Peace, Love, Empathy
- Feb 27, 2024
- 450
Looked around and couldn't really get any clear answers so I'm turning to you all. Couldn't decide if i should tag method or help
Note, I'm super pro gun-control and try not to think about the USA's janky gun laws as much as I can so I'm entirely in foreign teritory here.
I live in the midwest US, to avoid location specifics for the sake of privacy I hope 'midwest' is specific enough. I am going back to researching my original method, as in my state you need to be 21 to obtain a FOID (unless a parent signs off) which is necessary for any purchase of a handgun with a public vendor, however I believe the minimum age for a long gun (and/or shotgun as I'm planning) is 18, which, of course I am since I'm on here.
I am over 18, but not 21, not able to get gaurdian sign-off on FOID nor gun purchase, and I'll look around for gun shows in my area, but I'm struggling to where I can look up recent gun laws in my state, as I'm kind of struggling to find clear reliable sources.
I don't have any kind of record, so that isn't an issue, but, in fear of sounding stupid, could I just walk into a store, flash my drivers lisence to prove im of age, and buy a shotgun and ammo for it no questions asked or...? What else would buying one from a store entail? I don't really want to buy one online, my original original plan, as ordering it to the living space I share with my parents is a dangerous gamble I'm not really interested in.
I guess while I'm here I'll also ask what the best way to track down gun shows is? Is there like a facebook group for this or something? (joking a little)
Note, I'm super pro gun-control and try not to think about the USA's janky gun laws as much as I can so I'm entirely in foreign teritory here.
I live in the midwest US, to avoid location specifics for the sake of privacy I hope 'midwest' is specific enough. I am going back to researching my original method, as in my state you need to be 21 to obtain a FOID (unless a parent signs off) which is necessary for any purchase of a handgun with a public vendor, however I believe the minimum age for a long gun (and/or shotgun as I'm planning) is 18, which, of course I am since I'm on here.
I am over 18, but not 21, not able to get gaurdian sign-off on FOID nor gun purchase, and I'll look around for gun shows in my area, but I'm struggling to where I can look up recent gun laws in my state, as I'm kind of struggling to find clear reliable sources.
I don't have any kind of record, so that isn't an issue, but, in fear of sounding stupid, could I just walk into a store, flash my drivers lisence to prove im of age, and buy a shotgun and ammo for it no questions asked or...? What else would buying one from a store entail? I don't really want to buy one online, my original original plan, as ordering it to the living space I share with my parents is a dangerous gamble I'm not really interested in.
I guess while I'm here I'll also ask what the best way to track down gun shows is? Is there like a facebook group for this or something? (joking a little)