

If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023
If someone chooses not to participate in the main activities that people tend to do, then they are criticized for "doing nothing". However, many of these people (who don't participate in such activities) simply might know that those activities are inherently going to cause them (and others) suffering.

If someone refuses to work at jobs, or they isolate themselves, they will probably be harshly shamed/blamed/guilt-tripped by other people, because they aren't doing "what they are supposed to do". But the fact is that absolutely nobody has any obligation to participate in society in any way whatsoever, since no one consented to it at all.

Furthermore, deciding not to do these things is actually ethical, as it prevents suffering from happening in many ways. This applies especially to the case of opting not to have children, which is something that some people choose, yet they are criticized for such a decision.

Know that, if you are criticized for being like this, it's not your fault at all, and that the people who are shaming/blaming/guilt-tripping you are the ones who are wrong.

Best wishes to all of you.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yeah- true. I'm so tired of expectations. The worst thing is- I find parents in particular will make a big deal of the fact that the expectations being placed on us are less than that were placed on them- the whole: 'You have it easier than I did.' Yet- they're usually saying that WHILE they're putting expectations on us! šŸ˜† Plus- I do REALLY want to just say: 'If you'd worked out life was so hard- why did you have children?!!'

Yeah- honestly, I'm sick of it. For now- I will comply because I can't stand the guilt trip I'll get if I don't. I feel like I do need to support myself financially. Beyond that though- screw it. I'll do it while I have to and then hopefully, I'll leave. But yeah- we're born into varying degrees of slavery. It is messed up.
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Elmo rules the world!
Apr 26, 2023
I choose isolation.
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wandering ghost (he/him)
Apr 19, 2023
completely. i really dont want to get a job, the whole process is something i just disagree with. but i need to be financially stable, so i have no other choice, since i dont know how to go about getting on benefits/my parents shame me for even thinking about asking for benefits as they dont think i deserve them/dont know if id even receive enough to be as independent from my parents as i want to. i never consented to being brought into this world, and the fact i have to do extra shit i dont consent to just to survive in a world i never wanted to be put in is just another kick in the gut. added with the fact its seemingly impossible for me to even do the things im expected to do bc of disabilities anyway, bc the system is just built against people like me, the criticism directed at me for being "lazy" just makes me want to say fuck it and give up.
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The anhedonic one

The anhedonic one

Dead inside
May 20, 2023
I remember as a kid of 16 I had to go and see the careers advisor at school.
He said what do you want to do when you leave school ?
I said " drink beer, listen to heavy metal and ride motorcycles."
He gave me a nasty look and said" normal people want to buy a house, have a good job, get married and have kids ".
So I said, " well I ain't normal, so I don't want those things. ,"
It's as though everyone is " required ," to be a wage slave, buy a house and breed.
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Jun 9, 2023
Since I was a little kid, I always thought that it was messed up that people with chronic illnesses and people who just don't want to be part of the system are forced to live. I'm pro-choice because nobody should be forced to suffer, and in many, many, cases CTB is the only way out.
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Reactions: Daxter_87, The anhedonic one and Praestat_Mori

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