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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
Apologies to all my fellow Europeans (Till 11pm 29th March)

But honestly what the filppertly flug is my stupid country doing, why do we seem to have some massive ego issues, Great Britain my arse, we seem to be stuck thinking we should still have a great empire, the Commonwealth blah de blah. I for one don't look back on the history of out greatness with pride, how could i, it's built on dead bodies of the local inhabitants, the raping of all their natural resources & a hell of a lot more nasty stuff and nothing whatsoever to be proud off.

Then we have our politicians, the prime ministers whole tactics involve something very similar to threatening national suicide, wether its the Eu or our own parliament the threats the same, give me what i want or we jump, or if its the Erg, then its give me what i want or we will never jump.It is insane.

And honestly, when you feel like you might be losing the plot a little anyway, then you look around at what this fucking referendum has dragged up, the murder of am Mp by a far right nut job, death threats from the same far right wankers to any Mp who they think might try to 'subvert' the 'will of the people' Nigel Farage & bloody Boris, a massive increase in abuse directed at any poor bugger not born here, or not whitey white.

So to all my European friends, all i can say is sorry.

I am very tempted to hang myself on the 29th with my EU passport proudly round my neck.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
Apologies to all my fellow Europeans (Till 11pm 29th March)

But honestly what the filppertly flug is my stupid country doing, why do we seem to have some massive ego issues, Great Britain my arse, we seem to be stuck thinking we should still have a great empire, the Commonwealth blah de blah. I for one don't look back on the history of out greatness with pride, how could i, it's built on dead bodies of the local inhabitants, the raping of all their natural resources & a hell of a lot more nasty stuff and nothing whatsoever to be proud off.

Then we have our politicians, the prime ministers whole tactics involve something very similar to threatening national suicide, wether its the Eu or our own parliament the threats the same, give me what i want or we jump, or if its the Erg, then its give me what i want or we will never jump.It is insane.

And honestly, when you feel like you might be losing the plot a little anyway, then you look around at what this fucking referendum has dragged up, the murder of am Mp by a far right nut job, death threats from the same far right wankers to any Mp who they think might try to 'subvert' the 'will of the people' Nigel Farage & bloody Boris, a massive increase in abuse directed at any poor bugger not born here, or not whitey white.

So to all my European friends, all i can say is sorry.

I am very tempted to hang myself on the 29th with my EU passport proudly round my neck.
I couldn't agree more, Britbin had its day.
Sorry I can't offer more of an input, I no longer partake in watching the news or reading a newspaper.
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Jan 1, 2019
@Letmego. Please

Completely agree

If I had the ability the words on this post would have been straight from my mouth. I just want it all to stop.
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Jan 1, 2019
@Johnnythefox for Prime Minister of Britain please
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
I couldn't agree more, Britbin had its day.
Sorry I can't offer more of an input, I no longer partake in watching the news or reading a newspaper.

I honestly don't blame you Johnny, i swear the only reason i do is i would have too low a blood pressure otherwise.
Our erstwhile boss has it seems decided that if you make parliament wait till 4 days before we crash out then you can bully them into agreeing her bullshit deal or be blamed for crashing out, its sick.

@JustAboutDone Me too, so angry we have no opposition, only the poor Lib Dems who will take years to recover from being used as their fall guys in the collation..Arrggghh
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Jan 1, 2019
What's wrong with me Lmao

Show me you can photoshop yourself in front of number 10 ;-)

Am hoping with a bit of trickery, lights and mirrors we can get him in to Whitehall - after all, tricks lies and fakery worked for the Tories
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ember in the dark
Dec 7, 2018
I'm just sick of hearing about it first thing in the morning and last thing at night, not to mention the multitude of news notifications I get about it throughout the day
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Jan 1, 2019
@Letmego. Please
After Brexsh1t it will be back to wartime Britain. No more lovely Lidls and nice French cheese. Instead it will be tins of SPAM and ration books. Carrot and parsnip pie and coupons for sweets. No more Toblerone. No wine.

In fact we will probably have to resort to cannibalism with no trade agreement reached. Shelves will be empty.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
Your right about all the food & drink i like, seriously need to stock up on Port & some nice Hard cheeses.

Though i'm sure that the banging trade deal that the great orange blimp is salivating over signing with us will provide all the cheap crappy chlorinated chicken & horrible yankee chocolate (sorry to you yankers) will more than make up for the loss of Lidls. Oh fuck, that and all the Meds i take are imported from the EU. Bollocks

P.s Sadly i don't have Photoshop so will have to settle for being a pleb....
Go Johnny for Pm
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Jan 1, 2019
I cannot believe what all the people who voted for "Leave" have let us in for. Spam sandwiches for life. Port? In your dreams! That will be a distant memory. It's going to be back to the days of home brew wine with cloudy bits in it that smells funny.
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Deleted member 4993

Yes a good drinks cabinet is a must :-)
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Jan 1, 2019
And £25 per meal allowances plus drinks

That will get a fair bit of tuna salad tbh
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Your right about all the food & drink i like, seriously need to stock up on Port & some nice Hard cheeses.

Though i'm sure that the banging trade deal that the great orange blimp is salivating over signing with us will provide all the cheap crappy chlorinated chicken & horrible yankee chocolate (sorry to you yankers) will more than make up for the loss of Lidls. Oh fuck, that and all the Meds i take are imported from the EU. Bollocks

P.s Sadly i don't have Photoshop so will have to settle for being a pleb....
Go Johnny for Pm

What? You don't like chocolate that tastes slightly like vomit..er..I mean freedom?
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Dec 7, 2018
I used to be so opinionated on brexit and anything in the news. Now I'm depressed I couldn't care less about politics. It seems so pointless now
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Arrogance will be the death of humanity. This Brexit shit is pathetic.

I feel a bit hurt at being left out of potential positions in this theoretical new cabinet of ours, but have come to realize that murmuring in the back benches in that roomful of lobotomy patients (the House of Lords) will suit me just fine. That's more my speed anyway.
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Jan 1, 2019
Arrogance will be the death of humanity. This Brexit shit is pathetic.

I feel a bit hurt at being left out of potential positions in this theoretical new cabinet of ours, but have come to realize that murmuring in the back benches in that roomful of lobotomy patients (the House of Lords) will suit me just fine. That's more my speed anyway.

Don't be hurt, he's not actually chosen his full cabinet yet. He's not included @WayOut for starters and that would be a Big Mistake
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Don't be hurt, he's not actually chosen his full cabinet yet. He's not included @WayOut for starters and that would be a Big Mistake
Good to know. Being as mentally ill as I am, I feel it would be most unorthodox to not appoint someone like me to a position of power.
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Jan 1, 2019
Good to know. Being as mentally ill as I am, I feel it would be most unorthodox to not appoint someone like me to a position of power.

Have you taken a look at the ineptitude of the current UK government? You, duckster, even with no head or body would be a huge improvement ❤️
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Jan 22, 2019
How do you guys think it would turn out if May actually did what she's being told REPEATEDLY to do and do a second referendum? Leave or Stay?
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Jan 1, 2019
How do you guys think it would turn out if May actually did what she's being told REPEATEDLY to do and do a second referendum? Leave or Stay?

I would go the length and breadth of the Uk with baguettes and cheeses and force everyone to stay.
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Jan 22, 2019
I would go the length and breadth of the Uk with baguettes and cheeses and force everyone to stay.
And I don't think the stockpiling does any good. How long do you think rationing will hold up? I mean, seriously Theresa *exhasperated sigh*


Jan 22, 2019


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Oct 19, 2018
A referendum for the introduction of Euro was held in Sweden in 2003. The only arguments of politicians who were in favor of adopting Euro can be summed up in one sentence : "It will be the apocalypse if we don't adopt Euro". That's also how it was presented in biased mainstream media.
The people of Sweden voted against the adoption of Euro and their decision was respected by the government. Despite all the apocalyptic predictions, NOTHING HAPPENED and history shows that the unemployment rate significantly increased in most countries which adopted Euro because the rate of Euro is too high for the competitivity of the economies of most countries of Europe.

Many similarities with what is happening in the UK right now.

People in this thread who think Brexit will be apocalyptic and that people who voted to leave the EU were too dumb to understand the consequences should meditate on that and look for other sources of information than mainstream media.

It's sad to me to see that many people in this thread only like democracy when people vote the way they want, that is they're not democrats at all. The will of the people who voted to leave the EU should NOT be ignored.

By the way, when there have been referendums in Europe to ask the citizens if they wanted the Maastricht or Lisbon treaty, the will of the people has been ignored in several countries. Each time it's been ignored, it's when people voted against the adoption of the treaty and never when people voted for it. Maybe you should ask yourself why.
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Jan 1, 2019
Absolutely @GlowingCactus and I would understand completely if the good people of the United Kingdom, when voting, had been given an idea of what they had actually been voting FOR. Because, at the time, there were no agreements in place. It was "Stay" or "Leave" not - this is the consequence of what you are voting for.

Instead people were pedalled a lot of false information of things that *might* happen. And they voted. Based on a nothing.

And years later, we are still none the wiser as to wtf is going on.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
Brexit here, brexit there,
Brexit every fucking where,

Every day on TV,
The same shit,
For you and me,

Fucking Tories, bunch of pricks,
Full of shit and dirty tricks,

They'll stomp on you and keep you down,
Cheering loudly while you drown,

May and Co are one big farce,
They can suck a fart out my arse.
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The World Is Quiet Here
Jan 23, 2019
Thank God I'm in America and don't have to deal with it firsthand. If anyone wants to come hang out with me for a while and let it blow over just bring some liquor.
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Jan 22, 2019
Brexit here, brexit there,
Brexit every fucking where,

Every day on TV,
The same shit,
For you and me,

Fucking Tories, bunch of pricks,
Full of shit and dirty tricks,

They'll stomp on you and keep you down,
Cheering loudly while you drown,

May and Co are one big farce,
They can suck a fart out my arse.

Thank you. I always love that pain that comes from laughing too much. For once I'm in a good sort of pain :):)
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