

Aug 6, 2019
I need to clear a few things up for some of you. You found me rude and insulting...without knowing a single thing about me, you judged me, called me names (under a different name) and didn't like my bluntness.
When you have walked a mile in my shoes...then you have the absolute right to judge me. When you get out of your selfish bubble, and look at someone else's pain, besides your own, then you have the right to decide who I am.

I came here to find someone to talk to that even came close to understanding, I ended up in a group of people, who by my estimate, where the average age doesn't even meet the legal age to be in here. You know how to live all of 10-20 years (not all of you, but most of you) the majority of you live at home with mommy and daddy who pay for everything you eat, wear and sleep on. They pay for all your electronics...they pay all the bills.
When you have experienced life in ways you don't even have a clue about...come back and judge.
A few of you have decided that I don't act or speak the way YOU want me too. You come in here and want everyone else to accept YOU for who YOU are...but by god...let another person experience their pain in the way they want to...you want to attack and judge, call names.
I was really hoping that when I posted my countdown, that you would get creative and ask all the questions you have about someone who has made the final decision, your in here asking thousands of questions...I was offering you the opportunity to ask. You go through the same cycle of wishing the person well...get pissed! say what you want to, ask questions...your never going to know if you don't ask.
You missed the chance to pick the mind of someone who has lived the pain you live, someone who found a way to survive 54 years with that pain...you couldn't get out of your own head for 10 minutes for someone else. You prove my point. Maybe some of you should try getting angry, start saying what you feel, hit back at the people who impose this shitty existence on you...having friends is overrated.

Circumstances have changed for me and I will be accelerating my time frame. I had chosen betweenness 10 and midnight on the 9th, but i won't make it that long.
I'm going to self ban in the morning, spend the day finishing up final details, short notes and eating my favorite foods. I hope some of you will ask any questions that you want to know, except for explicit details on method.
If I've offended you, I hope you understand that given the situation...and these are my last few hours, with all due respect...get over it for a few minutes.

What you don't know about me:
I had 2 parents, 4 brothers and a deceased sister. I had a 30 yr old daughter. I lost all of them last September to a CO accident, that's why I've chosen it as my method, besides it seems the most peaceful and least violent.
I've lost two life long best friends. I had to euthanize my cat a few months ago, I lost my job in January and now everyone wants what I owe them.
Very few of you understand the concept of "alone", if you did you wouldn't judge someone else.
I fell in love after I thought it was impossible, I was lied to and used in the meanest ways.
The one person, who I consider a brother, that I did not ever question would offer me a hand up...told me he didn't care if I lived or died...if he doesn't care, I SURE don't care!

I don't care about shit anymore, or anyone...one of the great side effects of dying. Probably where you see attitude, very liberating in ways that I cannot explain...to not care at all. Say anything you want to.
From what I read, most of you still have people who love and care about you, what happens to you. Most of you are intelligent, excellent writers, and so full of hope and love...grab hold of that, make it your life. Find something you love to do and immerse yourselves, share your dreams with anyone who will listen. Stand up for what you believe in, no matter what other people think.
Be compassionate, kind and giving..even when you don't want to be. If there is ONE person in this shitty world that you love...tell them today, you don't know the power of your words, and you might change someone else's life.
Stop believing that you have to be a fucked up mess, to justify dying. I'm not a fucked up mess, I've done selfless acts for other people, I've changed other people's lives. I've donated more time and money to causes I believe in than I've donated to my own bank account.
No, you don't get to judge me based on a few posts in my final days. You don't have the right to judge anything about me.

I understand the need for this forum, the need for people to unite and talk about what no one else will let you talk about, feel whatever you need to feel. I understand weather your 15 or 51...these rooms, these discussions, need to exist.
You guys are in charge of, have the responsibility of, keeping these rooms safe and a port in the storm for all who seek shelter here.
If someone rubs you the wrong way, try to understand where it's coming from...ask questions, find out what is making that person angry, chances are it's years and years of unheard pain, and sometimes that's the only way we know how to get the attention we need. Be tolerant and compassionate...it equates personal growth.

It's 11:15 here and I have less than 24 hours. Free at last.
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Reactions: DoneWithThis, blanketyblk, binturong and 6 others


Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
I need to clear a few things up for some of you. You found me rude and insulting...without knowing a single thing about me, you judged me, called me names (under a different name) and didn't like my bluntness.
When you have walked a mile in my shoes...then you have the absolute right to judge me. When you get out of your selfish bubble, and look at someone else's pain, besides your own, then you have the right to decide who I am.

I came here to find someone to talk to that even came close to understanding, I ended up in a group of people, who by my estimate, where the average age doesn't even meet the legal age to be in here. You know how to live all of 10-20 years (not all of you, but most of you) the majority of you live at home with mommy and daddy who pay for everything you eat, wear and sleep on. They pay for all your electronics...they pay all the bills.
When you have experienced life in ways you don't even have a clue about...come back and judge.
A few of you have decided that I don't act or speak the way YOU want me too. You come in here and want everyone else to accept YOU for who YOU are...but by god...let another person experience their pain in the way they want to...you want to attack and judge, call names.
I was really hoping that when I posted my countdown, that you would get creative and ask all the questions you have about someone who has made the final decision, your in here asking thousands of questions...I was offering you the opportunity to ask. You go through the same cycle of wishing the person well...get pissed! say what you want to, ask questions...your never going to know if you don't ask.
You missed the chance to pick the mind of someone who has lived the pain you live, someone who found a way to survive 54 years with that pain...you couldn't get out of your own head for 10 minutes for someone else. You prove my point. Maybe some of you should try getting angry, start saying what you feel, hit back at the people who impose this shitty existence on you...having friends is overrated.

Circumstances have changed for me and I will be accelerating my time frame. I had chosen betweenness 10 and midnight on the 9th, but i won't make it that long.
I'm going to self ban in the morning, spend the day finishing up final details, short notes and eating my favorite foods. I hope some of you will ask any questions that you want to know, except for explicit details on method.
If I've offended you, I hope you understand that given the situation...and these are my last few hours, with all due respect...get over it for a few minutes.

What you don't know about me:
I had 2 parents, 4 brothers and a deceased sister. I had a 30 yr old daughter. I lost all of them last September to a CO accident, that's why I've chosen it as my method, besides it seems the most peaceful and least violent.
I've lost two life long best friends. I had to euthanize my cat a few months ago, I lost my job in January and now everyone wants what I owe them.
Very few of you understand the concept of "alone", if you did you wouldn't judge someone else.
I fell in love after I thought it was impossible, I was lied to and used in the meanest ways.
The one person, who I consider a brother, that I did not ever question would offer me a hand up...told me he didn't care if I lived or died...if he doesn't care, I SURE don't care!

I don't care about shit anymore, or anyone...one of the great side effects of dying. Probably where you see attitude, very liberating in ways that I cannot explain...to not care at all. Say anything you want to.
From what I read, most of you still have people who love and care about you, what happens to you. Most of you are intelligent, excellent writers, and so full of hope and love...grab hold of that, make it your life. Find something you love to do and immerse yourselves, share your dreams with anyone who will listen. Stand up for what you believe in, no matter what other people think.
Be compassionate, kind and giving..even when you don't want to be. If there is ONE person in this shitty world that you love...tell them today, you don't know the power of your words, and you might change someone else's life.
Stop believing that you have to be a fucked up mess, to justify dying. I'm not a fucked up mess, I've done selfless acts for other people, I've changed other people's lives. I've donated more time and money to causes I believe in than I've donated to my own bank account.
No, you don't get to judge me based on a few posts in my final days. You don't have the right to judge anything about me.

I understand the need for this forum, the need for people to unite and talk about what no one else will let you talk about, feel whatever you need to feel. I understand weather your 15 or 51...these rooms, these discussions, need to exist.
You guys are in charge of, have the responsibility of, keeping these rooms safe and a port in the storm for all who seek shelter here.
If someone rubs you the wrong way, try to understand where it's coming from...ask questions, find out what is making that person angry, chances are it's years and years of unheard pain, and sometimes that's the only way we know how to get the attention we need. Be tolerant and compassionate...it equates personal growth.

It's 11:15 here and I have less than 24 hours. Free at last.
so sorry for what you've gone through. parents, sisters, brothers, best friends, all loved ones gone in the blink of an eye. being alone is a terrible thing but this is worse than being just alone. dont really know what to say. i really hope you have a peaceful passing and find peace and you're free of you're suffering. reading this gave me goosebumps. sorry it had to end this way for you, and im sorry again for what you've gone through ugh.


Aug 6, 2019
Please, don't be sorry...I appreciate the support. I have never been more peaceful and whole. I don't feel sorry... I'm happy.
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Sep 28, 2018
Sorry you went through all that.. i hope this would be peaceful for you..


Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
Please, don't be sorry...I appreciate the support. I have never been more peaceful and whole. I don't feel sorry... I'm happy.
you've went through alot in terms of heartbreak and losses. i just cant say anything else other than be sorry and apologetic to sort of empathize for what's happened to you. i felt like shit reading you're story, it was truly a heartache, makes me wish people didnt go through pain and suffering like this and wish we all lived happy lives for a change. ugh.
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Jul 12, 2019
I'm still fairly new here so never saw the posts where you were rude or blunt? So I can't comment on that. You seem intelligent and articulate and tell your story so well. I'm so sorry for everything you've been through..
Just to add context.. I'm 43 and my life on paper looks blessed in many ways.. but my mind is broken and that's the problem. I don't see the light as a result. I feel so ungrateful for that, then guilty, then just self-loath even more as a result.
How are you feeling now? Do you still feel free and at peace? Are you more excited or nervous? How will you spend your last hours?
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Reactions: DoneWithThis and Black_Knight


Aug 6, 2019
I'm still fairly new here so never saw the posts where you were rude or blunt? So I can't comment on that. You seem intelligent and articulate and tell your story so well. I'm so sorry for everything you've been through..
Just to add context.. I'm 43 and my life on paper looks blessed in many ways.. but my mind is broken and that's the problem. I don't see the light as a result. I feel so ungrateful for that, then guilty, then just self-loath even more as a result.
How are you feeling now? Do you still feel free and at peace? Are you more excited or nervous? How will you spend your last hours?
Hi, thanks for asking questions. How am I feeling? LOL, extremely hard to articulate. Conflicted in many ways...not as in "should I or shouldn't I?" More in way of wrapping my mind around The finality, and how good it feels...so good that I shouldn't feel like I'm ready to die.
Because of my careers, I've traveled a lot, met thousands of people and experienced dozens of cultures...as exotic as that might sound, when you get to see life from so many different perspectives, it only intensifies the pain and the aloness, because it creates an envy to posses what the happy, the fulfilled people around you posses. (Please excuse any grammatical mistakes, kinda tipsy). It makes you angry at the world because you question why your not worthy of an ounce of what happy people have?
Definitely more excited than nervous...no nerves at all. Like most of you, my OCD's are extreme, and I've had many years to think about the validity of my existence, the truth about god and the afterlife...nothing makes sense to me here, all the things that make sense to most of the world...I don't get. I'm tired. I'm tired of being tired, tired of fighting myself at every corner.
I want to talk, I want to laugh...I want to have a conversation with one person who truly cares what I think.
I am going to make a thread later about regrets...what I will regret not being able to see, be a part of. Regrets for the few life defining decisions where I made the wrong decisions.
If I've annoyed you in the past...this would probably be a good time to stop reading my post. I don't really care if I offend you. My anger comes from some of you being way to young to be in here, and what ever fucked up things the adults in your lives did to you to bring you here...I DO NOT deny you your pain, I want my anger, my story, to make you angry enough to change something about your lives. Go to those adults and approach with the attitude that this is your opportunity to make them accountable for what they are doing to you. Cuss them out, throw shit at them, get angrier than you've ever been...let someone else hold every single piece of your pain. Tell them the truth about you.
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Reactions: DoneWithThis, Halo13, Phoenix1990 and 1 other person


Apr 5, 2018
So, we don't have the right to judge you if certain conditions aren't met. Who is going to serve as a warrant for your prohibition? Or what will stop anyone here from judging you, if someone would want to?


Aug 6, 2019
Brother...for the next few hours, you can judge the hell out me and every single word I've said!

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