tove 𓆩♡𓆪
- Mar 22, 2023
- 129
so I've been running back and forth within my thoughts about all the recent research I've done on certain treatment medications, as my current goal is to OD on something that won't leave me disabled for life if it fails to kill me, or just OD to "practice, try, and experience". one of my family members takes bisoprol, I know you need a prescription to get it so I'm unsure of how I'd get my hands on it yet, anyways bisoprol is a medication to regulate and slow blood flow and therefore the heartbeat. I was wondering if anyone had info on that? can bisoprol kill me if taken excessively at once, or OD me without causing me a lifelong liver or heart failure? I was also thinking of mixing it with some other stuff, but if you know what could mix well with it I would want to know as well, thank you ♡