

Aug 14, 2018
What are some things that are considered normal by society that drive you crazy ?

Let me start,
I hate facial hair. Having to shave every week is a completely useless and time wasting task and its absolutely disgusting. I loathe myself every time my beard or moustache grows long (>0.5 cm)
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Deleted member 847

Expectations of genders. I'm very shy/awkward thanks to my social anxiety disorder, and I fucking hate reading articles of how I'm gayish, less of a man or simply not a person any woman would want to marry ever. At school a girl once told me that I was very immature and laughed at me. Like the bitch really thought that I didn't know how a man is supposed to behave around people. I just want to fucking slap them in the face. What makes it worst is that I'm not even ugly, and I would be an "alpha" without this illness.
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Jun 15, 2018
can't stand :Phones,facebook,twitter,tumblr,Skype,viber,snapchat etc
I like youtube.
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Le mort joyeux
Jul 11, 2018
People having kids
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Jun 26, 2018
I hate hair in general, I have PCOS (I think) so I look like a yeti if I don't shave. It sucks.

But the thing that pisses me off the most about this disgusting human body - periods. Every. Fucking. Month. And for what? I'm an antinatalist, I won't ever shit out a kid, just stop that nonsense...
When you get your first period they tell you "och, you're a woman now! how amazing!" seriously, what's wrong with people xD
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Here is my list:

Physical image obsession
Pro-life ideas
The more suffering/effort, the better
Lack of personality
Aggresivity against they dislike
Stupid complexes
They demand you a lot, they don't give a shit to you
Makeup, "good" haircuts, etc
Following and envying idols
Stupid and useless events

And the holy grail:
People having kids

Edit: I almost forgot spending the day on the gym, uuuuhhhh I hate that hellholes
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Cosmic panic
May 18, 2018
I hate hair in general, I have PCOS (I think) so I look like a yeti if I don't shave. It sucks.

But the thing that pisses me off the most about this disgusting human body - periods. Every. Fucking. Month. And for what? I'm an antinatalist, I won't ever shit out a kid, just stop that nonsense...
When you get your first period they tell you "och, you're a woman now! how amazing!" seriously, what's wrong with people xD

Your entire reply! The pcos and the damn periods! I'm not procreating!

I normally wear makeup to minimize some of the insecurity. I haven't worn any in the last few weeks. I'm so over it.
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Cosmic panic
May 18, 2018
Having to be happy and chipper and the damn time.

Being called negative and toxic if you point out an obvious set back or obstacle.

Bodily noises.

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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Sunlight. I'm not an albino or anything, but I've always hated it and having it cast upon even the slightest portion of my body has always made me feel slightly ill/uncomfortable. It's bright, it's annoying, it's shit. I have extremely thick curtains in my room which block out 99% of that accursed light beaming from the sun, which, all in all, couldn't make me any happier. I've only been out in broad daylight twice in two years, (both of which amounted to less than 10 minutes outside of a vehicle) and twice was more than enough.

Other than that, practically all the maintenance required for the human body to function has, a matter of course, always bothered me greatly (eating, drinking, defecating, sleeping, etc.) Not to then mention all the upkeep with personal hygiene like bathing/showering, brushing one's teeth, shaving, combing/trimming one's hair (etc.) Then there's all the more direct needs when your body starts to malfunction in some way like needing to take an aspirin because of a headache, being stricken with a mild infection of some kind, getting an irritating rash or mark that won't go away, other aches & pains that are legion, some brief some not so brief (etc.) Take my fucking brain out of this pitiful vessel of flesh & bone and put me in a nice shiny body of chrome steel (T-800 style), free from having to service the endless needs of this weak bag of meat any longer. Or just put a bullet through it. That works too, if not better.


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Aug 14, 2018
Sunlight. I'm not an albino or anything, but I've always hated it and having it cast upon even the slightest portion of my body has always made me feel slightly ill/uncomfortable. It's bright, it's annoying, it's shit. I have extremely thick curtains in my room which block out 99% of that accursed light beaming from the sun, which, all in all, couldn't make me any happier. I've only been out in broad daylight twice in two years, (both of which amounted to less than 10 minutes outside of a vehicle) and twice was more than enough.

Other than that, practically all the maintenance required for the human body to function has, a matter of course, always bothered me greatly (eating, drinking, defecating, sleeping, etc.) Not to then mention all the upkeep with personal hygiene like bathing/showering, brushing one's teeth, shaving, combing/trimming one's hair (etc.) Then there's all the more direct needs when your body starts to malfunction in some way like needing to take an aspirin because of a headache, being stricken with a mild infection of some kind, getting an irritating rash or mark that won't go away, other aches & pains that are legion, some brief some not so brief (etc.) Take my fucking brain out of this pitiful vessel of flesh & bone and put me in a nice shiny body of chrome steel (T-800 style), free from having to service the endless needs of this weak bag of meat any longer. Or just put a bullet through it. That works too, if not better.


I can't explain how much i relate to your post... I agree with everything you just said
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Aug 15, 2018
People talking about nothing, and then getting mad because you weren't listening to them ramble on and on about how their washer wasn't working, when you already know because they told you last week. In great detail. And people who like to tell stories about their lives all the time, but forget that they already told it to you. The best part is when they forget the details they already lied about and they change it all up to make it more "impressive".

Also, the cold. It gets so cold here in the winter that my nose hairs freeze when I walk outside, and if my hair is wet, it turns into haircicles.

The fact that my hairless cat gets huge grease stains everywhere when I forget to wash him. Also he looks like a fucked up goblin and gets his earwax all over everything as well, along with shit that gets stuck between his furless toes. He's lucky I like him.
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Aug 15, 2018
-I hated having facial/body hair so much I got it permanently removed.

-I hate not being able to openly talk about heavy topics such as suicide, homicide, child abuse, etc. Not being able to talk about it without someone screaming for Daddy Zuckerberg or the social stigma behind it only contributes to those things being as terrible as they are.

-I hate that I would have to work 9-5 just to survive (If I wasn't on disability). I don't feel anyone should ever have to work that much to live comfortably. I dont think life should be %75 toiling.

-I hate that I can't dress "weird" or express myself without people gawking at me. Peoples lack of manners are foreign to me. I hate that I look around and everyone is dressed in the same beige potato sack as if that's normal.

I could go on.
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Aug 8, 2018
Ya I got to say I hate having facial hair and hair on my body besides my legs and hate needing to shave almost everyday. I also hate sunlight being in it or having sunlight in my room.
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-I hate that I can't dress "weird" or express myself without people gawking at me. Peoples lack of manners are foreign to me. I hate that I look around and everyone is dressed in the same beige potato sack as if that's normal.
Wow I wish I could walk in the street with a potato sack too. It's one of my frustrated dreams.
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Aug 8, 2018
I also hate people expecting me to have short hair because I'm a guy I hate short hair on me and refuse too. I also hate people expecting me to dress normal when I like my goth style.
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the satanic mechanic
Jul 29, 2018
i hate a lot of natural things as i am a goblin from the underdark

but most of all i hate summer, because i always end up sweating like a rapist in church if it's even slightly above 20degC
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Aug 15, 2018
Sunlight - I can't stand it... for some reason it makes me really depressed. I don't mind artificial light though. I've tried many times sleeping all day to be awake all night, but my current way of life doesn't make this easy to do. I'd just be happy to never see the sun again.
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Jul 26, 2018
Periods. I don't want to reproduce so I wish I could just get my uterus removed and be done.
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Jul 28, 2018
Yes, I hate period, but I am able to get rid of it for at least 6yrs now. Also body hair, I did laser removal, but it didnt kill all of them. So, I still have to shave but a lot easier.
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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
Others touched on some of these but:
  • Parents and children.
  • My period (as other women have said, it disgusts me); my body in general.
  • Large looming buildings owned by corporations.
  • The illusion of the "American dream."
  • Young people/youths talking about their goals and future (this one I hate the most).
  • Sunlight and heat in the summer or spring.
  • Upbeat fast music like salsa, funk, EDM whatever they play in retail shops.
  • Barren looking trees.
  • Most doctors, psychiatrists, cops, and other people in positions of power who think they know what's best for you.
  • When people make comments like "So and so looks great for their age," assess others' physical worth.
  • When people try to offer comfort or advice and you're forced to smile and say "thank you."
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Aug 11, 2018
Periods, snoring, the expectation of me having to be all happy and "full of life", crowded places, drivers blasting shit music, people giving advice, when people spit on the ground (personally always just never liked that), in fact when people just talk especially when they scream like shutup already, adults, teens, men, women, life, the world, basically I hate everything.
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Aug 4, 2018
I hate hair in general, I have PCOS (I think) so I look like a yeti if I don't shave. It sucks.

But the thing that pisses me off the most about this disgusting human body - periods. Every. Fucking. Month. And for what? I'm an antinatalist, I won't ever shit out a kid, just stop that nonsense...
When you get your first period they tell you "och, you're a woman now! how amazing!" seriously, what's wrong with people xD

The exact same two things I wanted to list
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The world itself, and not accepting life like it's now only leads to chaos and discomfort for almost everyone, for not saying all...
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
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Aug 5, 2018
I hate eating. And no, I don't have anorexia, I eat normally, it's just that my stomach feels so full and unclean when I eat.
Also using the restroom. And of course, periods.
I just hate this organic weak vessel of a body, I don't feel comfortable in it at all.
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El revisionismo en castillano
Jul 16, 2018
People talking about their musical preferences
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Jul 22, 2018
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
Road Traffic
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I menctioned it but really I will never understand obsesion with beauty; taking excessive care about image, the need of remaking you for adapting something arbitrary, the constant pression, the cult to what society considers beauty, and a long etc. I think this is something really hurtful and must disappear. Let's ourselves be how the fuck we want to be, no how some assholes imposed us to look.
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