
Mar 5, 2019
This is my first thread, in which I will expose my situation to whoever is willing to read.
I'm male, 18yo (as my profile name indicates), from Central America.
I was born with Asperger's Syndrome, a mental illness which have conditioned every single aspect of my life.
I don't think that my life was tough, in fact, I was rised by a very caring, loving mother, who supported my with all her effort from the very beginning. I never encountered financial hardship (although my family is lower middle class, I never suffered poverty in any point in my life, although I wasn't raised with luxury, either). I only mentioned my mother because my father didn't involved too much in my upbringing (I rarely talk to him, he just provide money to the household and that's it).

So, why am I here?
Simple: I think I should catch the bus as soon as possible.
The fact that I hadn't a tough life doesn't mean that I'm inmune to suffering.
As said before, Asperger's have conditioned every single aspect of my life.

I was diagnosed with this curse at age 6. I didn't fit in with my peers. I was so weird... I checked every single symptom, like an archetype. I never get along with my classmates throughout ages 7-9, I was constantly ostracized by them and not only them, but my teacher. Afterwards (9 years and a half) I was transefered to another section where my teacher was more supportive (I have to remind the support of my mother during this process, she didn't act early because I didn't spoke about my problems). From age 10 to 12, the beggining of my puberty, my AS became more pronounced. I was a total misfit, the akward weirdo that you make fun of.
It is important to add, that I'm ridiciously perfectionist, and I had a faux superiority complex by getting perfect grades, a form of cope, so to say.
I was completely isolated so my social development, was impaired.
When I entered high school (we start high school at 13 here), my aim was to enter to an elite high school from my country when I turned 15 (the age of admission), in order to bring joy to my family (I was a gifted child, they had great expectations of me). After spending 2 years getting ostracized again, I took the test, and failed.

That was the first time I started to experience suicidal thoughts (I had depressive symptoms before, but not suicidal ideations), I failed, I was a failure. I was already a loser, but that was the drop that filled the glass. I planned my suicide by hanging, conmemorating my failure, the next year, the same day I took the test.

I was sixteen, my grades dropped (from straight As, to Ds and Fs), I never got a girlfriend, my friends usually were engaged in alcohol and sabotaging each other. My life was pointless. September 28th came (the date of my suicide), I failed again. I didn't know much about hanging, the knot wasn't firm and I survived. After my failed suicide, I was invaded my a sentiment of hope, and started improving myself.

At seventeen, there was a major change in me. I was happy and improving everyday, trying to fix my mistakes. My grades raised (not that much, I managed to get a B average at the end of high school, but that was something). I was very sociable, and my social akwardness was dissapearing really quickly. What happened then?
I don't know, but somehow, I ended up worse.

Since my early teens I knew that the mf of my dad had an affair, which resulted in a daughter. My mother realized that and the familiar stability broke. Now she had depression, and my dad is beggining to rely too much on alcohol (he's not an alcoholic, but he's close to it). Then, she (my mom) had a miscarriage (My mom had a really horrible infance, she was literally tortured, physically. Now she began to suffer again).

That didn't affect me too much at the beggining, but then, it began to add up.

January 15th, 2019. I turned eighteen. I was super delusional with my future, until everything started to break. I started having major arguments my father. He was reproaching the fact that he feed me all these years, so I escaped home. I came back just due to lack of money just to realize that he didn't give a crap about my well-being. Two weeks later we had a physical confrontation, and my mom is beginning to hate me (I complain too much about my AS).

This summed with the fact that I'm an unattractive involuntary celibate is making me think that ending my life is reasonable, but I don't know if that's fair, since my life is not as bad as my peers.

Maybe I'm just a cunt (I hope this word is not offensive) and a coward, I don't really know.

What do you think, I would like an honest answer.
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Jan 21, 2019
Sometimes having it better than most just isn't enough to justify NOT to CTB. I understand it's very unfair, but everyone feels and experiences things differently. Asperger's is one hell of a bitch to deal with, I get that. Sometimes when things don't go the way I had them in my head, I tend to feel very discouraged and disappointed while normal people would just brush it off.

I've tried to CTB and failed multiple times already, the earliest I can remember was when I was in 1st grade. I wanted to douse myself and my room in gasoline and just burn alive. Dramatic and over-the-top. I think it was over something petty as well, if not maybe cause I disappointed my family somehow and they very much like to SHOW that they are.

Honestly, I am nowhere qualified to give advice or stop you if you want to CTB. But hey you're 18, 10 years younger than I am, and sometimes I still find some hope for myself. If I could be 18 again and have the same 10 years ahead of me, I think I'd like to do better for myself.

I think you should try and get a pet (only if you feel like you're responsible enough for one) otherwise maybe a plant, just so you'd have something you'd learn to care for or about. I find that apathy for a lot of things often drives my impulse to CTB.

I'm sorry about the family issues, my family sucks big time too. Staying away from their toxicity helped me progress better in life.

I hope you can find someone who'd care for you, and you'd care for, I'm not sure how, especially with Asperger's...

Life gets tiring. It's sad to have that feeling when you're so young. I hope you are well OP. Good luck!
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Mar 7, 2019
This is my first thread, in which I will expose my situation to whoever is willing to read.
I'm male, 18yo (as my profile name indicates), from Central America.
I was born with Asperger's Syndrome, a mental illness which have conditioned every single aspect of my life.
I don't think that my life was tough, in fact, I was rised by a very caring, loving mother, who supported my with all her effort from the very beginning. I never encountered financial hardship (although my family is lower middle class, I never suffered poverty in any point in my life, although I wasn't raised with luxury, either). I only mentioned my mother because my father didn't involved too much in my upbringing (I rarely talk to him, he just provide money to the household and that's it).

So, why am I here?
Simple: I think I should catch the bus as soon as possible.
The fact that I hadn't a tough life doesn't mean that I'm inmune to suffering.
As said before, Asperger's have conditioned every single aspect of my life.

I was diagnosed with this curse at age 6. I didn't fit in with my peers. I was so weird... I checked every single symptom, like an archetype. I never get along with my classmates throughout ages 7-9, I was constantly ostracized by them and not only them, but my teacher. Afterwards (9 years and a half) I was transefered to another section where my teacher was more supportive (I have to remind the support of my mother during this process, she didn't act early because I didn't spoke about my problems). From age 10 to 12, the beggining of my puberty, my AS became more pronounced. I was a total misfit, the akward weirdo that you make fun of.
It is important to add, that I'm ridiciously perfectionist, and I had a faux superiority complex by getting perfect grades, a form of cope, so to say.
I was completely isolated so my social development, was impaired.
When I entered high school (we start high school at 13 here), my aim was to enter to an elite high school from my country when I turned 15 (the age of admission), in order to bring joy to my family (I was a gifted child, they had great expectations of me). After spending 2 years getting ostracized again, I took the test, and failed.

That was the first time I started to experience suicidal thoughts (I had depressive symptoms before, but not suicidal ideations), I failed, I was a failure. I was already a loser, but that was the drop that filled the glass. I planned my suicide by hanging, conmemorating my failure, the next year, the same day I took the test.

I was sixteen, my grades dropped (from straight As, to Ds and Fs), I never got a girlfriend, my friends usually were engaged in alcohol and sabotaging each other. My life was pointless. September 28th came (the date of my suicide), I failed again. I didn't know much about hanging, the knot wasn't firm and I survived. After my failed suicide, I was invaded my a sentiment of hope, and started improving myself.

At seventeen, there was a major change in me. I was happy and improving everyday, trying to fix my mistakes. My grades raised (not that much, I managed to get a B average at the end of high school, but that was something). I was very sociable, and my social akwardness was dissapearing really quickly. What happened then?
I don't know, but somehow, I ended up worse.

Since my early teens I knew that the mf of my dad had an affair, which resulted in a daughter. My mother realized that and the familiar stability broke. Now she had depression, and my dad is beggining to rely too much on alcohol (he's not an alcoholic, but he's close to it). Then, she (my mom) had a miscarriage (My mom had a really horrible infance, she was literally tortured, physically. Now she began to suffer again).

That didn't affect me too much at the beggining, but then, it began to add up.

January 15th, 2019. I turned eighteen. I was super delusional with my future, until everything started to break. I started having major arguments my father. He was reproaching the fact that he feed me all these years, so I escaped home. I came back just due to lack of money just to realize that he didn't give a crap about my well-being. Two weeks later we had a physical confrontation, and my mom is beginning to hate me (I complain too much about my AS).

This summed with the fact that I'm an unattractive involuntary celibate is making me think that ending my life is reasonable, but I don't know if that's fair, since my life is not as bad as my peers.

Maybe I'm just a cunt (I hope this word is not offensive) and a coward, I don't really know.

What do you think, I would like an honest answer.
I think you should try to stay in there longer because your so young. But I don't know the true extent of your situation. Do you think you can go to trade school and become like a plumber, air condition repair man, or something like that. You know there are many jobs that don't require college eduction that won't get taken over by automation. Heck even just doing rideshare for now would be an easy form of income.
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Mar 5, 2019
I think you should try to stay in there longer because your so young. But I don't know the true extent of your situation. Do you think you can go to trade school and become like a plumber, air condition repair man, or something like that. You know there are many jobs that don't require college eduction that won't get taken over by automation. Heck even just doing rideshare for now would be an easy form of income.
I'm at a public university, studying accounting. I'm not afraid of my future financial situation.
I'm saying that living with Asperger is pointless and it's reasonable to ctb (I have also a huge problem with my self-concept, I can't even see myself in the mirror without almost crying).
Anyways thank you very much for providing advice :)
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Mar 7, 2019
I'm at a public university, studying accounting. I'm not afraid of my future financial situation.
I'm saying that living with Asperger is pointless and it's reasonable to ctb (I have also a huge problem with my self-concept, I can't even see myself in the mirror without almost crying).
Anyways thank you very much for providing advice :)
I really hate to break it to you, but accounting is going to be automated soon. You might want to look that up. If you do decide to not CTB then you'll probably have to find another career.


Mar 5, 2019
I really hate to break it to you, but accounting is going to be automated soon. You might want to look that up. If you do decide to not CTB then you'll probably have to find another career.
I forget to say. I'm going to transfer to economics next semester, IDK if it will be automated too. Remember that I live in a third-world country, so that transition will take more time than in America.
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Mar 7, 2019
I forget to say. I'm going to transfer to economics next semester, IDK if it will be automated too. Remember that I live in a third-world country, so that transition will take more time than in America.
Yeah I am not sure about economics.


Haunted by the ghosts of the past
Jul 9, 2018
Hi. I'm not going to use your age as an excuse to ask you not to kill yourself, at 18 years old you're more than aware of the implications of what you're considering. I was 9 years old when I first tried to commit suicide, so I feel I'd be hypocritical to advocate for you not too citing age as the reason. I'm not even going tell you you shouldn't kill yourself, because quite frankly it's your life and your death, so you have every right to make whatever decision you feel is best.

At the end of the day you've got to ask yourself whether or not life is worth living and are you prepared to die. If there is so much as a quiver of doubt about death (and judging by your post, it sounds like there is), then I'd say you still feel there is something to live for. If there is no doubt of your intent to die then all I'd ask is you take the time to research methods thoroughly before making your choice.

In my professional capacity at my place of work, I've seen countless people with Asperger syndrome, coming from rough home environments, go on to lead amazingly happy, productive lives, so I know that your Aspergers doesn't have to define you, unless you allow it.

Don't rush in to anything. Weigh up all the odds before making that final choice. No one can promise that things will change for the better, every chance it will, every chance it won't. The trick here is you've got to decide whether or not you want to try and find out. This takes me right back to my original question to you: are you prepared to die?
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Mar 5, 2019
This takes me right back to my original question to you: are you prepared to die?

I'm not afraid of dying, but I do feel hope of a better future.
That doesn't mean I think everything will get better, it's just a feeling, a delusion.
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Haunted by the ghosts of the past
Jul 9, 2018
I'm not afraid of dying, but I do feel hope of a better future.
That doesn't mean I think everything will get better, it's just a feeling, a delusion.
Fair point. I believe there's a distinction to be made between being afraid to die and being prepared to die. For me the former means that I don't fear death itself but the latter, again to me, means being ready to let go of this life and everything (good and bad) in it.

That delusion you spoke of is still something to cling to; after all there are no promises in life, just the chance of a good one.
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