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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Antisemitism is a made up word to win battles in the culture war without effort. I'm against Judaism, the racist religion, not against semitic people, of which I might be even part of, since I am from southern Spain and look quite jewy (there was some mixing in here with semitic cultures across millennia). One of my uncles could put on a kippah and walk around Jerusalem and look more Jewish than some people in there.
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Red Scare

Red Scare

Mar 1, 2022
Antisemitism is a made up word to win battles in the culture war without effort. I'm against Judaism, the racist religion, not against semitic people, of which I might be even part of, since I am from southern Spain and look quite jewy (there was some mixing in here with semitic cultures across millennia). One of my uncles could put on a kippah and walk around Jerusalem and look more Jewish than some people in there.
All the Abrahamic religions are horribly oppressive, violent and xenophobic.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
All the Abrahamic religions are horribly oppressive, violent and xenophobic.
Yes, but Judaism is the one you are less permitted to criticize without getting lumped with crazed Germans of old. And it's arguably the origin of the other two. The root of Abrahamic evil, if you will.
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Red Scare

Red Scare

Mar 1, 2022
Yes, but Judaism is the one you are less permitted to criticize without getting lumped with crazed Germans of old. And it's arguably the origin of the other two. The root of Abrahamic evil, if you will.
Criticize religion all you want, no one will consider you a neo nazi for it. People love to knock the Orthodox Jews all the time for how crazy they are.

But if you criticize someone for "being Jewish" and you believe that means they are a different race of people or something, that are predisposed to shady behavior, or anything weird like that, you might just be a neo nazi.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Criticize religion all you want, no one will consider you a neo nazi for it. People love to knock the Orthodox Jews all the time for how crazy they are.

But if you criticize someone for "being Jewish" and you believe that means they are a different race of people or something, that are predisposed to shady behavior, or anything weird like that, you might just be a neo nazi.
They themselves think of Jewishness as a race, and there are genetic reasons for that. But really, the problem with Jewishness it's the religion, that clearly marks the gentiles as "lesser", which created a culture of "us vs them". That doesn't come with your genes, it's passed down from parents and written in the holy books.
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Red Scare

Red Scare

Mar 1, 2022
They themselves think of Jewishness as a race, and there are genetic reasons for that.
That is just Zionism, and it's ironic because the idea that Jews were a different race was once just an anti Semitic trope. Now it's a lie used to bolster nationalism in their make believe ethnostate.

Jewish people are not genetically different from other Europeans, or Ethiopians, etc. there is nothing genetic linking all Jewish people's throughout the earth, that is ridiculous. As if everyone could be traced back to a mythological figure, Abraham.

Not all Jewish people are zionists, or even live in Israel. They practice a religion they don't believe in, because they want to preserve grandma's "culture" that she happened to bring with her from Europe and ww2. Still this idea that Jews are all shady and teach their kids to be shady is pretty gross.
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
One of my friends in high-school was a South African Jew. He was cool, but his family were very stuck up and judgemental. But so were some of mine, as Catholics. I noticed they always emphasized being a targeted minority, which is odd, because as far as I was aware nobody pays any attention to Jews in my country.

Apparently there's something about claiming to be God's only chosen people that seems to rub others the wrong way.
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Nov 8, 2018
Apparently there's something about claiming to be God's only chosen people that seems to rub others the wrong way.
There's a reason "the Aryan race" pissed people off. Zionists Orthodox Jews piss everyone off here.
Important distinction: NORMAL Jews (that is, both Jewish and of Jewish bloodline) don't. they go to their synagogues, listen to the rabbi talk their ears off about today's verses, and go home and proceed to pray all day. Presumably.
The Zionist Orthodox Jews? By deity-of-your-choice, fucking RUN! Some bitch lobbed a cinderblock on (at?) me for using a lighter on Saturday.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
That is just Zionism, and it's ironic because the idea that Jews were a different race was once just an anti Semitic trope. Now it's a lie used to bolster nationalism in their make believe ethnostate.

Jewish people are not genetically different from other Europeans, or Ethiopians, etc. there is nothing genetic linking all Jewish people's throughout the earth, that is ridiculous. As if everyone could be traced back to a mythological figure, Abraham.

Not all Jewish people are zionists, or even live in Israel. They practice a religion they don't believe in, because they want to preserve grandma's "culture" that she happened to bring with her from Europe and ww2. Still this idea that Jews are all shady and teach their kids to be shady is pretty gross.
This isn't entirely true, I have seen many Ashkenazi Jews that aren't considered or proclaimed as Zionist remarking that they aren't white, that they are Jewish, and that sort of thing. And how in the world could a racist religion of thousands of years, in which you have to inbred as much as possible, NOT yield some genetic group homogeneity? Of course that there is a genetic component to Jewishness.

Obviously it is true that not all Jews are Zionists, but I dispute your idea that these non-zionists don't see themselves as an ethnic group or race.
There's a reason "the Aryan race" pissed people off. Zionists Orthodox Jews piss everyone off here.
Important distinction: NORMAL Jews (that is, both Jewish and of Jewish bloodline) don't. they go to their synagogues, listen to the rabbi talk their ears off about today's verses, and go home and proceed to pray all day. Presumably.
The Zionist Orthodox Jews? By deity-of-your-choice, fucking RUN! Some bitch lobbed a cinderblock on (at?) me for using a lighter on Saturday.
Where are your drawings, Artsy Drawer?? I want these drawings by tomorrow in the evening, you hear me? That poor thread of yours, got abandoned, in the cold void of short-lived ambitions... Oh the horror, the horror
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Red Scare

Red Scare

Mar 1, 2022
I have seen many Ashkenazi Jews that aren't considered or proclaimed as Zionist remarking that they aren't white, that they are Jewish, and that sort of thing.
Well, they are misinformed. Ashkenazi are genetically European.
Of course that there is a genetic component to Jewishness.
Big yikes.
I dispute your idea that these non-zionists don't see themselves as an ethnic group or race.
I never said they didn't. That doesn't mean they are. An Ethiopian Jew has nothing ethnically in common with a European Jewish person. They are ethnically closer to other Ethiopians, and vice versa. They have all nothing ethnically in common.


Jul 7, 2019
That is just Zionism, and it's ironic because the idea that Jews were a different race was once just an anti Semitic trope. Now it's a lie used to bolster nationalism in their make believe ethnostate.

Jewish people are not genetically different from other Europeans, or Ethiopians, etc. there is nothing genetic linking all Jewish people's throughout the earth, that is ridiculous. As if everyone could be traced back to a mythological figure, Abraham.
Maybe I'm not understanding what you are trying to say here.

I get that you are making the argument that we are all humans regardless of race, which we are. But it's beyond preposterous to say that Jews are not genetically different from other ethnicities. Every ethnicity can be differentiated by small genetic markers that can be directly traced to various population movements through history. This is especially noticeable in European Jews, who have been shunned and kicked out of many countries, thus making them genetically distinct. There are many factors going on, like their religious practices and culture that separate them from others. Jews are definitely a race, a religion and a genetic identity.

I'm very race mixed, but I can literally trace half of my family's lineage to some powerful Sephardi and Ashkenazy groups in southern Europe, most of them converted to Catholicism centuries before I was born, as is the case with people with Jewish genes in places like Spain, Italy and many south American countries. Many people in that side of my family carry some genetic illnesses that are very prevalent in Jewish populations, plus the culture of high education and the whole "protecting the lineage" mentality that is prevalent in those groups.

But for some reason saying this is very controversial?
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Nov 8, 2018
Where are your drawings, Artsy Drawer?? I want these drawings by tomorrow in the evening, you hear me? That poor thread of yours, got abandoned, in the cold void of short-lived ambitions... Oh the horror, the horror
i'm not as good as you think, but thank you for the encouragement.
Check my signature for information.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
i'm not as good as you think, but thank you for the encouragement.
Check my signature for information.
Honestly, I didn't care if you were good or not, I just liked your thread and wanted to see where it was going.
Maybe I'm not understanding what you are trying to say here.

I get that you are making the argument that we are all humans regardless of race, which we are. But it's beyond preposterous to say that Jews are not genetically different from other ethnicities. Every ethnicity can be differentiated by small genetic markers that can be directly traced to various population movements through history. This is especially noticeable in European Jews, who have been shunned and kicked out of many countries, thus making them genetically distinct. There are many factors going on, like their religious practices and culture that separate them from others. Jews are definitely a race, a religion and a genetic identity.

I'm very race mixed, but I can literally trace half of my family's lineage to some powerful Sephardi and Ashkenazy groups in southern Europe, most of them converted to Catholicism centuries before I was born, as is the case with people with Jewish genes in places like Spain, Italy and many south American countries. Many people in that side of my family carry some genetic illnesses that are very prevalent in Jewish populations, plus the culture of high education and the whole "protecting the lineage" mentality that is prevalent in those groups.

But for some reason saying this is very controversial?
Some people need to know their place. If you are as dumb as a rock you shouldn't try to look informed and refute people on things that are visibly true.

The other day in the chat a guy came and starting talking about sophisticated theories regarding the world being a simulation and another user was like "I'm not intelligent enough to comment on that". That's respectable. He knew where to go and where not to go. But Red Scare fancies herself smart or knowledgeable, that's the tragedy.
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Of The Universe

Of The Universe

Dec 31, 2021
"Jew mods"?!? Hahahahaha 😂🤣

Here is the apartment of Alexei Venediktov, the editor of once independent Ekho Moskvy radio station. He expressed his opposition to Poo-tin's genocidal invasion of Ukraine. Russkie criminals left the severed head of a pig in front of his door, and stuck a Ukrainian crest with the word Judensau (Jewish pig) on it

View attachment 89243

The sheer hatred Russkies (ethnic Russians) have toward Jews is well known! In fact, Russkies seem to absolutely hate everyone but themselves and their loyal lackeys like Serbs. They hate other Slavs who are free of Russkie imperialism even more than they hate the West, and they have even more contempt for non-Slavic minority ethnicities of Russia.

It's no secret that Russkies are recruiting the vilest fascist-Nazi swine as well as filthy commie pigs in the West and elsewhere, in order to push their satanic narrative in the ongoing genocidal invasion of Ukraine.

Russkies and their useful idiots elsewhere have been shocked senseless by the heroic fight put up by the courageous Ukrainian warriors in repelling the barbaric, cowardly Russian war criminal invaders on their soil. They've also been stunned by the collective sanctions imposed by the civilised West & civilised East and by the pullout of civilised companies from Poo-tin's mafiocratic Russian Federation.

It's no wonder at all that Russkies and their useful idiots are now going on a wild spree of rabid anti-Semitic hatred everywhere. Poo-tin even poisoned Jewish Russian mafiocrat Roman Abramovitch who is trying to promote talks to end the diabolical invasion.

"Jew mods", eh? Hahahahaha 😂🤣
What,really,is a nazi? Its well known that Zelensky,A Jew,has commanded these Azov battalions,armed by israel(and Israel is deeply enmeshed in this poor,corrupt country) and guilty of mass murdering thousands of Russians over the years.
I keep reading stories of grotesque atrocities by these Azov " Neo Nazis" against the Ukrainian people. Probably some truth to them.😮
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
What,really,is a nazi? Its well known that Zelensky,A Jew,has commanded these Azov battalions,armed by israel(and Israel is deeply enmeshed in this poor,corrupt country) and guilty of mass murdering thousands of Russians over the years.
I keep reading stories of grotesque atrocities by these Azov " Neo Nazis" against the Ukrainian people. Probably some truth to them.😮

Mass-murdering thousands of Russians? That's as blatant and despicable a lie as it can ever get! 😡

The only ones mass-murdering tens of thousands of Russophone Ukrainians (Russian-speaking Ukrainians are proud Ukrainians, not Russians!) are the barbaric, genocidal Russkie invaders in Ukraine! Poo-tin and his uniformed thugs invading Ukraine are the ones committing genocide and heinous crimes against Russophone Ukrainians and all other Ukrainians.

Israel has links to both Ukraine and Russia, as both countries have Jewish populations whose friends & relatives have emigrated to Israel. The Jewish state of Israel has flatly refused to join the civilised West & civilised East in sanctioning Russia and closing their airspace to Russian planes.

Israel is as much deeply enmeshed in Russia as it is in Ukraine. Quite a few Russian mafiocrats (oligarchs) are actually Jewish. Roman Abramovitch is just one of them, there are many others, too. In fact, the man who was behind the transformation of Russia from a commie country into a rotten diabolical mafiocracy, Anatoly Chubais, is Jewish himself!

Russia is way, way more corrupt than Ukraine! Russia is even more corrupt than my own highly corrupt Third World country!

Russia may have a higher GDP per capita than Ukraine, but the wealth is more evenly spread out in Ukraine. Russian mafiocrats steal all the wealth of Russia, and they do it quite openly and shamelessly. Poo-tin is the world's richest man with all his ill-gotten wealth. Even Elon Musk acknowledges that Poo-tin the corrupt, genocidal dictator is much richer than him.

You have been reading filthy Russkie propaganda and have been brainwashed completely by it, unfortunately. Combined with your own barely concealable hatred for Israel and all Jews, you have turned yourself into a blind supporter of genocidal Russkie fascist-Nazis.

Do you really want to know what was happening in the Donbass territories that were illegally occupied by Russia and Russkie-backed terrorists?

Read this highly informative thread by a Russian and enlighten yourself, please

Screenshot 20220403 094039 Chrome
Feeding Pigeons

Feeding Pigeons

Aug 5, 2021
This thread is gold.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Chuck Norris Thumbs Up GIF


Jul 7, 2021
This thread is gold.
It is going from one emotionally charged topic to the next, what a shitshow.

Ps. You can watch media from 2 source at once to consume double the amount of misinformation.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Animated GIF
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Let's get this topic back on track, people. How are we gonna de-throne Vladimir Rainandsadness and Kim Jong A-Hole?
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Al Cappella

Al Cappella

Are we there yet?
Feb 2, 2022
I can't stop watching Kim Jong's moves…with hips like that how can his missiles all be duds??
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
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Mar 26, 2022
I can't stand the clique that runs the site.
Yeah I thought I could get away from those types here, but of course nope, they're everywhere. No place is safe. Solemn, all alone.
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