
Dec 20, 2022
I feel like I might actually be living in hell. I started uni in september and I pushed myself to try and socialize as much as I could I think because high school was so lonely and depressing for me. I only did this because I was unaware I was autistic, and so thought by putting myself out there more I'd finally be able to get some kind of social life. In reality I just ended up making a lot of people uncomfortable and missing social cues and not realising. Looking back on it now I cringe so much.

About a month in I tripped on acid and realized I was autistic which was a pretty ego shattering experience but I think would have been a positive thing for me if I didn't simultaneously realize all the ways i'd been made fun of subtly over the past month. It's like my brain replayed a tape and every time I thought someone was being positive or friendly they were really saying something that subtly mocked me, or was saying something that went over my head for the amusement of others. They had gotten nudes of me from fake profiles they set up on grindr thankfully without my face in, and had sent it round. They had been sat in the floor below together and they had made repeated comments to me in person like "We can hear your footsteps" which I thought was just about me being loud maybe but was actually a subtle reference to that. They made mock sexual comments towards me like "nice ass" which again in hindsight was them mocking me but I thought was just them being strange.

They hosted drink "parties" in which the sole goal was to get me drunk. I'd think they were drinking in a group and I wouldn't realize that I was the only one drinking and they were just drinking water. This is the social naivety of autism I think. I'm not sure but I think they might have been spiking the drink because I had really bad stomach issues in the days after. They'd invite people up to the room basically just to observe the autistic r**ard I guess. There's one night in particular where I got blackout drunk and don't remember a good hour and god knows how much of a fool I made of myself then. They had a group chat for the block of flats literally just to talk about me.

They have a newspaper for the college in which literally half the paper is them mocking the way I dressed, or my hygiene, or my "1000 yard stare" which I can't do anything about and is just straight up ableism. But they dress it up in the newspaper in a subtle enough way that I can't report it to the uni.

There are people I thought were close friends who I opened up to and talked about mental health stuff with because they had opened up about similar stuff to me who it turns out have taken quotes from things I've said to them in private and sent them to the group chat. Now I don't trust myself to ever open up or even speak to someone again.

I had no clue about any of this until the acid and I was already having a pretty shit trip because I was in a claustrophobic environment and didn't feel safe. My friend (from highschool) had fallen asleep and I was in my room which is three stories high. I felt like my whole life had been a lie and I was the closest I've ever been to throwing myself out my window. I understand the quote about jumping out a burning building to escape the fire now. I got as far as having my legs on the ledge and I could hear people on the street below yelling at me to jump. No idea if that was a hallucination or not. I think I reasoned I was pretty unlikely to die from a 3 story drop so I chickened out in the end.

Anyway I ended up shutting myself in my room terrified to leave until my parents contacted some mental health person to evaluate me. I told her all about the bullying but she basically just told me I was psychotic which is infuriating because I have text evidence but she didn't really understand the context or the tone of the texts. And I have a hard time communicating my reasoning about it because of my asd.

I left that day as she said I wasn't mentally well enough to stay at uni, and i've been at home since. I'm planning on returning next term and I just know it's going to be hell. I can't escape these people basically the entire college has been bullying me. I plan to become a hermit and just leave my room for the bare essentials. Except they'll probably still find some way to harass me by say knocking on my door. Now i'm having these weekly meetings where I have to convince the mental health advisor i'm not going to kill myself when I return, which is exactly what I'm planning on doing.

I hope to get some sn together before term starts back up and then finish the job on returning. I have no hope of a social life and i'm stuck here for the next 3 years. I feel like charlie from flowers for algernon the way people have bullied and manipulated me.
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Feb 21, 2022
This is harassment.

There must be some way to hold these people accountable.

Especially with them having nude photos of you and sending it around to laugh at.
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"for truly, i am no longer a part of the world."
Dec 17, 2022
damn op, i'm so sorry you're going through this, you're right, this is hell. i suffered bullying too, and is flabbergasting how someone can go into their way just to make someone's life miserable; how much effort they put into ruining you just because. the only thing i can say is i'm sorry, i wish i could do more, even though i don't know you.
i hope you find a place to be safe and at peace, it's such a cruel existence to live like this.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
she basically just told me I was psychotic
This is just a poor excuse for them to deal with the lone victim as opposed to multiple perpetrators. I see victim-blaming shit like this and it comes from ignorance and because they don't know about your situation, you need to write it all down and have it in writing and show them everything next time. People are probably ignorant that people can behave like this because their lives are much fluffier, case of, "this never happened to me so can't be true / things can't possibly be this bad for someone else my brain refuses to believe and prefers to repress this world-shattering info".

OP I'm sorry you went through all of this and my advice is -NOT- to go back to that uni and go to a different one and try again and hope you get a better group of people. You might want to take the risk and start with "I'm autistic." and hope they're understanding. Some people are just assholes about everything and need to find someone to bully, it can because they are cowards and don't want to end up being the one being bullied themselves. I know from my friends from school that some were afraid to intervene in other people's bullying because they got bullied themselves and didn't want to get it worse.

It's just not worth the hassle you will have to go through if you go back to the uni with the same people. It will make you sick.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Those people sound like absolute douchebags, but college doesn't last forever and like someone already mentioned, you can always change schools if it's too much to deal with. I'd hate to see someone lose their life because of bullying. Fuck those kids.
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My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
I feel like I might actually be living in hell. I started uni in september and I pushed myself to try and socialize as much as I could I think because high school was so lonely and depressing for me. I only did this because I was unaware I was autistic, and so thought by putting myself out there more I'd finally be able to get some kind of social life. In reality I just ended up making a lot of people uncomfortable and missing social cues and not realising. Looking back on it now I cringe so much.

About a month in I tripped on acid and realized I was autistic which was a pretty ego shattering experience but I think would have been a positive thing for me if I didn't simultaneously realize all the ways i'd been made fun of subtly over the past month. It's like my brain replayed a tape and every time I thought someone was being positive or friendly they were really saying something that subtly mocked me, or was saying something that went over my head for the amusement of others. They had gotten nudes of me from fake profiles they set up on grindr thankfully without my face in, and had sent it round. They had been sat in the floor below together and they had made repeated comments to me in person like "We can hear your footsteps" which I thought was just about me being loud maybe but was actually a subtle reference to that. They made mock sexual comments towards me like "nice ass" which again in hindsight was them mocking me but I thought was just them being strange.
Sexual harassment.
They hosted drink "parties" in which the sole goal was to get me drunk. I'd think they were drinking in a group and I wouldn't realize that I was the only one drinking and they were just drinking water. This is the social naivety of autism I think. I'm not sure but I think they might have been spiking the drink because I had really bad stomach issues in the days after. They'd invite people up to the room basically just to observe the autistic r**ard I guess. There's one night in particular where I got blackout drunk and don't remember a good hour and god knows how much of a fool I made of myself then. They had a group chat for the block of flats literally just to talk about me.

They have a newspaper for the college in which literally half the paper is them mocking the way I dressed, or my hygiene, or my "1000 yard stare" which I can't do anything about and is just straight up ableism. But they dress it up in the newspaper in a subtle enough way that I can't report it to the uni.
Do you know for a fact it's directed at you?
There are people I thought were close friends who I opened up to and talked about mental health stuff with because they had opened up about similar stuff to me who it turns out have taken quotes from things I've said to them in private and sent them to the group chat. Now I don't trust myself to ever open up or even speak to someone again.

I had no clue about any of this until the acid and I was already having a pretty shit trip because I was in a claustrophobic environment and didn't feel safe. My friend (from highschool) had fallen asleep and I was in my room which is three stories high. I felt like my whole life had been a lie and I was the closest I've ever been to throwing myself out my window. I understand the quote about jumping out a burning building to escape the fire now. I got as far as having my legs on the ledge and I could hear people on the street below yelling at me to jump. No idea if that was a hallucination or not. I think I reasoned I was pretty unlikely to die from a 3 story drop so I chickened out in the end.

Anyway I ended up shutting myself in my room terrified to leave until my parents contacted some mental health person to evaluate me. I told her all about the bullying but she basically just told me I was psychotic which is infuriating because I have text evidence but she didn't really understand the context or the tone of the texts. And I have a hard time communicating my reasoning about it because of my asd.

I left that day as she said I wasn't mentally well enough to stay at uni, and i've been at home since. I'm planning on returning next term and I just know it's going to be hell. I can't escape these people basically the entire college has been bullying me. I plan to become a hermit and just leave my room for the bare essentials. Except they'll probably still find some way to harass me by say knocking on my door. Now i'm having these weekly meetings where I have to convince the mental health advisor i'm not going to kill myself when I return, which is exactly what I'm planning on doing.

I hope to get some sn together before term starts back up and then finish the job on returning. I have no hope of a social life and i'm stuck here for the next 3 years. I feel like charlie from flowers for algernon the way people have bullied and manipulated me.
There's too many issues here that need addressed. This sounds some you need to take up with your university.


Dec 20, 2022
I can't really report them because I don't have much concrete evidence just he said she said type thing. And even if I could I don't really think they deserve it I understand why they've behaved the way they have and I forgive them. If they continue to harrass me when I return though I will start recording my interactions and report it to uni.

The problem is that the uni I'm at is head and shoulders above any other uni in the country for my particular subject. This is a subject i've been passionate about my entire life and it's basically the only thing that keeps me going in life. I feel like changing uni is almost destroying a dream i've had for years that's given my life purpose. Maybe it's sad that my self worth is so tied to one thing. I have a lot more opportunities here to engage in research and be challenged then I would anywhere else where the work would be mind numbingly dull.

I think I would actually enjoy being a hermit. My brain isn't really wired to socialize I don't think i've just kinda done it because it's expected of me. And then I would be able to completely commit myself to my subject and make a lot of progress in 3 years. Maybe i'm just being delusional though and it would drive me mad.

It's strange my mood alternates between being deliriously happy to the point of laughing like the joker and suicidally depressed so quickly. It's like i'm not able to feel an inbetween emotion. So when i'm up I'm like fuck em all i'll just do what I enjoy but when i'm down I just view my life as hollow. It's like other people have the real version of life and i've just got the demo where I can't access any of the shit that makes life worth it. Seeing photos of people laughing and having fun with each other and I just know there's no way I could ever neurologically do that. What I would give to be neurotypical. But then I have the opportunity to get to explore my passion at a depth I know most neurotypical people never could.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
These people sound a complete bunch of arseholes. I'm so sorry you are going through this.
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Dec 27, 2022
Im 27 and starting uni for the third time, similar to you but older. Its a blessing to have the heureka moment younger I think, I have much more suffering and failure behind me because it took longer to have that. So think positively.

My own plan is to spend 3 years as a hermit and work from home afterwards, ofc since you have some type of family support and are younger it could be worth it to try light socialising.

Im not american but if you want to talk dm me if possible, idk if my acc has it enabled as im new
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
You are being harassed and abused because you have a disability, and at least where I live, that is very illegal. You will need assistance to deal with this. Your school should have an office dedicated to helping students with disabilities. Different universities give their offices different names, but at least in the U.S., they're required to have one. I expect most first-world countries have similar requirements. If you can't figure out how to contact your university's disability resource center (or whatever it's called), your advisor should be able to tell you.

It would also be a good idea for you to contact your school's counseling center. Let them know that your goal is to remain at school and get the education you have every right to get. You can also ask for their assistance in navigating your university's bureaucracy, particularly figuring out what documentation the school may require in order to take your complaints seriously. You are NOT required to tell a counselor that you have suicidal ideation, although it's probably safe to do so if you tell them that you don't have a concrete plan. It should be enough just to tell a counselor that you're in danger of failing school if these assholes won't leave you alone. Finally, if your school's disability rights office demands documentation of a formal diagnosis before they'll help you, the counseling office may be able to help you get one. (Actually the disability rights office should give you advice on that matter, but I've learned never to be shocked if I'm confronted with some dickhead who doesn't want to do their job.)
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Jul 23, 2022
It's strange my mood alternates between being deliriously happy to the point of laughing like the joker and suicidally depressed so quickly. It's like i'm not able to feel an inbetween emotion. So when i'm up I'm like fuck em all i'll just do what I enjoy but when i'm down I just view my life as hollow. It's like other people have the real version of life and i've just got the demo where I can't access any of the shit that makes life worth it. Seeing photos of people laughing and having fun with each other and I just know there's no way I could ever neurologically do that. What I would give to be neurotypical. But then I have the opportunity to get to explore my passion at a depth I know most neurotypical people never could.
I'm sorry, I know how much autism sucks. Intellectual and creative fulfilment can't substitute fully for relationships. Anyway, I think you should stay, just like with all of us the chances are much more in favor of you staying alive then CTB and so staying at this university is the best move for whatever future looks like for you. People aren't necessarily mature yet at your age but you deserve better. What you report sounds pretty atrocious.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
That sounds so horrible what you've been through, it's such an awful world where all this endless suffering exists and where humans create so much harm. No wonder so many wish to ctb.
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Dec 20, 2022
Im 27 and starting uni for the third time, similar to you but older. Its a blessing to have the heureka moment younger I think, I have much more suffering and failure behind me because it took longer to have that. So think positively.

My own plan is to spend 3 years as a hermit and work from home afterwards, ofc since you have some type of family support and are younger it could be worth it to try light socialising.

Im not american but if you want to talk dm me if possible, idk if my acc has it enabled as im new
If you mean realizing about autism yeah I think the longer it takes to realize the worse it gets. I'm certain my dad has it and I feel bad for him because he's just constantly having to mask himself with no idea why life is so hard for him. No idea why he's unable to be emotionally there for his kids or why his relationship with my mum has fallen apart. He was physically abusive when I was younger I think just as autistic meltdowns. You try to bring it up to him but he has this big ego he's built up as a defense mechanism that I think makes it impossible for him to consider it seriously. He has no one on his life and no idea why.

That's why I could never see myself having kids one I wouldn't want to inflict this on them, and two I just know I'd be as emotionally distant as he was. You look at the way say Elon Musk speaks about his kids as basically just another object for him.
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Jul 23, 2022
I was diagnosed at a young age and it's why I'm here. It's just a POS condition all the way around.
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Sep 19, 2021
Hi. Reading that, I could have written it. I didn't read all of it, but I just want you to know that you're not alone.
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Why Me?

Apr 5, 2022
I feel like I might actually be living in hell. I started uni in september and I pushed myself to try and socialize as much as I could I think because high school was so lonely and depressing for me. I only did this because I was unaware I was autistic, and so thought by putting myself out there more I'd finally be able to get some kind of social life. In reality I just ended up making a lot of people uncomfortable and missing social cues and not realising. Looking back on it now I cringe so much.
I went thru the same thing when I went to college not realizing I was autistic, and I ended up offending so many people by trying to be charming, and appear clever. It was a disaster. My brain was so messed up, and it still is, but at least I have way more awareness, but the opportunities of my youth are gone. Anyway, thanks for sharing your story.
Anyway I ended up shutting myself in my room terrified to leave until my parents contacted some mental health person to evaluate me. I told her all about the bullying but she basically just told me I was psychotic which is infuriating because I have text evidence but she didn't really understand the context or the tone of the texts. And I have a hard time communicating my reasoning about it because of my asd.
It's so terrible when people who are supposed to help, are idiotic & drop the ball. With autism its hard to communicate intelligently sometimes and people take advantage by being lazy & arrogant.
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Dec 20, 2022
I went thru the same thing when I went to college not realizing I was autistic, and I ended up offending so many people by trying to be charming, and appear clever. It was a disaster. My brain was so messed up, and it still is, but at least I have way more awareness, but the opportunities of my youth are gone. Anyway, thanks for sharing your story.

It's so terrible when people who are supposed to help, are idiotic & drop the ball. With autism its hard to communicate intelligently sometimes and people take advantage by being lazy & arrogant.
Are you still at college now? How did realising change the way you lived your life? Yeah I feel like i'm always far more articulate when writing stuff down then in person where I feel like a 5 year old sometimes especially if i'm overwhelmed.
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Why Me?

Apr 5, 2022
Are you still at college now? How did realising change the way you lived your life? Yeah I feel like i'm always far more articulate when writing stuff down then in person where I feel like a 5 year old sometimes especially if i'm overwhelmed.
No, college for me was like 20 years ago, I'm 41, but I must say you are way luckier than me, because I wish that I had the self awareness back then that you have now. Realizing I have some sort of high functioning autism has made me feel like it's not my fault that I've had it so hard socially, and it's not my fault that humans are evil and like to prey on the weak. It takes the pressure off, it makes me not hate myself, and instead hate the autism.

I had to leave college, because I also had brain fog, and severe anxiety, plus PTSD. I can't drive either. If I were you I would at least finish college and get a real good job, so I can see what kind of life I can build for myself away from evil people who like to bully and take advantage of people with autism. You are in a much better position to succeed than me, because you are so young, and you know what's wrong. There are so many jobs available that are remote, where you can work from home and avoid evil people, and just have a significant other, and some pets creating a nice independent life for yourself.
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sunshine ☀️
Mar 9, 2022
if I didn't simultaneously realize all the ways i'd been made fun of subtly over the past month. It's like my brain replayed a tape and every time I thought someone was being positive or friendly they were really saying something that subtly mocked me, or was saying something that went over my head for the amusement of others.
This is a different type a pain fr . I think I might be on the spectrum as well & I've experienced this. Realizing how many times I've been entertainment for others or the butt of the joke fucking hurts 😭 I'm so sorry you're going through all of this OP. You're better than me cause I've would've been dropped out. I would seriously consider doing school online or transferring. The way you're being treated isn't okay at all. I hope things work out for you.
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