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Aug 18, 2020
My dad just visited me and it escalated extremely. In October college re-starts. Honestly, I am way way too ill for college. I study part-time and it still is hell on earth. Noone would have endured this more than one semester. I did it 5 semesters and I deteriorated mentally and physcially. The people in the clinic were shocked about my condition. I ordered SN some months ago. Death is preferable to college. I am pretty convinced of that. My dad gives very stupid advices. He always believes I had the wrong therapists. Bro I was at several different places we all come to the same conclusions. And then he blames me not to listen to his advices. He made me so fucking angry. I shouted at him. It was horrible for my mental health. And the thing is the next time he will come with the same arguments. He even pressured me to go with college. Despite the fact I told him I might kill myself if I have to go on with college. I consider that. I had to vent a lot. I cannot stand his pressure. Honestly, I already pressure myself in an insane way. I torture myself over the hopeless situation. And he just made everything worse.

If I have to go with such discussions frequently that certainly gives me more reasons to kill myself. I think it is time to give up on employment. If my parents don't support that well I have warned them. I don't want them to experience this. The suicide of their child. The situation is already unbearable. I cannot stand external pressure and I also told him how horrible this discussion for my mental health was.

I almost finished Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. This book is such a gem. The described men are despicable and this eased my own self-loathing.
So one book of my bucket list is finished. I plan to read 3 books before I kill myself. I have this interest in a woman in my self-help group. It is probably another love delusion. My plan is not to approach her. If she is interested she has to make the first steps. The last time I humiliated myself in front of another woman in my self-help group and I became acute suicidal because of it and ordered SN.
I think my family does not understand how serious my intentions are to kill myself. They should not pressure me. But I think they will do exactly that. I explicitly warned them. If they go on with pressuring me well I have less of a guilty conscience to go through with it.

Fuck my life. I think the answer is unemployment. But it will hurt like hell to leave college. I cannot bear to be a quitter. Especially with the external pressure that certainly will come over me. I am very sensitive with that. Always was. This is broke me during the child abuse. I am such a wreck.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I admire you how much efforts you already put into college despite your MH issues. I don't know what's the best choice for you - only you can know that and decide what you wanna do. I agree, your parents should not pressure you that's totally counterproductive.
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I use a translator
May 24, 2024
Only you know the answer to the question
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New Member
Jun 10, 2024
This sounds similar to the situation I was in about 6 years ago, not identical but similar. Upon looking back, I think I understand why loved ones may pressure or become frustrated. Since they don't have MH issues in the same way, they can't really understand your situation. It's not possible for them to understand. This can be frustrating for them when they want to see their child "succeed" (college, career, etc) in life, but don't understand what exactly is holding them back. It sounds like your dad at least has good intentions, I could be wrong but that's what it sounded like. Mine did as well. Things may or may not get better for you. As others have already said, you are the only one that can make this choice. I'm not even sure there is a "right" choice, but it's one that only you can make.
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When I deserve it the least, I need love the most.
Mar 29, 2024
Why does it have to be university? Why the all-or-nothing, uni or unemployment?
What about apprenticeships (Lehre)?
What about jobs that don't require a specific qualification?
Yes, your father/parents seem to put you under pressure for uni. But have you, together, ever seriously considered those alternatives?
Or what am I missing here


Aug 18, 2020
Why does it have to be university? Why the all-or-nothing, uni or unemployment?
What about apprenticeships (Lehre)?
What about jobs that don't require a specific qualification?
Yes, your father/parents seem to put you under pressure for uni. But have you, together, ever seriously considered those alternatives?
Or what am I missing here
Yes I have. People ask me all the time this question. I started one apprenticeship and was fired after a few months. It made my crippling depression so much worse. I was a total wreck. A year after that I tried to start another apprenticeship but stopped it after one week because the same pattern repeated itself. Working in general is a hell for me and makes my mental health issues so much worse.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023