- Apr 26, 2023
- 140
went to donate plasma for the first time because i haven't eaten in a few days, thought i could use the cash to buy some food since i have none. everything was going great. my protein levels, hemoglobin/hemocrit levels, iron levels, weight, etc they were all great which surprised me. did the physical exam, went over my piercings and tattoos, all good... i had to lie about my medication because i am on testosterone, but it doesn't effect plasma (i live in a red area so i just didn't wanna go through the whole discrimination thing, my friend was banned from donating plasma for being on T despite it actually being recommended to donate if you're on T to steady your blood levels). i rolled up my sleeve to show my tattoos and i had a cat scratch from last week by it. which meant i can't donate for 180 days... what?? and then i was informed my history of depression when i was 13 (i am nearly 20 FFS) made me ineligible for donating for the rest of my life. apparently i'm not in the right state of mind for donating... maybe i wouldn't be fucking depressed if i had money, ever think of that? literally everyone is depressed right now. that's america.