

In time you will find peace...
Aug 9, 2020
Hi all,
has been a long time since I posted anything. Been hard times - @LetzteAusfahrt gone, @snuff gone...... took me some time to get back on track.
I saw some of the posts, not just from now but from later on as well - most of us (including me) overcomplicate ctb

First of all, I don't know anything about chemicals like SN,N, exit bag methods including gas or etc, but except that - it's simple as that:

1. Want to shoot yourself? Shoot. Does not matter the bullet, does not matter the calliber, the make, the country its made in. If you can take a shot to you head - you are dead, just make sure no one enters the place for an hour.
2. want to hang yourself? take a damn rope, make a loose noose, attach to someting and hang yourself. Doesnt matter what kind of rope it is, how thick it is. What matters is in details- the attachment solid? no one around? thats it- what's the problem?
3. wanna jump? take tallest thing you can find and jump. simple as that.

in my opinion only, the details are a good reason to delay (also understandable reason - you don't want to fuck it up) but also devil lies in the details - concentrating on them will not get you anywhere.

Fellas, I hope you don't take this post as angry it is just observation of all of us and me as well.

We should focus on big picture - wanting to ctb and do it - my time is near.
Good luck everyone, hope this makes you think :)
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Jul 23, 2020
Shoot yourself wrong and you survive with severe brain damage, handicapped for life. Hanging can be rushed easily indeed, the main problem being found too early, but you can still cause more pain than intended depending on the type of the rope or the position of the noose. Sometimes the tallest thing one can find may not be enough to kill them, making them handicapped for life as well. That is not overcomplicating in my opinion, it is just making sure you will not fuck up your own life even more.
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Apr 26, 2020
I think it is good to be sure about it, and good to know when is the right time to do it too.

Honestly, I also think since the more readily available methods to end ones life may still cause major 'life' altering consequences for the person if they should fail, it is wise to fully research all about their choosen method too.

I think those things are important enough to say, even though they are simply my opinion.

I also see it being overcomplicated too.
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
Whilst I agreed at things being made more simple, you do still need to do some planning. The wrong caliber of gun might leave you disfigured and disabled for the rest of your life. It could further ruin your life. Things sound simple, like just take a gun, any gun, but planning is needed for such a huge act. I'm not one for impulsive ctb. I've tried it in the past and it never ended well.
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Ren Elsie Jewelria

Ren Elsie Jewelria

I sneezed!
Aug 30, 2020
Those "simple" methods may turn disasterous. Those "complicated" methods like SN may turn suprisingly successful.
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emptiness —> nothingness
Sep 15, 2020
Many things are easy in theory. Getting it right in reality is another story. The details are the difference between succeeding and mangling yourself.
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Apr 5, 2020
That mindset is definitely useful to overcome fear and hesitation and to just go for it. However, it doesn't account for the very real risks of failure and it's a mindset which doesn't pay much respect to the potential for agony.
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Sep 8, 2020
Hi all,
has been a long time since I posted anything. Been hard times - @LetzteAusfahrt gone, @snuff gone...... took me some time to get back on track.
I saw some of the posts, not just from now but from later on as well - most of us (including me) overcomplicate ctb

First of all, I don't know anything about chemicals like SN,N, exit bag methods including gas or etc, but except that - it's simple as that:

1. Want to shoot yourself? Shoot. Does not matter the bullet, does not matter the calliber, the make, the country its made in. If you can take a shot to you head - you are dead, just make sure no one enters the place for an hour.
2. want to hang yourself? take a damn rope, make a loose noose, attach to someting and hang yourself. Doesnt matter what kind of rope it is, how thick it is. What matters is in details- the attachment solid? no one around? thats it- what's the problem?
3. wanna jump? take tallest thing you can find and jump. simple as that.

in my opinion only, the details are a good reason to delay (also understandable reason - you don't want to fuck it up) but also devil lies in the details - concentrating on them will not get you anywhere.

Fellas, I hope you don't take this post as angry it is just observation of all of us and me as well.

We should focus on big picture - wanting to ctb and do it - my time is near.
Good luck everyone, hope this makes you think :)
I don't mean to be rude but I don't think this is good advice at all. Lots of people suffer real consequences and end up still alive with significantly lower quality of life because they didn't educate themselves on what makes a method effective. I don't think people should be encouraged to be less informed about whatever methods they are considering. If they learn the implications and realize it something they can't do, either that method or CTB itself, then that time was well spent. Someone who is serious and will do it regardless have a better chance of achieving that goal is they are informed as well. Either was I think this is a big decision that should not be taken lightly and anyone seriously considering it should try to get as educated as possible.
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Clutching at invisible straws
Dec 11, 2018
No thanks, I'd rather go over the planning and details for as long as it might take than making multiple failed impulsive attempts.

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