Most likely a local store, since the OP said that they'd
go to a store.
It may be a chemical store but I do know someone from the Middle east who bought their SN from a jeweler.
So i can tell that my grandpa in village
sells meats?
The SN used to cure meats isn't pure enough for ctb. The SN used to cure meats is always far under 5% purity and the purity needed to ctb is >95%.
There is an SN source that recently stopped selling SN but the website where the SN was sold was focused on selling products for wood aging for violin makers.. and the SN is pure, maybe you could use that excuse; "someone who I know, or myself, has picked up a hobby of aging wood"; instead of meat curing.
I don't know what aging wood is supposed to be but it seems like a viable excuse and apparently it's real.