Cosmic dust

Cosmic dust

Among the stars
Feb 28, 2022
I am split between putting this on off-topic or on recovery, I will put it on recovery, because the subject seems to be something that could be relevant for our mental health.

Do you have any creative hobbies? Like, any hobby where you can put your creativity, skill and knowledge to use, in order to make something? Does that help you in any way?

While writing some stuff for my work, I just realized how much I could use some kind of creative outlet in my life. It felt so nice to put my knowledge for use, to have it appreciated by others while I built something of my own and something useful. I suppose it must be great, to have a unique set of skills and be able to make unique things, for yourself and for others.

Most of my life all my hobbies consisted of consuming something, like, reading and appreciating the work of other people. I never got in anything creative, because it feels like a waste of time, I mean, what is the point of building something and making any sort of art, if it serves no purpose and I will never have anyone to appreciate it? To not mention all the gear and materials for certain types of hobbies.
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who knows
May 21, 2022
what is the point of building something and making any sort of art, if it serves no purpose and I will never have anyone to appreciate it? To not mention all the gear and materials for certain types of hobbies.
I mean, IMO the purpose of art is expression, so the one that should appreciate it before anyone is the artist, there's no need to make something useful to society nor something that will reach the masses, just something you feel comfortable with and that genuinely helps you (be it as a hobby, a form of expression or anything). And about the gear, I can't talk much about anything but music, but you can actually get a nearly proffesional studio at the cost of $0, thanks to software.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
There's definitely something very rewarding about creating, drawing or painting something. It's a bit of a delayed response though because your eye develops quicker than your hand so you always look at your work with a critical eye. Usually you only appreciate your own work when you gain some distance from it. Time more often than not but you get the same effect by having multiple projects on the go at the sime time and switching between them day to day helps take your minds eye off any one peoject long enough to xome back to it fresh and objective. Sketching is cheap and easy to get started with and it's got soooo much scope. It's a never ending treasure trove of continuing improvements and adaptation. You can put on paper anything you want. Aesthetically pleasing doodles, life-like portraits, anatomy, character design, cartoons, logos, concepts etc etc and each of those can be done in infinitely different styles. Just with pencils, paper and an eraser. It's nice to have your work appreciated but ultimately nobody could ever see your work and you could feel fulfilled by it because there's a sense of achievement attached on top of the catharsis of actually just getting lost in creating as the process itself is very calming and therapeutic. You can get on a roll and spill your brain onto a piece of paper. It's great and I recommend it with vigor and hope. :)

Your profile pic is a good example of how some pretty rough application of paint can create a pretty good image. I get the impression that's been done digitally. I'm pretty certain it has. Digital art apps like sketchbook pro are a great way to get drawing and painting. It's never been so accessible actually. Even a cheap art tablet and basic pc/laptop will do. Most people have a pc or laptop. An art tablet can be as cheap as 20 dollars.
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Job Joad

Jul 2, 2022
Yeah I hear you. I make music and put it on the web and no one hears it so what's the point. At most open mics or if I can get a gig at a bar/restaurant you have to play bland material as not to offend any customers. Can't express yourself, your view of the world and your pain because it will be cause a distraction to the business. I know I'll never make any money playing music and it takes up so much valuable time, but I'm trying to find a balance to make it worthwhile because having a creative outlet is the only thing that's distracting me from CTB.

Not one of those guys that goes around promoting himself and I'll admit I'm not great, but here's a link to my original songs and recordings. Styles: Folk, Blues, Alternative

Anyone here please share with me as well, because everyone in this forum is an artist just by being here and should be heard.
Cosmic dust

Cosmic dust

Among the stars
Feb 28, 2022
Thank you all for the anwsers.

@VirtualSnow music looks good in theory, I could at very least make playlists of my own stuff, but I don't think it is for me.

@Smart No More I am not sure if I have what it takes to learn at this age, I was never an art guy, but really got me thinking.

Some times I think about getting in to writing, maybe even write about suicide and depression, it could be interesting, doesn't have the same appeal of music, visual arts or making useful things, but I had some pleasure when I wrote my suicide note that I deleted later.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Yeah, it doesn't have to be the things we suggested. If writing appeals to you that's a good way to go. It's just as valid as any other artistic outlet.


Jul 26, 2020
Yes I have a couple of hobbies that I am able to express creativity in. Role-playing games, model building, and tabletop gaming. It's not high art but it is creative for me. They also provide an additional benefit in that I get out of the house and participate with others in my hobbies, we are there to enjoy what we do not nitpick or one-up each other. Some times when the mood sucks it's hard to get going but I rarely have a bad time and most of the time I come out feeling better than when I went in.
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Jul 26, 2022
I used to enjoy creative writing/storytelling, film, and photography, but I don't do that stuff anymore. I wish I could draw and paint though art is so cool. I have some art books about famous painters and their works are so interesting.
I remember at one point I was gonna get a Roland 808 or 909 to make music but never did, I'm actually glad I didn't lol.


im a mk ultra victim
Jul 27, 2022
Yeah I hear you. I make music and put it on the web and no one hears it so what's the point. At most open mics or if I can get a gig at a bar/restaurant you have to play bland material as not to offend any customers. Can't express yourself, your view of the world and your pain because it will be cause a distraction to the business. I know I'll never make any money playing music and it takes up so much valuable time, but I'm trying to find a balance to make it worthwhile because having a creative outlet is the only thing that's distracting me from CTB.

Not one of those guys that goes around promoting himself and I'll admit I'm not great, but here's a link to my original songs and recordings. Styles: Folk, Blues, Alternative

Anyone here please share with me as well, because everyone in this forum is an artist just by being here and should be heard.
Don't make music for other people make music for you


Mar 21, 2022
music, but also i guess martial arts and combat sports? once you start sparring and stuff i feel like that really expresses who you are, like in terms of what you can do physically and your disposition in a really cool summary of you


404: Reason to live not found
Jul 17, 2022
Making short films / documentaries. I had hoped to keep going but there's no way out of my shitty life other than to CTB.

My paternal grandfather was a cameraman for the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), and he made documentaries with the Realist Film Unit back in the 1940s - 1950s. In fact, his association with the Realist Film Unit got him watched by ASIO (our spy agency) because ASIO thought the Realist Film Unit was trying to promote communism. The films my grandfather made showed the depths poverty and how it could lead to crime, and films about the need for social housing. Back then, there were slums in and around Melbourne, with no running water or electricity.

It's in my genes. Pity I'm taking it with me to my grave. I find people interesting and everyone has a story. I find TV so fake and prefer to hear the real story.

Edited: because autocorrect
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Jul 31, 2022
I am a hobbyist game dev, I used to have a lot of fun programming and testing my projects. But my RSI issues in my hands, metal issues and other life issues building up over the years have killed my motivation to the point I feel I lost purpose. I realize I have been using game dev and gaming as a distraction all these years and it isn't working anymore.
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Cosmic dust

Cosmic dust

Among the stars
Feb 28, 2022
I am a hobbyist game dev, I used to have a lot of fun programming and testing my projects. But my RSI issues in my hands, metal issues and other life issues building up over the years have killed my motivation to the point I feel I lost purpose. I realize I have been using game dev and gaming as a distraction all these years and it isn't working anymore.
When I was around 17-19yo, I actually wanted to make games as a hobby, I played a lot around AS3 (for flash) and some libraries, but of course, being a stupid teen that liked more to play than to make stuff, having zero bachground knowledge about programing and none of the other noteworth skills needed (like art skills for graphics and music) that went nowhere.
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Jul 31, 2022
having zero bachground knowledge about programing and none of the other noteworth skills needed
Yeah I had zero background as well, but I just stuck with it, and watched lots and lots of tutorials for the program I was using.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Fan fiction because I'm a trash person, LOL

Occasionally, I tweak a baking recipe when I'm feeling brave and it works out better than the original.
Ethereal Knight

Ethereal Knight

Seja um bom soldado, morra onde você caiu.
Jan 10, 2022
Do you have any creative hobbies? Like, any hobby where you can put your creativity, skill and knowledge to use, in order to make something? Does that help you in any way?
yes, I'm very good at using Adobe Photoshop to edit photos, to either improve them, create something completely new, or express feelings through atmospheres, colors and by changing the background.

I wouldn't say that hobbie saves me from depression, but it certainly gives me something to do and helps to occupy my mind (to prevent me from ruminating or dwelling in negative thoughts), while I enjoy my rest and listen to relaxing music at the same time, while working on my Photoshop projects.

if you're looking for something that would help a lot to fight depression, I would recommend physical exercise, actually. it's not creative at all, but is incredibly efficient at improving mental health. exercise is medicine.

what exercise? whatever one you enjoy sufficiently to be able to stick to it long-term.
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