

Go out like a spark, my trauma and me.
Jul 27, 2023
I've had a few discussions on here about partial suspension and whether or not when locating the carotid arteries you can apply pressure with your own hand to black out momentarily. I've heard both yes and no. I've gotten to the point where my eyesight goes blurry doing it but nothing else. Anyone have any experience?
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Feb 6, 2023
There's so much inconsistent information regarding everything about hanging, including blood choking oneself. Actually same, I had slight change in eyesight, but not went to the point near passing out, yet.
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please help me this is so hard
Sep 29, 2023
I need help on this too. I need help passing out cause it's basically lets you time travel into the future.
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Go out like a spark, my trauma and me.
Jul 27, 2023
There's so much inconsistent information regarding everything about hanging, including blood choking oneself. Actually same, I had slight change in eyesight, but not went to the point near passing out, yet.
I think I must be pressing in the right place because of the eyesight but someone was saying you shouldn't have to apply much pressure and I'm having to press really hard. Then it just gets uncomfortable so I stop.
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I need help on this too. I need help passing out cause it's basically lets you time travel into the future.
I have fainted three times and never traveled into the future but the last time did have an out of body experience where I found myself standing on the moon, extremely real and very terrifying.
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Dying to live, living to die.
Aug 3, 2023
I have fainted three times
Could you share with us how you were able to faint? Like is there a certain position you need to be in, such as sitting up or lying down on the floor or bed? Where on your neck did you press? I assume you used just your hands? How long did you pass out for? I know that's a lot, but I just want to be sure we all get the details to know how to do it effectively as you did. C=

I myself tried yesterday for like 30 minutes but all I achieved was a sore throat, light headache and some lightly blurry vision. I pressed on the back of my neck (while lying down) as a substitute for the corn bags from the night-night method, and then based on a different comment I pressed on the lump on top of my Adam's apple where I think my pulse was strongest. First with one hand then both hands.
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May 25, 2023
I've had a few discussions on here about partial suspension and whether or not when locating the carotid arteries you can apply pressure with your own hand to black out momentarily. I've heard both yes and no. I've gotten to the point where my eyesight goes blurry doing it but nothing else. Anyone have any experience?
Are you sure you've located the right veins and pressed down enough? When I've found that sweet spot I knew immediately. It took one second to feel a change in headspace and another second to start feeling the extreme tingling in my right hand and face. If I held down for a few more seconds I would probably get really dizzy and eventually pass out. What I'm trying to say is that you definitely know when you've pressed down on the right spot almost instantaneously.
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Apr 3, 2023
Try putting the side of your hands at the side of your neck, below and just slightly forward of your ears.
Push the two big neck muscles (the sterno cleo-mastoids) forward and compress inwards with your hands. The common carotid arteries are protected by these big muscles, so they have to be moved out the way to compress the arteries.
It's really just a knack, once you've achieved it in a Judo or Ju Jitsu class it seems ridiculously easy; just not quite so simple without anyone to show you and to learn on yourself.
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Go out like a spark, my trauma and me.
Jul 27, 2023
Try putting the side of your hands at the side of your neck, below and just slightly forward of your ears.
Push the two big neck muscles (the sterno cleo-mastoids) forward and compress inwards with your hands. The common carotid arteries are protected by these big muscles, so they have to be moved out the way to compress the arteries.
It's really just a knack, once you've achieved it in a Judo or Ju Jitsu class it seems ridiculously easy; just not quite so simple without anyone to show you and to learn on yourself.
So essentially with my hands I'm pushing forwards and then applying pressure by pushing inward?
Are you sure you've located the right veins and pressed down enough? When I've found that sweet spot I knew immediately. It took one second to feel a change in headspace and another second to start feeling the extreme tingling in my right hand and face. If I held down for a few more seconds I would probably get really dizzy and eventually pass out. What I'm trying to say is that you definitely know when you've pressed down on the right spot almost instantaneously.
I was pressing with a pretty decent force but maybe you're right and I'm still a little off location wise. The blurry vision could have just been down to me essentially pressing enough on my neck to restrict some oxygen flow.


May 25, 2023
So essentially with my hands I'm pushing forwards and then applying pressure by pushing inward?

I was pressing with a pretty decent force but maybe you're right and I'm still a little off location wise. The blurry vision could have just been down to me essentially pressing enough on my neck to restrict some oxygen flow.
I've never gotten the blurry vision, just extreme tingles and feeling like I'm going to pass out. Maybe I'm the one that is doing it incorrectly after all haha.


Apr 3, 2023
It's really just a gentle motion, as you apply pressure forward you bear inwards also. The position of your hands doesn't change, just the direction of pressure.
Try having a look online for sleep or scissors hold.
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Feb 6, 2023
Try putting the side of your hands at the side of your neck, below and just slightly forward of your ears.
Push the two big neck muscles (the sterno cleo-mastoids) forward and compress inwards with your hands. The common carotid arteries are protected by these big muscles, so they have to be moved out the way to compress the arteries.
It's really just a knack, once you've achieved it in a Judo or Ju Jitsu class it seems ridiculously easy; just not quite so simple without anyone to show you and to learn on yourself.
When you say push the sterno Cleo-mastoids forwards is that more like pulling from the side of the neck towards the front of the neck, or pushing forwards with the hands but towards the back of the neck using the palms?


Apr 3, 2023
When you say push the sterno Cleo-mastoids forwards is that more like pulling from the side of the neck towards the front of the neck, or pushing forwards with the hands but towards the back of the neck using the palms?

Sorry, it's challenging to describe just in words (for me anyway).
You're moving the big muscles slightly forward towards the front of your body, just to get them out the way.
Then, whilst that forward pressure is applied allowing you greater access to the arteries you compress inwards onto the arteries themselves.
I hope that's a wee bit clearer, my apologies for not being great at expressing myself.
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Feb 6, 2023
Sorry, it's challenging to describe just in words (for me anyway).
You're moving the big muscles slightly forward towards the front of your body, just to get them out the way.
Then, whilst that forward pressure is applied allowing you greater access to the arteries you compress inwards onto the arteries themselves.
I hope that's a wee bit clearer, my apologies for not being great at expressing myself.
It's just me being dumb lol, thanks for the clarification. Just wanna make sure to acquire as much information as possible. I was confused because most hangings have the knot at the back which I imagine would move the muslcle back.
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Apr 3, 2023
Probably torsion compression would be as, or more, effective than conventional hanging.
There was a post in the past few days where a loop was positioned round the neck and tightened up with a wooden staff inserted into the loop and rotated to tighten up the loop. The piece of wood can be secured in position once compression is achieved by wedging it under the chin at one end, against the shoulder at the other.


please help me this is so hard
Sep 29, 2023
im still really confused. can someone link to like a video or photographs?
I'm actually so confused on how to do this. idk how to tell if im moving the right thing fowards.
okay im trying it and i then my head feels like have a headace and i hear my heartbeat am i doing it correctly?
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