
Oct 30, 2019
I quit my dream job after 1 week which I put so much effort into because of anxiety, a massive waste of my energy and money spent to get there (it was a job abroad). I came home and now I am trying to get jobs but all the interviewers are saying I seem to nervous and not confident enough. Thank god I have ordered SN, I can't deal with this constant rejection and validation that I am a socially awkward and anxious mess.
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The restless
Sep 10, 2019
I can only speak from personal experience but I used to also get anxious and nervous about interviews, that is until I changed my mindset about it. Interviews go both ways, I expect my boss to be more competent than me (or at least close) and if he can't answer my questions reasonably I'll find a different company (This is for engineering jobs so idk how your field would differ). Trust me you've got what it takes, your competition(laughable) is other people who aren't even willing to attempt to get the dream job they want... yet you managed to get it for a week! awesome. The second you stop believing you can do whatever you put your mind to you're gonna be in rough shape OP.

Sorry OP, it's just that this post reminds me of myself. Lots of love your way
-- That being said if you're going with SN don't forget about your anti-emetic it's one of the most important parts
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The restless
Sep 10, 2019
I'm glad you feel better! It's really easy to be mean to yourself, and I can't imagine how stressed out you are right now. Either way best of luck with your interview tomorrow and I hope everything goes your way.

You seem like an awesome person going through a rough time

LOL, "if I'm sick I'm just going to drink more of it." I considered the same thing haha. Let me know how it goes :)
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Sep 9, 2019
I quit my dream job after 1 week which I put so much effort into because of anxiety, a massive waste of my energy and money spent to get there (it was a job abroad). I came home and now I am trying to get jobs but all the interviewers are saying I seem to nervous and not confident enough. Thank god I have ordered SN, I can't deal with this constant rejection and validation that I am a socially awkward and anxious mess.
Oh I am so sorry!! Anxiety has plagued my life also & like u I walked out of a dream job after a few days because of it. I suppose it would be to silly to ask if you have tried medication or any kind of treatments for it? Oh& Goodluck also.
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Dec 7, 2018
Yeah having anxiety makes it really hard for me to work. I'm really nervous how my seasonable job is gonna go. I probably shouldn't be working it, since it involves dealing with customers or so I'm told, but if I can't, I might have to quit. Though I could really use the extra money.
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May 14, 2018
Unemployed for a year. I get hired for shit paying jobs, that have quotas and "numbers" to meet. Anxiety just eats at me and I preemptively quit. In my head I feel quiting is better than the embarrassment of getting fired or wasting my time helping the company make money.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Customer service related jobs kind of force you to deal with your anxiety, which can be a good thing. I was very socially awkward until my work forced me to deal with it. You just have to put on a fake face and smile and deal with it for a month or two until you adjust. It does get alot easier with time.
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May 31, 2019
I quit my job over a year ago due to anxiety. I had to deal with new customers every day face to face and I honestly couldn't take it anymore. My boss and the owner were fucking assholes too. I was called stupid on one occasion which brought me even lower. After 2 years I quit. I didn't even have the guts to formally quit I just walked out and never went back.
I'm desperate to go back to work, apply for jobs all the time, some of them I get sent interview dates, and the anxiety gets so bad that I cancel the interview. It's the not knowing if I'll do the job right and if I'll get along with the other staff that gets me. I'm a huge pushover and people take advantage of that.
All my cousins have amazing careers, nurses, a speech therapist and one living the states due to the opportunity the job brought them.
And then theres me who cant even leave the house alone.
Sorry for the rant, I realise I started typing and it just came out!
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Little Mook

Little Mook

Oct 20, 2019
Propranolol really helped me with some of the physical symptoms from anxiety. My mouth used to get very dry , I'd visibly sweat and shake, it was unbearable trying to interact in person with other ppl, never mind all the negative shit in my head. Have you given that med a go?
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May 31, 2019
I'm so sorry, I can definitely relate to this and I've applied to so many jobs and found excuses not to go because of anxiety and then I'm shameful that I didn't go! If you ever want to chat feel free to PM, I have had similar experiences and completely sympathise. Thank you for sharing, don't apologise I definitely don't feel as alone now. I believe in you!

Thank you so much! You are so kind. It is a relief to know I am not alone in my feelings towards interviews and work etc. I feel like most people think "oh shes lazy, she doesn't want to work", which couldn't be further from the truth! And dont get me started on the "my job pays for your benefits", I hear that a lot too. I always just reply to that and say "well I just hope you are never in my position", the person who says that to me is in my *extended* family, and he says it so often, that his children, now repeat the same words, and say things like, how can you afford that when your just on the dole?
Innocent children being made snobs. No, nobody aspires their children to be on benefits, but dont teach them to turn their nose up at those who are!!
Oops dont know how I managed to make my reply turn out like this!
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May 31, 2019
Haha don't worry!

I'm so sorry there are ignorant people in your life who don't understand your suffering. I feel that people also think I'm lazy which is a shame because I have a lot of ambition and want to work hard but I am limited by this crippling anxiety. I'm glad you have financial support too, ignore what other people say because you have that support for a reason and shame on them for not even attempting to be understanding. I think you handle the situation very maturely, when they don't deserve a mature response. Your not any less than for being on benefits! I wish there was less stigma.
I wish the very same, maybe then there would be a positive change for mental health sufferers, a feeling of acceptance rather than embarrassment. Thanks for understanding :hug:

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