i know exactly what you mean- all of my family members are exactly like this, though its not just a them issue. get up, go to work, come home, scroll facebook/tiktok at 100 volume, have the same exact conversation they had yesterday about the same exact things, eat dinner, watch netflix/play a little phone game, and then go to bed.
what gets me isn't that they do this, it's that they don't care that they live this way. watching them is like seeing my worst nightmare turned into reality, but to them, this is a perfectly decent life. they are happy to keep rotting in place for the rest of their lives, with the only primary focuses in their life being work and children.
what confuses me is that a lot of people would attribute these feelings to things like adhd, but i genuinely don't think it's that. i think these people, your gf and my family included, were once deeply passionate people. they wanted more from the world and they believed they could have it. then, they grew up, and that light sank deeper and deeper within them, until they accepted that 'this is just how things are always gonna be'. i have never, and will never, be able to accept that myself- there has to be more than this. there has to be a more interesting world out there, something to feel passionate about, some reason to push ourselves forward. there has to be something greater than scrolling on tiktok for hours a day and if, for some god awful reason, there genuinely isn't anything else? i would truly rather kill myself LOL