It's a way to pass the time I suppose! There's the practical side of it too. Most people need to earn money in order to survive. So, then it's a case of- would you prefer to earn it via doing something you find fulfilment in- a career or, a wage slave job that you likely hate?
Experiencing fulfilment is a very personal thing though. We all vary. What I may take pride in, others will see as a total waste of time and energy and vice versa.
But- as creative people, my Dad once said to me- the day you stand back and say- I've basically nailed that. There's nothing there I could have done better is the day I'd give up. Part of our journey in anything- be it sport, science, art, cooking, teaching- whatever, is realising our faults and trying to work on them. The question is- is there a summit? Do you suppose the current olympic records will never be broken? How do you know when you've done your ultimate personal best?
The most important thing though is the desire to keep doing whatever it is. If you think death makes everything pointless, then, fair enough. I'm not going to argue. Not sure it will make you any happier in life though... Most people pursue passions because they bring them some kind of joy or fulfilment. It's all bittersweet of course because we are limited, because we fail and because eventually, we die anyway. But there we go- it's what we're stuck with I'm afraid.
I think Nihilism can be used as a tool in it's cynicism. A realisation of how this world is set up and more of a reluctance to be exploited. I think it can take the pressure off too. I used to feel such enormous pressure to be successful. Now, I don't think it matters at the end of the day.
Still- I think most of our most Nihilistic members here are the most unhappy. Seems to me like they simply can't invest their attention in anything much to distract them. All the time, it's the harsh meaninglessness of existence going round in their heads. I don't see how that helps them if they're stuck here for years. After all, CTB isn't easy.
Even if careers, hobbies, friendships, relationships are meaningless distractions- they are distractions at least! What reward do people get for realising everything is pointless and giving up? What benefit do they get? It's not to say they have control over it- I don't know but, if it's a choice, I wouldn't personally choose it. I don't need the world to agree with what things I find fulfilling. I just need enough people to like what I do to pay me enough to live on and I need the time and enough money to enjoy my own pointless distractions until I can CTB.