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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
due to life and corona (online classes) I'm currently struggling way more than I ever did on college. I lack will to do anything and although I didn't drop out it's almost as if, since I do a total of 0 assignments/studying.

meds and therapy did not help at all, in fact I believe it made everything worse, considering I used to care but now don't spare a single fuck. most of the time there is nothing but despair, disgust or void within me, no perspective, nor hope for anything. Not even bed time is a relief, not even while sleeping I find peace. At this pace I will certainly fail and fall behind my class, or at best I will pass but with no knowledge at all (which would be quite unethical considering my soon to be profession). Plus there is the possibility of cbt soon, which makes graduating quite pointless.

did anyone go through this? how did you handle the situation? if you are comfortable please share it/suggest something.
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Aug 23, 2020
My example is probably a bad one - when I felt like this, I dropped out and got myself an easy job that didn't require a degree.
Presuming you successfully graduate - do you still want to work in the profession you initially picked? It sounds like it's something challenging and probably not inspiring to you. What was your motivation to go to college in the first place?
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ocd is bad

ocd is bad

Jun 26, 2020
I'm in the same position. Falling behind in classes, stress, little motivation to do work. I feel like I have an insurmountable about of assignments and spend most of my day procrastinating by sleeping. Sometimes I sleep during classes too. I'm going to destroy my gpa and never be able to graduate. I'm so stressed but can't do any work until the literal last minute. Sorry I made this about me but yeah I'm in the same position.
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Oct 10, 2020
I relate to everything you've said. Honestly since I'm planning to kill myself soon, thinking about classes seems pointless to me.
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Jan 20, 2020
School was really stressful to me too. I would say focus on why you're putting yourself though that. Is there a particular line of work you aiming for? Would trade school a better fit?
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Oct 13, 2020
I may not be the best example either, i dropped out of vet school n went to study something easy that didnt acrually required much study, im between cooking n bakery school. Its less srressful for sure, n i can concentrate on getting better or ctb if i happen to feel too shitty for it.
I would suggest u take a year off if thats a possibility. If u really want to ctb, then maybe its time to drop out. If not, u need to put in perspective your own current limits and see whats best for u atm. Like seeking help for your mental illness, or lessen the stress around you. Guess it depends on what you wanna do, id suggest leaving college for next year if you can n try to lift your spirits before starting again.
Whatever u choose, i hope u find peace in it! I know the struggle and making a decision can be very hard. But id imagine if you wanna finish college, doing it with a better mind set will prpbably be the best option.
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
My example is probably a bad one - when I felt like this, I dropped out and got myself an easy job that didn't require a degree.
Presuming you successfully graduate - do you still want to work in the profession you initially picked? It sounds like it's something challenging and probably not inspiring to you. What was your motivation to go to college in the first place?
if you don't mind answering.. how did that go for you?

Well, it is indeed challenging, it consumes all my spare time - when I actually have some, and honestly I think it to be quite a competite area whislt I am not like it for a bit. To be honest, I'm not sure, since I am constantly changing my mind I've considered doing lots of completly unrelated stuff and therefore I have absolutely no clue about who I am or what I want to do. Deep down maybe I still hold some love for the profession, though even if I don't, considering things end "well" I intent to stay in the field, cause well, it's a great one in my country, it gives me more possibilities and I could actually try to do something useful with it, instead of just making a paycheck, maybe getting some reward emotionally speaking.

At first, I believed I wanted to be a researcher, but as soon I got into the academy I changed my mind, cause I realized I didn't have anything in common with the area, and that it was mostly and influence i got from my ex-boyfriend, so I discarded it. But at the time, i was really into neurology, and wished to understand how the mind and body worked as whole. Eventually I lost, as usual, my interest. And today I basically focus on visualizing a future where I can provide medical care to the poor and segregated all around the world. But honestly, even with it I can't make myself get up and work.
I'm in the same position. Falling behind in classes, stress, little motivation to do work. I feel like I have an insurmountable about of assignments and spend most of my day procrastinating by sleeping. Sometimes I sleep during classes too. I'm going to destroy my gpa and never be able to graduate. I'm so stressed but can't do any work until the literal last minute. Sorry I made this about me but yeah I'm in the same position.
don't worry, really. this post is also a space for anyone that relates to vent. I am always avaiable if you want to talk :)
School was really stressful to me too. I would say focus on why you're putting yourself though that. Is there a particular line of work you aiming for? Would trade school a better fit?

today I basically focus on visualizing a future where I can provide medical care to the poor and segregated all around the world.

I've been trying to give a meaning/purpose to this journey, tho till now I had no sucess at all. It seems quite impossible when life itself is meaningless to me. I've developed some sort of disgust towards humanity and that does not help at all, but I thought that maybe I could turn my disbelief, frustration and anger towards to society into something productive that could both associate this feelings and a solution, not that I'd be able to heal the world, but at least help some people, instead of just feeling hopeless and furious.But, as they say, it's easier said than done.

As for trading, that'd be an option if there was anything else I enjoyed. Not that I love medicine, I'm definetly not of those who've always dreamt of being a doctor, but there is nothing else I like to do. So it'd be pointless i guess.
I may not be the best example either, i dropped out of vet school n went to study something easy that didnt acrually required much study, im between cooking n bakery school. Its less srressful for sure, n i can concentrate on getting better or ctb if i happen to feel too shitty for it.
I would suggest u take a year off if thats a possibility. If u really want to ctb, then maybe its time to drop out. If not, u need to put in perspective your own current limits and see whats best for u atm. Like seeking help for your mental illness, or lessen the stress around you. Guess it depends on what you wanna do, id suggest leaving college for next year if you can n try to lift your spirits before starting again.
Whatever u choose, i hope u find peace in it! I know the struggle and making a decision can be very hard. But id imagine if you wanna finish college, doing it with a better mind set will prpbably be the best option.
As much as it's embarrassing to admit, I'm constantly shifting when it comes to cbt :/

Personally, I love what you did there. I myself considered dropping med school and pursuing bakery (although I have no talent at all). How is it like? Do you regret it? Would you mind sharing your experience?
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Oct 13, 2020
Personally, I love what you did there. I myself considered dropping med school and pursuing bakery (although I have no talent at all). How is it like? Do you regret it? Would you mind sharing your experience?

No at all. I think bakery is an entertaining activity that cn help u boost some of ur self esteem, its an activity that gives u instant rewards if whatever u r cooking comes out right ofc. And i dont think u need talent for it. I mean, there are naruraly talented ppl, but its all about practice. There are things youll have to try a few times before they come out right, but once u get the hang of it, and if u like it, youll eventually want to try harder n newer things. If u have the chance n u like it, why dont u try it. Don't be discouraged if some recepy doesnt work out one or even a few times. When i cook, it helps me keep busy, since im unemployed i sell things i cook, so, its not saving me from ctb but it helps.
And no, i dont regret dropping college for bakery. College was unsustainable for me when i dropped out. Bakery goves me some self worth.
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Aug 31, 2020
I can relate a bit. I'm passing but only because failing grades would make me too anxious. I'm planning on ctb before I graduate, maybe even before next semester, so I'm just like... what's the point?
I'm sorry things are not working out for you, college is incredibly difficult right now and depression on top of that is not helpful.
if you don't mind answering.. how did that go for you?

Well, it is indeed challenging, it consumes all my spare time - when I actually have some, and honestly I think it to be quite a competite area whislt I am not like it for a bit. To be honest, I'm not sure, since I am constantly changing my mind I've considered doing lots of completly unrelated stuff and therefore I have absolutely no clue about who I am or what I want to do. Deep down maybe I still hold some love for the profession, though even if I don't, considering things end "well" I intent to stay in the field, cause well, it's a great one in my country, it gives me more possibilities and I could actually try to do something useful with it, instead of just making a paycheck, maybe getting some reward emotionally speaking.

At first, I believed I wanted to be a researcher, but as soon I got into the academy I changed my mind, cause I realized I didn't have anything in common with the area, and that it was mostly and influence i got from my ex-boyfriend, so I discarded it. But at the time, i was really into neurology, and wished to understand how the mind and body worked as whole. Eventually I lost, as usual, my interest. And today I basically focus on visualizing a future where I can provide medical care to the poor and segregated all around the world. But honestly, even with it I can't make myself get up and work.

don't worry, really. this post is also a space for anyone that relates to vent. I am always avaiable if you want to talk :)

today I basically focus on visualizing a future where I can provide medical care to the poor and segregated all around the world.

I've been trying to give a meaning/purpose to this journey, tho till now I had no sucess at all. It seems quite impossible when life itself is meaningless to me. I've developed some sort of disgust towards humanity and that does not help at all, but I thought that maybe I could turn my disbelief, frustration and anger towards to society into something productive that could both associate this feelings and a solution, not that I'd be able to heal the world, but at least help some people, instead of just feeling hopeless and furious.But, as they say, it's easier said than done.

As for trading, that'd be an option if there was anything else I enjoyed. Not that I love medicine, I'm definetly not of those who've always dreamt of being a doctor, but there is nothing else I like to do. So it'd be pointless i guess.

As much as it's embarrassing to admit, I'm constantly shifting when it comes to cbt :/

Personally, I love what you did there. I myself considered dropping med school and pursuing bakery (although I have no talent at all). How is it like? Do you regret it? Would you mind sharing your experience?

I think that's an amazing goal to have for a medical field. I used to want to be a doctor for a long time growing up, because I was helping my disabled grandmother and was honestly shocked at the lack of care so many doctors give. I hope you can keep visualizing your message. I hope the best for you.
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Aug 23, 2020
if you don't mind answering.. how did that go for you?
Well, I can't say I'm a shining example of success in life, but I don't have it all that bad either. Most of my college classmates that successfully graduated are doing about as well as I do, many have jobs that have little to nothing to do with their degree. As for me, I spent some time working odd jobs from waitressing to connecting households to Internet for a couple of years. Soon after I dropped out I met some amazing people that helped me crawl out of my depression, and they happened to be IT guys. They helped me learn IT skills that allowed me to eventually get a decent job without a degree. I actually could've had a nice career if not for my abysmal mental health that struck back years later. I am dirt poor right now, but that's mostly because of my mental and physical health, I actually have two jobs and both pay a rather decent salary for the nowhere town I live in.

You have beautiful and noble goals, but for now you just need to be more gentle with yourself. If you can take a year/semester/some time off in college, I think that might be helpful, and I really hope you understand that college education doesn't define your worth or success, and neither it is the only path to hapiness. Education is a ridiculously lucrative industry that goes out of it's way to make everyone believe that if they don't have a diploma they failed at life, but that's just not true.

Good luck!
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Welcome to hell on Earth
Aug 28, 2020
I am in a similar situation but I go to someone house to doit because I am taking cooking classes,and I am not do so good, and about the 3rd week in I was doing even worse, and I have a exam in the next 2 days. And anyway I am trying to do my best but I keep falling behind in everything, and also I have been like that my hole life as well. But the good news is I only have 5 more weeks of it. As of right now I am not carrying anymore but I still try ,and also I keep all my emotions in, and don't say much to anyone ,and even how much I am a burden to everyone there ,and I am seeing it like all the time. And when class us over U am going to put all my time in figuring out my plan to CTB ,and some suuff I want to do before the deadline comes. And also since the past week U am more ready to go now. And also I have more body pain then mentally,and it has been like it my hole life. And zi have been having low self of steam my hole life, and it has to do with what I am going through.And U am only doing this ot get some more skill but more to pass the time away.And I don't give a fuckin rats ass anymore.
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Jun 29, 2020
due to life and corona (online classes) I'm currently struggling way more than I ever did on college. I lack will to do anything and although I didn't drop out it's almost as if, since I do a total of 0 assignments/studying.

meds and therapy did not help at all, in fact I believe it made everything worse, considering I used to care but now don't spare a single fuck. most of the time there is nothing but despair, disgust or void within me, no perspective, nor hope for anything. Not even bed time is a relief, not even while sleeping I find peace. At this pace I will certainly fail and fall behind my class, or at best I will pass but with no knowledge at all (which would be quite unethical considering my soon to be profession). Plus there is the possibility of cbt soon, which makes graduating quite pointless.

did anyone go through this? how did you handle the situation? if you are comfortable please share it/suggest something.
are you me? This is like my thoughts

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