

Sep 3, 2020
So I have figured out pretty much everything except how do I put the charcoal in the car without burning anything? I figured I can go to a park cook some food eat a little to make it less suspicious and then sit in the car for awhile with it. Like what do I store it in while its still hot in the car? Or what are things that are suited to it?


Jul 14, 2020
A tray of water?
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Aug 17, 2020
This is the method I'm looking at. Someone here posted about trying this and the glove box started to melt, but the facts are (please check them out in the megathread) that the most CO is produced when the charcoal has burned out and gone grey, and there is little to no heat being produced.

This is what catches most people out who die by accident - they think since their BBQ is now cold it's safe to put it in their tent or yurt or whatever, but that is when it is producing a LOT of CO.

So, if you burn a lot of charcoal then wait for it to start cooling right down, then put it in the car it'll produce enough CO (assuming you get the timing right and use enough charcoal).
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Sep 3, 2020
This is the method I'm looking at. Someone here posted about trying this and the glove box started to melt, but the facts are (please check them out in the megathread) that the most CO is produced when the charcoal has burned out and gone grey, and there is little to no heat being produced.

This is what catches most people out who die by accident - they think since their BBQ is now cold it's safe to put it in their tent or yurt or whatever, but that is when it is producing a LOT of CO.

So, if you burn a lot of charcoal then wait for it to start cooling right down, then put it in the car it'll produce enough CO (assuming you get the timing right and use enough charcoal).

Thats what I am working on hmm instead of in under my front seat I could place it on my back seats if I figure out a way to dissipate any potential heat...?


Aug 17, 2020
There doesn't need to be any heat to dissipate.


Sep 3, 2020
There doesn't need to be any heat to dissipate.

Ok... a metal container should be just fine then... Just gotta keep people from figuring out what I am doing.
Wonder is there anyway to look inconspicuous while doing this and not having to actually grill something...
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Sep 5, 2020
In Germany two girls were successfull with chacroal using it in a tent in the wilderness.
I know that it can be very unpleasent if you don't loose conciousness fast enough.
In order to not endanger other people one should never use it in a room that neighbours other people as the CO often can surpass walls.
In a tent one must have a unburnable plastic blanket that would keep the CO in the tent so one doesn't wake up with severe brain damage.
I know another newsreport - also from here in germany- where some teens had a party in some kind of cabin and were using a current generator from which they didn't know would produce CO. The dad who owned the cabin found them ALL dead the next morning. It was an accident.

The question that arises is:
As the teens drank alcohol they might have not able to differentiate between the symptoms caused by alcohol and a serious poissioning. If the symptoms would had been extremly unpleasant wouldn't they have called the emergency?

Or - and this is the main question - have they been in extreme agony but not able to move because of the poisioning????!!

If I knew it is as easy as getting drunk I wouldnt mind using CO as a method to exit life.
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Sep 3, 2020
In Germany two girls were successfull with chacroal using it in a tent in the wilderness.
I know that it can be very unpleasent if you don't loose conciousness fast enough.
In Order to not endanger other people one should never use it in a room that neighbours other people as the CO offen can surpass Walls.
In a tent one must have a unburnable plastic blanket that would keep the CO in the tent so one doesn't wake up with severe brain damage.
I know another newsreport - also from here in germany- where some teens had a party in some kind of cabin and were using a current generator from which they didn't know would produce CO. The dad who owned the cabin found them ALL dead the next morning. It was an accident.

The question that arises is:
As the teens dank Alkohol they might have not able to differentiate between the symptoms caused by alcohol and a serious poissioning. If the symptoms would had been extremly unpleasant wouldn't they have called the emergency?

Or - and this is the Main question - have they been in extreme agony but not able to move because of the poisioning????!!

If I knew it is as easy as getting drunk I wouldnt mind using CO as a method to exit life.
I am not saying its a perfect method or that I have experience with it but I am going to say everything I have read seems to show that its pretty peaceful and quick. I have read more than a few reports with even a simple google search and nothing has reported that it is easy to detect. Thats why you have to have a CO detectors in your home its just so easy to not notice it could be happening... Though I do worry about concentration levels gotta make sure I actually kill myself not vegetate myself.


Aug 17, 2020
In Germany two girls were successfull with chacroal using it in a tent in the wilderness.
I know that it can be very unpleasent if you don't loose conciousness fast enough.
In order to not endanger other people one should never use it in a room that neighbours other people as the CO often can surpass walls.
In a tent one must have a unburnable plastic blanket that would keep the CO in the tent so one doesn't wake up with severe brain damage.
I know another newsreport - also from here in germany- where some teens had a party in some kind of cabin and were using a current generator from which they didn't know would produce CO. The dad who owned the cabin found them ALL dead the next morning. It was an accident.

The question that arises is:
As the teens drank alcohol they might have not able to differentiate between the symptoms caused by alcohol and a serious poissioning. If the symptoms would had been extremly unpleasant wouldn't they have called the emergency?

Or - and this is the main question - have they been in extreme agony but not able to move because of the poisioning????!!

If I knew it is as easy as getting drunk I wouldnt mind using CO as a method to exit life.
Supposedly it knocks you out very quickly (i.e. a minute or less) if you're in a room / tent / enclosed space with a lot of CO and you know nothing about it.

People who have survived (one here texted his girlfriend and he was found) say that they knew nothing at all until they woke up in the hospital. A woman who survived (her partner died) had been exposed to it for a long period in a partially ventilated room and described that as being like being very drunk, she though it was alcohol.

When they shut the door the next thing she knew was way over 24 hours later.

I think it's pretty quick and you feel nothing.
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Sep 3, 2020
Supposedly it knocks you out very quickly (i.e. a minute or less) if you're in a room / tent / enclosed space with a lot of CO and you know nothing about it.

People who have survived (one here texted his girlfriend and he was found) say that they knew nothing at all until they woke up in the hospital. A woman who survived (her partner died) had been exposed to it for a long period in a partially ventilated room and described that as being like being very drunk, she though it was alcohol.

When they shut the door the next thing she knew was way over 24 hours later.

I think it's pretty quick and you feel nothing.
Right now I am currently polishing my method up its not like people can ever stop me from buying this equipment. My only flaw with this is I tend to compulsively tell the truth sometimes, I have to make a real effort to lie... So sounds like I should be able to do this soon, Hope my car will hold it in so I can get the levels up quick enough.


Aug 17, 2020
Right now I am currently polishing my method up its not like people can ever stop me from buying this equipment. My only flaw with this is I tend to compulsively tell the truth sometimes, I have to make a real effort to lie... So sounds like I should be able to do this soon, Hope my car will hold it in so I can get the levels up quick enough.
Why don't you in your head make the truth that you're going for a BBQ somewhere peaceful for some "me time". Then that's the truth you'll tell other people?

The other bit can be a decision you make on the day.

I need to find somewhere nice to do it, then get the tent and things, and of course need the weather to be a bit colder.

I'd also rather not do it alone.


Sep 5, 2020
By the way: How do I write personal messages to other users?

I used chacroal in my until now first and only attempt in 2017. I lit it in my bathroom and knocked off after around 20minutes but woke up again after another 15minutes and felt dizzy and almost conciousness and unpleasant in a way I can't even describe. It was like being half in a dream but half alive.
That's why I said I know it can be extremely unpleasant. If I use it again I have to know how to stay asleep and not experience anything from the poisoning.
I am thinking about switching to helium.
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Aug 17, 2020
How do I write personal messages to other users?
I used chacroal in my first and until now only
I think you have to have made at least 6 posts or something like that to be able to message other people. Then you go to their username and start a conversation.


Sep 5, 2020
I think you have to have made at least 6 posts or something like that to be able to message other people. Then you go to their username and start a conversation.

Ah thanks a lot!!


Aug 17, 2020
By the way: How do I write personal messages to other users?

I used chacroal in my until now first and only attempt in 2017. I lit it in my bathroom and knocked off after around 20minutes but woke up again after another 15minutes and felt dizzy and almost conciousness and unpleasant in a way I can't even describe. It was like being half in a dream but half alive.
That's why I said I know it can be extremely unpleasant. If I use it again I have to know how to stay asleep and not experience anything from the poisoning.
I am thinking about switching to helium.
You're supposed to light it outdoors and let the charcoal burn right away until it's just grey ash and lumps. Then you take it indoors and seal the room for 20 or 30 minutes to let it build up. Then you go into the room and seal it from the inside.Allegedly.


Sep 5, 2020
You're supposed to light it outdoors and let the charcoal burn right away until it's just grey ash and lumps. Then you take it indoors and seal the room for 20 or 30 minutes to let it build up. Then you go into the room and seal it from the inside.Allegedly.

Yeah it was maybe my main mistake that I took it in after it burned for 10 minutes or so. The two BBQ s were still on fire and it became extremely hot inside the bathroom. I assume my lungs were quicker than the CO could be produced.

Would it maybe wise to put the burned charcoal into the tent or cabin for 30-60 minutes and then quickly step in with a second bbq with burned chacroal?

I am wondering if a high level of CO at once is maybe more effective but also more unpleasant? Because it is a quite quick loss of oxygen - is there a danger of tachycardia (racing heart)? A racing heart on the other side could trigger fear or panic even though one is determined to do it.
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
As the teens drank alcohol they might have not able to differentiate between the symptoms caused by alcohol and a serious poissioning.
I have read that alcohol consumption makes the carbon monoxide more potent.


Aug 17, 2020
I have read that alcohol consumption makes the carbon monoxide more potent.
I thought I'd read it made it less potent, but I could be wrong on that, might be thinking of something else. A lot of people die this way when camping etc and probably have mostly been drinking so I'm sure it still works ;)

Alcohol opens your blood vessels and moves internal body heat to your skin, which makes you succumb to hypothermia more quickly - hence why I'll be paralytic before stepping into my CO chamber, in the coldness of winter.
Yeah it was maybe my main mistake that I took it in after it burned for 10 minutes or so. The two BBQ s were still on fire and it became extremely hot inside the bathroom. I assume my lungs were quicker than the CO could be produced.

Would it maybe wise to put the burned charcoal into the tent or cabin for 30-60 minutes and then quickly step in with a second bbq with burned chacroal?

I am wondering if a high level of CO at once is maybe more effective but also more unpleasant? Because it is a quite quick loss of oxygen - is there a danger of tachycardia (racing heart)? A racing heart on the other side could trigger fear or panic even though one is determined to do it.
The smoke and other chemicals would be pretty horrible if it was still burning I'd imagine.

I think if there's a higher conentration it knocks you out much quicker, I don't think there'll be time for a racing heart or panicking.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I think if there's a higher conentration it knocks you out much quicker, I don't think there'll be time for a racing heart or panicking.
It was suggested in PPH to have a CO meter and do a test of how much you can build up in a small space. Ideally you could have the CO meter taped to a window while you stand outside and watch the meter. Most meters only go to 1000 however. A car is suggested also as it's small.

I had heard someone in a car narrating as he used CO in a car. He had mixed the two acids together to make CO. I wish I had a copy of that now. He stopped talking at 20 minutes after saying his throat was burning.
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Sep 5, 2020
I've let the chacroal burn in the kitchen with opened window and had a burning paste that avoids fuem. I constantly had a burning feeling in my eyes and lay down to the ground. I knocked out after some time but came back half to consciousness. It was so unbearable that I left the bathroom crawling as I was unable to move my legs until I reached the living room where the windows were fully opened in order to prevent CO flowing to the next neighbours.
That was in 2017 and since then I was scared to repeat it. I also now do live in another city with a flat where I can not do it without being noticed from neighbors that I produce smoke and neighbouring flats all around me. So now I would have to do some camping in the wilderness which is also not so easy to be found without the smoke maybe being noticed by others and wild camping is unallowed here especially with a BBQ.
So the safest method might be using an exit bag with helium or nitrogen now.
p.s.: the fuem will be even more if the chacroal isn't pure. Lot of charcoal is mixed with other components as potato or corn starch. At least that's what I read.
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Aug 17, 2020
It was suggested in PPH to have a CO meter and do a test of how much you can build up in a small space. Ideally you could have the CO meter taped to a window while you stand outside and watch the meter. Most meters only go to 1000 however. A car is suggested also as it's small.

I had heard someone in a car narrating as he used CO in a car. He had mixed the two acids together to make CO. I wish I had a copy of that now. He stopped talking at 20 minutes after saying his throat was burning.
I've seen the 2 acids method, isn't something I'd be comfortable trying, wouldn't have a clue what I was doing.


Sep 5, 2020
I've seen the 2 acids method, isn't something I'd be comfortable trying, wouldn't have a clue what I was doing.
I think what you mean is a mixture of sulphuric acid and formid acid. If rightly handled it produces CO.
But you need an exact recipie and you have to be very aware of what you are doin in order to not cause a chemical accident and/or harm others that might be nearby or enter the room. Do you think CO is more effective than helium or nitrogen with an exit bag?


Dec 22, 2019
I'd prefer an exit bag over CO as it doesn't put other people in danger and is very reliable if performed correctly.
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Aug 17, 2020
I think what you mean is a mixture of sulphuric acid and formid acid. If rightly handled it produces CO.
But you need an exact recipie and you have to be very aware of what you are doin in order to not cause a chemical accident and/or harm others that might be nearby or enter the room. Do you think CO is more effective than helium or nitrogen with an exit bag?
I want it to at least plausibly look like an accidental death. Not really viable if I'm found with a tnk of Nitrogen and a bag on my head. But yes, the gas method looks peaceful and perfect, probably my no.1 choice if not for wanting to look accidental.
I'd prefer an exit bag over CO as it doesn't put other people in danger and is very reliable if performed correctly.
Well, it could put other people in danger because the gas will keep flowing until the tank is empty. If it's an enclosed space that isn't well ventilated, then the person who walks in might be overcome by the gas as well.


Dec 22, 2019
@TheQ22 The volume of gas for example in a 5 liter cylinder is roughly 1.1 cubic meters.
If the regulator is set to the popular 15 lpm, it takes about 73 minutes to empty the cylinder.
The 1100 liters of gas flow over 70 minutes of time is not dangerous in any "normal sized", even unventilated room.
But I'd still put some kind of a warning sign up.


Feb 18, 2020
It was suggested in PPH to have a CO meter and do a test of how much you can build up in a small space. Ideally you could have the CO meter taped to a window while you stand outside and watch the meter. Most meters only go to 1000 however. A car is suggested also as it's small.

I had heard someone in a car narrating as he used CO in a car. He had mixed the two acids together to make CO. I wish I had a copy of that now. He stopped talking at 20 minutes after saying his throat was burning.

Taping the meter to a car widow is a great idea.
I'll be doing something very similar but instead of using charcoal I'll be using a generator instead.
Someone here said it's best to wear a gas mask to make sure you have the time to seal the car door before you'll get knocked out.

I'm worried that a generator would melt the fabric or even the interior and exterior body of my car.
I'd like to give my car to a loved one after I ctb or keep it intact in case I fail.


Dec 22, 2019
It was suggested in PPH to have a CO meter and do a test of how much you can build up in a small space.
Those cheap consumer meters that show up to 1000ppm are ruined in high CO concentrations.
Toss the meter after one test, it won't work properly or at all anymore.


Jul 15, 2020
In Germany two girls were successfull with chacroal using it in a tent in the wilderness.
I know that it can be very unpleasent if you don't loose conciousness fast enough.
In order to not endanger other people one should never use it in a room that neighbours other people as the CO often can surpass walls.
In a tent one must have a unburnable plastic blanket that would keep the CO in the tent so one doesn't wake up with severe brain damage.
I know another newsreport - also from here in germany- where some teens had a party in some kind of cabin and were using a current generator from which they didn't know would produce CO. The dad who owned the cabin found them ALL dead the next morning. It was an accident.

The question that arises is:
As the teens drank alcohol they might have not able to differentiate between the symptoms caused by alcohol and a serious poissioning. If the symptoms would had been extremly unpleasant wouldn't they have called the emergency?

Or - and this is the main question - have they been in extreme agony but not able to move because of the poisioning????!!

If I knew it is as easy as getting drunk I wouldnt mind using CO as a method to exit life.

Its called the silent killer, you can't see or smell it. thats why many people fall victim to it when using old, badly serviced/maintained or not serviced appliances etc.
I am not saying its a perfect method or that I have experience with it but I am going to say everything I have read seems to show that its pretty peaceful and quick. I have read more than a few reports with even a simple google search and nothing has reported that it is easy to detect. Thats why you have to have a CO detectors in your home its just so easy to not notice it could be happening... Though I do worry about concentration levels gotta make sure I actually kill myself not vegetate myself.

you can't detect it unless you have a meter. the stuffs lethal i can guarantee that
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