
Apr 30, 2019
So this is a weirdly specific -- and also extremely painful -- issue, , hand something I've mostly kept to myself until now, but I did feel like (for the sake of catharsis?), it might be better to at least try to speak about and also get some feedback.

Anyway, I won't bore you with all the details of my life story, but the past decade has been so sordidly miserable and traumatic to the point where I've kind of stopped questioning it and just taken my status on this planet as sub-human garbage for granted. My parents moved us to another country 8 years where (already mentally-ill and sporadically functional), I lost access to my friends, part-time job etc. -- basically, everything I required for at least some semblance of stability. Outside of basic healthcare, I've had no real rights here (like access to disability, housing etc.) and naturally began to decline even further in functioning after the move, which basically just led to my already-unstable narcissistic mother growing increasingly abusive towards me (e.g. I ended up developing PTSD and also a fear of being in my own room after she decided it would be a good idea to call the cops and try to have me forced into a psychiatric ward one day, because I had decided to spend the day in bed). Anyway, I likely had some kind of underlying health issue dating back to before we relocated, but the ensuing years of hypervigilance, abuse, severe stress etc resulted in this becoming severe 3 years ago and I became almost completely bedridden -- which, of course, has only led to further neglect and abuse in the interim.

Here's where it gets complicated though (and apologies for kind of jumping around time-wise): about 2 years before I became too sick to leave the house, I developed an interest in photography after I was given my first smart phone by my parents. This started pretty innocently, mostly just walking around and taking snapshots, which I'd share online, and which became a great reason to get out the house each day and escape my horrible living environment. Over time, after getting some positive feedback, I began to grow more serious about it and started using a DSLR; it's hard to really do justice to how transformative this all was, but after years of being a catatonic depressed shut-in, flitting around from psychiatrist to psychiatrist etc., going out and taking photos gave me a new lease on life and became a whole way to structure my existence. Of course, my home life was still miserable, and I also had no idea that by forcing myself out everyday I was actually worsening my (unknown/undiagnosed) health issue, but I was having too much fun to care and I threw myself into it obsessively; I joined photography groups, started making friends again, got a part-time job etc. -- my camera was my constant companion; it became the center of my world and everything grew out of it.

Sadly, after about a year and a half of this, my health suddenly took a turn for the worse, as I mentioned, and I ended up housebound and eventually bedridden with severe chronic fatigue syndrome. Instinctively I knew I was never going to get out of this situation because I was now too sick and disabled to ever leave home, and I fell into a deep suicidal depression; I spent 3 weeks in a psych ward getting electroshock therapy which did nothing except cause further physical deterioration and I was dumped back home with no solutions. Facing this terminal point, I knew I had to do something, so began digging through the hundreds of old photos I had taken and never published online; I always figured the leftovers weren't that great, but found that I could give them new life by arranging them into little sets and collages, which is basically how I've occupied myself through the past 2 years.

Anyway, this became my third lease on life -- I knew I couldn't go out and take photos anymore, but having this ability to still create and express myself gave me a sense of control and, more importantly, a reason to endure all the other hell; I have always been someone who teeters between self-preservation and destruction, but having access to some kind of creative outlet stabilizes me in a way that nothing else can.

But then something utterly unspeakable and tragic happened: while I was away staying with a friend for 2 weeks, my (at the time 17 year old) brother decided he would sell the family computer that all my work was stored on without any warning, For whatever reason, he had always taken some completely irrational hatred against my photography -- without knowing anything he would tell me my work is 'garbage', threaten that he was going to delete it all etc. And then he actually did; he claimed to have backed everything up before selling the hard drive, but then had to run file recovery software on the back-up drive (why would that be necessary if everything was backed up as he claimed?) and recovered maybe 13 folders of jpegs out of HUNDREDS. I was so sick and disoriented and just fighting to survive my illness that I couldn't even register the impact of this; luckily I had about 35% of my work backed up and this has managed to last me until now (about 2 years) of daily editing and posting online.

However, now as my health continues to decline and I have effectively lost everything a person can lose -- access to friends, the ability to walk, speak on the phone, watch TV, listen to music, care for myself -- the impact of what he did is hitting me and I am fucking ENRAGED. I cannot see him, hear him, be near him without wanting to kill him. Because what he did was completely malicious and done out of spite with no rational reason behind it; he didn't like me storing my photos on a shared family computer that didn't belong to him, so just sold it? It makes no sense, and he didn't even give me the courtesy of a warning so I could just back up my work. All he did was destroy what was left of my life because without my photos to wake up to and work on daily, I have nothing left except to sit rotting in a room while my family continues to abuse me and treat me like shit; he stole the one tiny joy and purpose that I had left in this world and which made all the tremendous suffering ultimately worthwhile. I don't think he has even thought twice about what he did to me 3 years ago, but there is not a day that has gone by where I haven't sat crying and wishing I could just have my work back. He never apologized, and my parents did nothing about it and I haven't said a word to him since.

So I've decided this is the final straw now and I'm (hopefully -- if I can stop being such a fucking pussy) going to kill myself because of this; all I've done daily since then is emotionally lacerate myself, feeling like I failed and will never be able to complete this project, tell myself it was my fault for not having everything backed up (which is horseshit). And I've had enough. So basically, what I'm wondering is how traumatic it would be to leave a note explaining all this and effectively laying the blame on what he did for my premature death? Does he deserve it? Because all of my family treated me like shit so I do feel a bit bad singling him out, but it's also completely true -- if he hadn't done that, I would have kept fighting to go on, and I've never had any catharsis over the matter; it was just swept under the carpet. Deep down I am still an empath and realize it's probably a heavy thing to deal with -- realizing you are partly responsible for your brother killing yourself .. because it is very likely I'm going to die from my health issue anyway, so technically I could just blame that instead. But then I keep circling back to the utter callousness of what he did, and, as I say, how there was no reason to do it. So I'm very torn. Because I have spent such a long time being trained by my family to believe that I just don't matter

Anyway sorry this is so long and if you have read this far, I appreciate it.

. . : : .

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Dec 17, 2018
Hi, I can't imagine how angry you must be with your brother after he deleted all your hard work. To then start insulting you too, I can understand you for wanting to blame him.

However, I don't think anyone should blame anyone for their suicide in their note. When we're gone, you'll leave someone with awful guilt for the rest of his/her life. No matter what he/she has done, I wouldn't be able to do it. I want the pain to end with me, not to pass it on.
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Apr 3, 2019
I say you should totally do it. Hopefully he will suffer that guilt for the rest of his life, that is if he's even able to feel it.
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Jun 1, 2019
A very sorry, sad tale indeed. But you need to rise above their petty behaviours and go out with a clear conscience, which you might not do if you start your journey with revenge in mind. You know the reasons why, that is all that ultimately matters.
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Jun 8, 2019
Every story deserves to be told, and heard. But from the looks of it, your family has no ears for it? Can you send the note to someone you trust, so it does not get lost in a swirl of a toilet bowl? But in a way, the total silence and no explanation is often more punishing. Because then nobody gets to justify themselves.
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Feb 18, 2019
Have you tried actually talking about the incident in a non-confrontational way?
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Can't wait to be another statistic
Feb 6, 2019
It's your life. It's your choice to end it. If you're blaming someone in your note. In a way, probably killing yourself for the wrong reasons, or at least, you're putting too much weight on an entirely personal decision on someone else, which I don't think is correct.

Wether killing ourselves is a net-positive, on a societal or personal level, is somewhat subjective; What I feel is entirely objective, is that it should come down to the invidiual- and as such, shouldn't be overtly influenced by another person...
If you just want them to feel like shit, I promise your death will allready do that. I guarantee it. You don't need to rub it in.

If it's going to be a big influence in why you ctb one way or another, sure put it in your note. But there's so many other factors based on what you've written that you shouldn't DIRECTLY blame the guy.

This is all my opinion, so I hope I haven't offended you in some way.
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Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
I understand how enraged you are by your asshole brother. I have asshole sibs too. I like the idea of leaving things behind you as clean as possible. Leave as little mess as possible. Let it be as over as possible so you can start your new existence (assuming there is one after this one) with as clean a karmic slate as possible.
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Feb 18, 2019
Blaming him also may have the opposite effect of what you want. If you directly blame the photo thing, that will be fuel for everyone else to tell your brother "of course it's not your fault, he still had so many photos left, he could have taken more photos, he could have gone to therapy, he could have tried harder. You were just being a kid and probably felt jealous of how your parents neglect you due to your brother's illness, your brother was mentally ill and lazy. You did nothing wrong"

The more specifics you give when blaming, the more your reasons will be argued against and picked apart to shreds.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
I'm sorry you're suffering, and sorry your brother did such an incomprehensible thing. I have mixed feelings, but in the end I agree with the people saying that not mentioning the incident in your note (or not leaving a note at all) is the better choice. If you start blaming, the guilty parties start making excuses. Not laying blame might be passive aggression, rather than a "karmically clean" way to do it, but it's still a better choice, I think.

Perhaps you could create photo collages for/about each family member and leave those with a note reminding them how much you loved photography. That could be very eloquent and maybe cathartic for you as well?

I hope telling us about it has helped you a bit. (((Hugs)))
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Apr 30, 2019
I'm sorry for the late reply; I've been very unwell. I really appreciate everyone reading this and responding; I had been harboring these feelings for so long and felt so strangely ashamed and angry about the incident that writing it out and having people hear it was unexpectedly cathartic (because, as I say, my family have trained me to believe none of my own thoughts or feelings ever matter). I kept feeling like I was being stupid and trivial for getting so upset over it. Here are my thoughts on the matter, after digesting what people said:

1. I think it would be unfair to place the sole blame on my brother in a note, because as someone said above, there is a lot going on in my situation, and if anything my parents are truly to blame for the chronic abuse, failure to get me citizenship (and independence etc.). On a practical, day-to-day level, it is true that what my brother has done will be the final catalyst, but this has been building up for a long time. And I don't really feel right writing a whole note to my entire family articulating their abuse because it will a) be ignored, and b) there are some wishes I would like my parents to carry out.

2. That said, my rage revolves around the fact that I am a die-hard perfectionist and this project will be the last thing I ever carry out. On top of that, I actually think my work is really good and I have a decent online following. So after all the other trauma I have been through, I did not deserve to be fucked with in this way because what he's effectively done is robbed me of the ability to ever see this through in a way that will be 'complete'; I am exceedingly proud of what I have accomplished with the remaining work, but it doesn't matter, because I was entitled to every single photograph I ever took. Thus, even if it's not completely rational, I feel like I have failed, and that is his fault, and he really does not care at all and has never shown any remorse over what he did. On top of that, he has just generally treated me like shit in other ways since getting sick (slamming doors in anger, cutting off my internet at one point, leaving threatening notes on my door etc.)

That is the part that annoys me -- I could have stomached all the abuse if I could have just been left with my artwork, because it was my one thing I had and he took it away. Like my life wasn't fucking difficult or tragic enough! And I want him to be aware of that; if I have to die feeling incomplete and like a failure, he deserves to know somehow how much pain he caused me.

Thus, I am wondering if instead of writing it out in a suicide note, I could just leave him a note (not linked to my death) some time before I do CTB? Does anyone think that would be different emotionally? Or if I write a general suicide note, I could just mention it in there (like say I am very disappointed with what happened)?

I don't know. I just want what happened out there somehow .. so I can finally transfer the blame and guilt away from myself, if that makes sense .. I mean the other option would be to leave a goodbye post on my blog, explaining it there. I just don't want to die with these feelings confined to me.
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May 9, 2018
Hi, I can't imagine how angry you must be with your brother after he deleted all your hard work. To then start insulting you too, I can understand you for wanting to blame him.

However, I don't think anyone should blame anyone for their suicide in their note. When we're gone, you'll leave someone with awful guilt for the rest of his/her life. No matter what he/she has done, I wouldn't be able to do it. I want the pain to end with me, not to pass it on.
I totally agree.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018

Apoligies but i read your posts not only as a depressed suicidal person, but also as a disabled person.

You don't say which country you are now in & i know that will make some difference, but i read what you write about your photography & the love of getting out doors & all i think of is the many ways that with a little assistance you could carry on with what keeps you going. I know people with severe Cfs that can still get out & about with the help of an electric wheelchair etc.

If you want to let me know where in the world you are i would be more than happy to seek out what support you could access to enable you to at least live rather than exist for a bit (((Hugs)))


Oct 6, 2018

Apoligies but i read your posts not only as a depressed suicidal person, but also as a disabled person.
. I know people with severe Cfs that can still get out & about with the help of an electric wheelchair etc.

I don't know if it applies to OP but one of the awful things with s diagnosis like cfs is the fact you are forever fighting with doubt, ignorance and medical neglect. I imagine multiple attempts have been made to attribute this to a depression. This only makes one feel even more hopeless.
If you have the strength and energy I would look into autonomic dysfunction/dysautonomia/POTS. From personal experience, from all I have read and from interactions with many others it is apparent that many told they have csf actually have some form of the above. There are some things to try which may improve quality of life for you if you know what you really have rather than what some dick imbecile consultant tries to impose on you.
Ref the note. Don't blame anyone. I feel there would be huge comfort in knowing your exit was dignified, without blame or bitterness but simply what you felt to be your only escape. You may not care as you would be dead but I would hate people to only remember me as some angry bitter person. You have every right to feel angry btw x
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
I don't know if it applies to OP but one of the awful things with s diagnosis like cfs is the fact you are forever fighting with doubt, ignorance and medical neglect. I imagine multiple attempts have been made to attribute this to a depression. This only makes one feel even more hopeless.
If you have the strength and energy I would look into autonomic dysfunction/dysautonomia/POTS. From personal experience, from all I have read and from interactions with many others it is apparent that many told they have csf actually have some form of the above. There are some things to try which may improve quality of life for you if you know what you really have rather than what some dick imbecile consultant tries to impose on you.
Ref the note. Don't blame anyone. I feel there would be huge comfort in knowing your exit was dignified, without blame or bitterness but simply what you felt to be your only escape. You may not care as you would be dead but I would hate people to only remember me as some angry bitter person. You have every right to feel angry btw x

In all of the people i know with a Cfs diagnosis also have the autonomic dysfunction/dysautonomia/POTS label as well, in the Uk at least if you get a decent consultant they will see the symptoms of Cfs as a byproduct of the autonomic dysfunction & that accordingly, I've met folks who had been bed bound for yrs before getting proper support, usually only after getting the autonomic dysfunction/dysautonomia/POTS diagnosis added.

So to the Op i understand the why, but if you wish there may be more of a life available to you than you presently think.


Subhuman Creature
Apr 30, 2018
It clearly triggered a lot of anger and hatred in you, which I completely understand and I am actually really sorry for (your borther is such a dick).

Maybe mention it briefly in your note (but maybe make it seem like it wasn't the main reason, so in that way he can feel guilty about it, and then you won't look like someone who irrationally took their life cause of some minor event. (The way you describe your family it seems like they would see it as a minor event way, in no way shape or form do I see this as a minor event, it's actually really malicious what your brother did in my eyes)

But one more thing. In my opinion, you need to let your brother know in life first. Personally, I would either write a letter to him about it while living or I would approach him in a neutral manner asking him to talk about things.

He needs to know how much this affected you and you don't need to be dead before he finds out.


Apr 30, 2019
It clearly triggered a lot of anger and hatred in you, which I completely understand and I am actually really sorry for (your borther is such a dick).

Maybe mention it briefly in your note (but maybe make it seem like it wasn't the main reason, so in that way he can feel guilty about it, and then you won't look like someone who irrationally took their life cause of some minor event. (The way you describe your family it seems like they would see it as a minor event way, in no way shape or form do I see this as a minor event, it's actually really malicious what your brother did in my eyes)

But one more thing. In my opinion, you need to let your brother know in life first. Personally, I would either write a letter to him about it while living or I would approach him in a neutral manner asking him to talk about things.

He needs to know how much this affected you and you don't need to be dead before he finds out.

We haven't spoken for over 3 years and I have no intention of speaking to him before I die. But yeah, that was what I suggested earlier -- like if I write him a letter explaining how I feel sometime before I do CTB, then at least he won't connect it to being the reason for my suicide? And that way I manage to get my feelings out without it seeming like it was the direct cause for my death?

Apoligies but i read your posts not only as a depressed suicidal person, but also as a disabled person.

You don't say which country you are now in & i know that will make some difference, but i read what you write about your photography & the love of getting out doors & all i think of is the many ways that with a little assistance you could carry on with what keeps you going. I know people with severe Cfs that can still get out & about with the help of an electric wheelchair etc.

If you want to let me know where in the world you are i would be more than happy to seek out what support you could access to enable you to at least live rather than exist for a bit (((Hugs)))

I appreciate the help but I don't think you understand how sick I am. I am confined to bed and a dark room for approximately 9-11 hours a day. The only energy I have is used to cook for myself, and shower. I can barely read, look at a TV, listen to music. I can use a computer for approximately an hour a day. The photography thing was a creative 'window' that was open to me for 2 years and I consider it closed now; my mind is completely broken, and as a perfectionist, I just have no desire to create any half-assed work for the sake of it. Apologies if that sounds rude, but I am completely disabled and have no intentions of living on in this state.
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Nov 18, 2018
To be very frank, I think it would be incredibly selfish. Your life, your choice to end it or not. Own that.


Apr 30, 2019
To be very frank, I think it would be incredibly selfish. Your life, your choice to end it or not. Own that.

Lol easy for you to say. Try literally watching yourself slowly starve to death, spending almost 14 hours a day in complete isolation, and someone takes away the one thing that kept you going out of spite. A medical specialist I saw said if I had been able to escape my abusive family and not been exposed to such severe stress I would probably be 70% more functional than I am now. I am effectively going to die anyway because the course of my illness has become severe and irreversible due what they put me through. Curious how much of this is my choice per se. Save your fucking judgement.


Nov 18, 2018
Lol easy for you to say. Try literally watching yourself slowly starve to death, spending almost 14 hours a day in complete isolation, and someone takes away the one thing that kept you going out of spite. A medical specialist I saw said if I had been able to escape my abusive family and not been exposed to such severe stress I would probably be 70% more functional than I am now. I am effectively going to die anyway because the course of my illness has become severe and irreversible due what they put me through. Curious how much of this is my choice per se. Save your fucking judgement.
No. I won't. You asked for it, if you don't like my opinion, rephrase your question. As I said, own it.

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