I get it, all the other long term goals loose their relevance after you decide to commit to the ctb plan.
Right, although I do have some regret about missing out on these things. However, any feeling I have is completely useless, because in death there are no feelings, no regrets, no happiness. Just nothing. In the past I've attempted suicide when I have not been too busy; the reason for this is because it is such an awful thing to survive an attempt with so many things to complete (i.e. work, appointments) but this not feasible now. I am considerately busy.
Don't rush! The last thing you want to happen is permanent physical damage on top of it, but that would be the most likely outcome of a rushed attempt!
Thanks, yeah my method is pretty reliable but I still need to do some research. Rushing is never good. How ironic that pro-lifers and preventionists are actually PUSHING people towards suicide by forcibly taking methods from people. When will they understand that the removal of methods only increases suicidal tendencies? I get so sick of having to educate professionals.
I've had similar feelings, like why should I wait another day or another week? But the last thing you want is to be disturbed or wake up with permanent damage.
I agree. Suspicion seems to be raised and I do not want to be stopped. Good thing I have locks and barricades. By the time anyone were to discover me, I'd be long gone. I'm sorry you can relate. It's an awful thing to be in the throes of.
The anxiety caused by someone possibly finding your method is fucking horrible, so I get it. I'm sorry you trusted someone with this kind of info and they betrayed you. I would never forgive someone for doing that to me.
If you're certain that this is the right choice, then be careful not to rush through the actual process of it. Good luck.
Thank you for your kind reply. I'm sorry you can relate. I've been reflecting and thinking how trusting anyone has never really gotten me anywhere. It just leaves me more vulnerable. Sure, there are good short-term effects. But relationships always seem to get destroyed. Maybe my fault? I am not one to avoid responsibility. I am so angry and irate. People are so selfish. I feel like I need to kill myself now or I'll never get the chance to. Suicide people can only depend on one another, at least regarding mental health issues and feelings of suicide.
I hate how SS is called a cult. Really? Do we restrict access to methods of comfort and support? Do we imprison people for being emotional? Pro-lifers and preventionists are the real fucking cults, they literally fit cult models. I'm certain suicide is the right choice, but I was hoping to have more time to plan. I used to hope that my family wouldn't be too traumatized or whatever, and I still hope they won't be, but I would like for everyone to recognize their fault in this situation. Maybe that's just selfish and vengeful of me. Anyway, thanks again.
Absolute half hearted and cringe.
Agreed. As if the pleas of a stranger could make me want to stay in this disgusting world. I'm very glad that SS promptly bans such users.