed like gallons of green bile.

Imagine the worst case of puking from food poisoning and times it by 10. It was a harrowing experience.

Then I lay on the floor and became engulfed with visions and hallucinations. I could see faces very clearly and they would move past, like still photographs. It was like a slide-show of random cartoon-like imagery.

At one point I had a full out of body experience and could see myself in the third person back in my office job, stressed out and worried - OMG, I realised, I'm just a dumb human being and there's NOTHING to be scared of. I felt connected to something deep and nurturing.

Every 10 minutes or so I would stagger back to the window to vomit, then collapse back onto the floor and experience more visions.

Throughout the entire experience, the shaman was chanting and beating this fern against his leg and keeping a musical beat.

It was wild, man. Really, really wild.
Holy shit bro that sounds insane hahaha. Did the experience affect you in any way for the weeks or months after?


Sep 16, 2020
it is a popular topic of discussion, the film "enter the void" is completely covered this.
I love Gasper Noe but that is only one theory that you austral project it doesn't go into anything else and is a scary thought if one believes that you are going to be stuck in limbo here floating around a world that we had to leave or didn't want to be in.


Apr 18, 2021
I love Gasper Noe but that is only one theory that you austral project it doesn't go into anything else and is a scary thought if one believes that you are going to be stuck in limbo here floating around a world that we had to leave or didn't want to be in.
Elaborate please. You think the afterlife is an astral projection in a limbo state? I haven't heard this theory before, it is interesting.


Feb 6, 2021
Holy shit bro that sounds insane hahaha. Did the experience affect you in any way for the weeks or months after?
We even had to fast for several days beforehand and avoid all fried food, sugar, alcohol.

I thought I'd be in physical pain from vomiting so much, but afterwards I felt really clean and light.

It was cleansing, refreshing feeling that lasted for a while, but I'm honestly not sure if I'd do it again.

That shit was a bit too wild.
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Sep 16, 2020
Elaborate please. You think the afterlife is an astral projection in a limbo state? I haven't heard this theory before, it is interesting.
I don't... The film. Enter the Void is depicting a guy who dies and is astral projecting, maybe I worded it badly, (floating around the earth) and I was saying the person who posted this was a good look at the afterlife wanted to re think it as it's scary... Imagine being trapped as a should floating here not knowing if you'd ever escape.

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