Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
Only just started it so don't know if it's any good yet.

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Mar 22, 2020
Ty 4 sharing. I'll have a look.


You see it too? For me, it's always like this.
Feb 21, 2021
I liked the one they did on student suicides. Unfortunately you can't watch this one If you aren't in the uk or have a vpn.


Mar 5, 2021
I dislike how he keeps on referring to us as "suicidal people" and like "how they are thinking" like, we're normal people, it's not our defining trait. I mean, I don't intend to speak for anyone other than myself, but that annoys me.

Also how he said why people were "choosing to suffer in silence", like in my experience there hasn't been much choice, and I know for many other people, they have reached out for help but it has not been there.
And also like "he attempted suicide at 19", like mate, that isn't young, my first attempt was probably 11.
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Mar 22, 2020
I dislike how he keeps on referring to us as "suicidal people" and like "how they are thinking" like, we're normal people, it's not our defining trait. I mean, I don't intend to speak for anyone other than myself, but that annoys me.

Also how he said why people were "choosing to suffer in silence", like in my experience there hasn't been much choice, and I know for many other people, they have reached out for help but it has not been there.

That's terrible!
This is exactly why "normal people" will never understand us!
We're humans too! The difference is that we find LIVING extremely hard! Why is that so difficult for them to understand this?
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Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
I dislike how he keeps on referring to us as "suicidal people" and like "how they are thinking" like, we're normal people, it's not our defining trait. I mean, I don't intend to speak for anyone other than myself, but that annoys me.

Also how he said why people were "choosing to suffer in silence", like in my experience there hasn't been much choice, and I know for many other people, they have reached out for help but it has not been there.
And also like "he attempted suicide at 19", like mate, that isn't young, my first attempt was probably 11.
I agree. The section where he is with the police and the mental health nurse where they say that they have been referred and will get the help they need. What they really mean is they have been referred,will be offered meds and then put on a waiting list for months before being offered some BS low grade CBT.

I don't talk about being suicidal because I don't want people to stop me and I don't want to be called manipulative for thinking the way I do.

No doubt the same people sharing this documentary with the hashtags #endthestigma and #mentalhealthmatters will be the same people who refused to talk to me when I reached out in a moment of utter desperation.
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Feb 8, 2020
I quite like Roman Kemp and feel He's just trying to do his best, he's still grieving his friend so I do feel he's probably going to use wrong words,phrases.

Many people who've had experience with mental health services/mental health know it's not as easy as just ask for help, speak up and to stop the stigma. The stigma is awful. I've spoken to several a and e staff, different people within different types of mental health services, ambulance staff, and even police. They have said they wish there was somewhere that people can go that's not a and e to get help, not be judged, given the correct help and information
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Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
I quite like Roman Kemp and feel He's just trying to do his best, he's still grieving his friend so I do feel he's probably going to use wrong words,phrases.

Many people who've had experience with mental health services/mental health know it's not as easy as just ask for help, speak up and to stop the stigma. The stigma is awful. I've spoken to several a and e staff, different people within different types of mental health services, ambulance staff, and even police. They have said they wish there was somewhere that people can go that's not a and e to get help, not be judged, given the correct help and information
Yeah he seems like a genuine guy. I just hate this whole post a hashtag and a meme once a year on mental health day and you've done your bit. There's a lot of hypocrisy in this "woke" modern world.

a comfortable,non clinical refuge where people can get immediate on the spot support in a crisis would be ideal. Rather than the existing two options of hospital or a waiting list.
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Feb 8, 2020
Yeah he seems like a genuine guy. I just hate this whole post a hashtag and a meme once a year on mental health day and you've done your bit. There's a lot of hypocrisy in this "woke" modern world.

a comfortable,non clinical refuge where people can get immediate on the spot support in a crisis would be ideal. Rather than the existing two options of hospital or a waiting list.
Definitely total agree, should take up less police resources and ambulance service so you'd think gov will give funding for it
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I agree with all of you that the help is misguided. We are still rational, sane people in spite of being suicidal. Not lunatics, not axe murderers, not crazy people running down the streets naked, not people who throw rubbish in the bin when it's full- just regular people who are fed up with life.

These people frame the issue as if suicidal humans simply aren't thinking straight and we need to be treated with kid gloves, heavily medicated, then locked away. That doesn't work. You can water a wilted leaf, but if you don't nurture the roots, the plant will die. People are similar. You can't give a person in poverty some antipsychotics and expect it to fix the cause of their misery.

That is the problem with this narrative. They are medicalising many socioeconomic issues and treating suicidal people as insane pariahs who have to be held back with force "for our own good".

It shows how out of touch they are with the suicidal. I posted the link to the student suicide documentary a while back. It's a fascinating watch, although it doesn't capture the full story and focuses on a small subset of suicidal individuals. Panorama also did a program about a member of this site named Callie, who passed on a couple years ago.

In those documentaries they blame the NHS and the government, because they didn't forcibly section the people who ended up ctb. When will people realize that locking others up and isolating them from any sort of joy or freedom only increases their misery? Cognitive dissonance at its finest. They can't understand our predicament at all.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
In those documentaries they blame the NHS and the government, because they didn't forcibly section the people who ended up ctb. When will people realize that locking others up and isolating them from any sort of joy or freedom only increases their misery? Cognitive dissonance at its finest. They can't understand our predicament at all.

There were two big threads on here about the Callie documentary when it happened and a lot of people pointed out how they were pointing the finger at the wrong things. It was pretty appalling how they trampled all over her suicide note and ignored what actually made her end her life(I have the link to her blog if anyone wants).

Depriving people of their freedom only momentarily delays suicide and not by choice either. You can't prevent someone from doing something if you don't address the underlying problems that's making them do it in the first place. The suicide prohibition is no different than the alcohol prohibition or the war on drugs; neither accomplished anything and both made things drastically worse for everyone involved.

Here's one of the quotes from that thread back then and Callie's last words are linked on her name:

"May Callie be at peace, first & foremost.

As others have said on SS, why isn't society addressing the issues that push people into so much suffering in the first place that frequently results in suicide?

ACTIONS, not dressed up words, is exactly what we NEED in every country.

Every individual has a different set of circumstances combined with a unique personality, set of strengths & weaknesses, and needs. However, the universal thread in each suicidal person is... "i cannot take this pain anymore; it is overwhelming, with NO TANGIBLE EFFECTIVE RESOURCE to help remedy my pain"...

The highest priority should BEGIN with these CORE FUNDAMENTAL SURVIVAL NEEDS:

HOMELESSNESS should NOT EXIST...CARE & SUPPORT for VICTIMS of domestic ABUSE should be cost-free...EASY ACCESS to MEDICAL Treatment should already be in place NOT contingent on finances...Society MUST change responses to VIOLENCE and its instigators instead of allowing so much overwhelming damage.

How the heck can people actually be expected to be functional and relaxed in an out of control environment?!

The majority of ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, and FRUSTRATIONS are a DIRECT REACTION to TOXIC, UNHEALTHY, STRESSFUL ENVIRONMENTS. STOP BLAMING the VICTIM for their NATURAL REACTION to CRUELTY inflicted upon them. Our Reaction is not "mental illness", the environment is unreasonable in the first place.

No more excuses or justifications for the above MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR SURVIVAL... if they care so much about preventing suicide, demand that your government and your community on every level not just EMPTY PROMISES, but actually succeed in CREATING those MINIMUM STANDARDS for FUNCTIONING.

When people are FACED with the DAMAGING effects of ABUSE, the invisible gun to people's heads of threats of terrifying HOMELESSNESS & non-stop pressures of wage slavery, and with QUALITY medical care being only accessible to people with higher incomes... SUICIDES will CONTINUE UNTIL EFFECTIVE SUPPORT to remedy the underlying reasons are implemented.

This SS site has very likely PREVENTED / at least DELAYED My SUICIDE because i have more often felt CATHARTIC RELIEF... Validation of my deepest feelings, and best of all... SAFER SUPPORT that does NOT EXIST in so-called "counseling" available.

People that claim to "care" need to stop deciding for us what we should think, but we should be feeling, or what we should be doing. We feel the way we feel, it is what it is...

No other human being has the right to say, "well you should just get over it", or "think positive", one person might be able to handle a set of circumstances... but another person cannot.

All this NONSENSE of "pull yourself up" or "just get help" needs to STOP... If it were really that easy People would have already done so. They cannot keep comparing what they would do, or what other people have done, every individual is unique.

This pervasive cruel culture community attitude of "that's your problem" or "you're on your own"... will perpetuate and destroy many as the last thread they cling to is frequently destroyed. What exactly are we paying high taxes for... to a group of people that don't even care about us?

Every country's Government has responsibilities to those without authority... Why is it that they can easily vote for $ billions to be spent on certain programs or wars for example, YET they CHOOSE NOT to approve even one tenth of money on the very population they are being paid via forced taxes to help prosper?? Why is everything else a priority except the very population it purports to value?

If a suicidal individual needs more than what is available in limited "help" more relief, then they need more... Only each person knows what their limit is, only each person defines what they personally need for relief. Not other people deciding for them.

What kind of community/ society do we really live in when its most prevalent attitude & response to suffering is "pay me to care" or "that's your problem"?!?

Are we as a so-called society that "cares" showing compassion when given the opportunity to help people struggling & suffering? Is what they are doing actually working or making a real difference to the majority of those that are practically begging for kindness?

All of their definitions of "help being out there" they need to face the TRUTH that while that may work for a smaller percentage of the population, all of this so-called "help" is mostly THEORY NOT REALITY & doesn't make a damn bit of difference for at least HALF of the human POPULATION.

Until we as a SPECIES demand REAL SUPPORT for each other, Suicide will continue.

Their insensitive cliche of "That's life" only further isolates people that need real care; as if "that's just way it is" was somehow agreed to when people are born into this miserable chaos called "life". Thank goodness i stayed strong enough to never have children here; why would i want to procreate or have my precious babies into a heartless world?!

I REFUSE to ACCEPT this so-called "life" environment as good enough for me or my unborn offspring.


People will continue to try to ESCAPE this often NIGHTMARE ENVIRONMENT called SOCIETY with massive amounts of SUFFERING with abusers, sexual predators, mostly greedy economic systems that benefit only the lucky 15%, with out of control violence and skyrocketing homelessness, and LACK of COMPASSION in ACTION...

Reading Callie's highly intelligent & insightful words from her heart and beautiful soul... confirms what WE are all trying to communicate. Dearest Callie...We will see you in heaven someday you sweet soul. May God hold her safely with Love & Goodness all around her..

Again and Again, millions of souls' anguish around this world continue to be falling on collective society's deaf ears that ironically spout mantras that do NOT PROVIDE RELIEF for US.

Like all of us are saying here, Callie's feelings ECHO and REVERBERATE what WE are also FEELING." -Suicidal stranger from the internet
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Tell my dogs I love them
May 29, 2020
Found it on YouTube

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May 27, 2020
I have not watched the documentary because of the use of a VPN, but I have read the description of it, and here is one part of it:

"This timely documentary sees Roman taking a closer look at the urgent issue of young men's mental health, exploring why increasing numbers are taking their own lives and the reasons why so many of them never ask for help."

This part specifically caught my attention. I dislike that it claims men do not seek support, because this comes from the belief that young boys and men choose not to get help, or lack the capability and willingness to open up because they are cold-hearted. I do not think this is true though. From personal experience with men I have found that they do actually wish to talk about issues that they face - except they cannot. Why?

They are heavily criticized, insulted and put down. They are often blamed for many problems in society by various media outlets. It is also acceptable in the current social and political climate to make sweeping generalizations about them. This is interesting considering that if the same were to be done to their counterparts it would be called out as sexist and misognynstic.

Men regularly get lectured about how they need to be more sensitive and vulnerable. This is born out of the stereotype that men enjoy putting on a "tough guy" facade and that they dislike being emotional. In reality though they do have a lot of empathy and emotional sensitivity; they just keep it to themselves, because if they do show any level of femininity (if that is the right word) then their emotions can and will be used against them; by members of their own gender/sex, but also (sometimes) women too. For example: if a man does not show emotions it is called "Toxic Masculinity", but if a man does show emotions it is called "Male Tears" or "Male Fragility". If a man tries to argue against certain narratives opposing them they are dismissed as "butthurt" or "whiny"; sometimes by the same individuals and groups who encourage men to express themselves more! There is always a buzzword or term used to over-scrutinize a mans behaviour, so they are trashed no matter what they do. It is another way to say that males are inherently flawed, and that their problems are completely their fault, and their fault alone - which is one-sided and unfair. In other 'groups', however, it is okay to blame everybody else for their problems beside themselves. This is hypocritical.

It is not that young men do not wish to open up, but rather they realise it would be a waste because no one will listen.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
I just watched the whole thing. It was pretty emotional, and nobody said the deceased were "selfish" or anything like that, so that's good. However, it only focused on depression, ignoring the myriad of issues that cause people to take their lives like financial issues, abuse, ennui, etc. And at one point, Roman shills for anti-depressants despite several studies showing they work barely better than placebos. I DO agree that men have a hard time opening about their feelings due to traditional masculinity, however,
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Dec 15, 2020
the reasons why so many of them never ask for help
Also many actually do but never get properly referred within NHS services so can be left even more apathetic about any possible recovery. Funnily enough there was zero criticism of the NHS in this doc.
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Mar 5, 2021
There were two big threads on here about the Callie documentary when it happened and a lot of people pointed out how they were pointing the finger at the wrong things. It was pretty appalling how they trampled all over her suicide note and ignored what actually made her end her life(I have the link to her blog if anyone wants).
Could you send me the link?


Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
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