You can find friends here, but be aware that your new friends might leave earlier than you would expect, sometimes shortly after you get them to know. That's a risk here. That can be quite distressing! Just keep this in mind.
When you have a few more messages you'll have access to chat & PM.
_AllCatsAreGrey_, ColorlessTrees, Forveleth and 1 other person
You can find friends here, but be aware that your new friends might leave earlier than you would expect, sometimes shortly after you get them to know. That's a risk here. That can be quite distressing! Just keep this in mind.
When you have a few more messages you'll have access to chat & PM.
Just a general note about the internet. It doesn't matter if a particular site is "safe" or "dangerous". Any site can have a particular individual with nefarious intentions. This is why you should never give out personal information anywhere. You never know when a particular person is going to come across your info and use it for unsavory purposes. You may think that you have nothing to lose and that nobody can harm you by knowing your personal information, but you'd be very surprised at what people can do.
Also, I would not consider this site "dangerous". For the most part we're a very open and welcoming community. Welcome to SaSu and stay safe.
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