8-10 grams should be sufficient, so yes. Ideally, before attempting, you should read the section on it in Five Last Acts, the PPH essentials, and the PPeH. In addition to these, there's a book on amazon specifically about chloroquine OD that is free for kindle. Chris Docker (in Five Last Acts) recommends taking just Ambien and no benzos, but Peter Admiraal et al. (cf. "Guide to a Humane Self-chosen Death) recommend taking both short-acting and long-acting benzos. Regardless of which is correct, you will need to take a heavy dose of sedatives (avoid zopiclone!) to avoid being conscious during seizures and painful muscle spasms, which would not be a peaceful death. And of course, you also need a dopamine-blocking anti-emetic. To potentiate it, you could take cimetidine.
There also seems to be some controversy about whether diazepam helps or hinders through its anticonvulsant effects. I did manage to find this:
One more thing: make sure you will not be found for at least 24 hours. According To Docker, most deaths occur in 2-3 hours, but some have occurred as much as 24 hours later, so it's wise to be prudent. Docker also states that chloroquine can be combined with amitriptyline.
Upon further thought, it probably makes the most sense to take the short-acting and long-acting benzos just in case death takes longer than 2-3 hours. I'd be concerned that one sedative alone (immediate-release tablets only last 6-8 hours, for instance) would not be enough, especially for 8+ hours.