Crying is very releasing, healing. I used to be able to cry much more easily. Now I hardly ever cry unless I am feeling rock bottom low. I don't know why that is for me now. I did just have a good cry for the first time in quite a while, last week. I felt so much better afterwards. I have been having constipation, plus acute urinary retention, which means you can't pee at all. Now been on a catheter since end of February. I have started wondering if the constipation and not being able to pee on my own, are related to, or symbolic of how I am holding everything in. Holding everything in because I have nowhere safe to let it all out. It was, in the past, I had good therapists who encouraged letting out tears, anger, years ago I even had therapy where I was encouraged to let out anger by hitting pillows hard with a tennis racket. I would feel so much release and feel so much lighter afterwards.
Seems nowadays, therapists are really into the trend of new age pseudo spirituality, the last time I tried therapy, end of 2017, I was just starting to let tears and anger out, and the therapist shut me down, not letting me let the feelings out, but having me "now stay calm, we will do 'mindful' breathing now!" I never went back after that. Thank god my psychiatrist encourages letting anger and tears out. I just wish I could afford to see him more than once a month.