
Aug 18, 2020
We would have to move to the dark net. There would be more predators. The people would be even more desperate. Some of them would ctb because they lack the support of SS members.
I've read Richard Burgon MP in Great Britain supports Stop SS. This would further criminalize suicidal people and many of them would suffer immensly and some of them would decide to commit suicide or at least accelerate the ctb.
I am sure we will win this fight. Even if this site goes down there will be new websites if necessary in the dark net. However due to the caused desperation they will have blood on their hands.
You cannot ban suicide.
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Mar 22, 2020
I totally agree with you.
Some way or another, there's gotta be some kind of SS around.
Otherwise, how can we deal with life if we can't talk about our problems? Therapy? Don't make me laugh!
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
Why is this still a topic? Either way I can't see this site going anywhere. I've been here over 2 years now, and see often people worrying about it going, but it's survived this long, I'm sure it will keep going
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Mar 22, 2020
Why is this still a topic? Either way I can't see this site going anywhere. I've been here over 2 years now, and see often people worrying about it going, but it's survived this long, I'm sure it will keep going

Some months ago, SS was shut down for a few days. (the domain .COM)
However, the admins did a great job and now we have this new domain with the database safe.
That gives me some kind of peace because there will always be some kind of SS I guess.
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Apr 19, 2021
We need to have a backup site.... I don't know what I do if I don't express all my emotions in here. Hope that SS admin gives us a road to follow if this forum dragged down for some reason or another.
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Aug 18, 2020
We need to have a backup site.... I don't know what I do if I don't express all my emotions in here. Hope that SS admin gives us a road to follow if this forum dragged down for some reason or another.
I think they have a back up website.
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Mar 21, 2021
I would recommend .to. I think russians are strictly against suicide.
Probably just lots of torrent sites use .ru so they don't seem to care much about certain things
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Apr 2, 2021
I don't know if any of you have ever gone through the comments on the "Stop Sanctioned Suicide" petition, but goddamn it made me lose faith in the compassion of humanity. So many people calling for the culling of our collective communing, yet no one asks how the individual can be helped.
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charlotte greentea

charlotte greentea

Misery Chick
Apr 2, 2021
I really need a place where I can talk about my suicidal feelings without the fear of being judged or worried about having to go to a hospital that I can't afford. Sanctioned Suicide is that place. I don't think people understand what they're taking from us if the site gets shut down.
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
The best option would be to have something like a mirrored/backup domain on the TOR network.
Sure, a onion domain would cause very slow load time but it's very hard to take down a "dark net" homepage..

Also, fck Richard Burgon.. This guy is dumb as fck.
He can ban this forum but he won't get rid of it. I hope he looses all of his money and will have to suffer in some shitty job just to afford something lol
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
There will probably always be some sort of pro choice community on the internet. This is as more countries are accepting the right to die with dignity and suicide is being seen as an rational choice in situations of suffering. People need an place to vent, and if there is no community people may feel more suicidal due to being isolated.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
M. Burgon can ban SS from the UK, he can't ban SS from the Internet
The British Parliament isn't some kind of global superpower
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Aug 18, 2020
M. Burgon can ban SS from the UK, he can't ban SS from the Internet
The British Parliament isn't some kind of global superpower
I am just not sure where the servers are? And which law applies
charlotte greentea

charlotte greentea

Misery Chick
Apr 2, 2021
What the people who want to ban this forum don't understand is that shutting us down isn't going to prevent suicides. The information is already out there on many website and in several books. The cat's already out of the bag. If you really want to prevent suicide, you have to make this world worth living in. And when you live in a world where the best help you're going to get is a suicide hotline that's only there when you're on the brink, well, that's not very helpful is it? So long as we have to work ourselves into the ground to barely make rent, life isn't going to be worth living. You have to improve the material conditions of people if you expect them to want to live. But societal change is harder than making it harder to find a web forum.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
The people who want this site shut down do not care about the consequences that it may cause, they just want justice for the relatives they lost. They can appeal to the NHS, the US Gov't to make changes to the mental health directive, but governments don't care for us ill people. They see us as a burden and a number. Shutting down this site will only silence those who are suffering, and those who have sought help through this site and recovered, may not be strong enough to stay in recovery. People on here are transients, we come and go, we view the community as a resource to vent and talk with like-minded people. Pro-life groups do not see it that way. They see us as predators targeting vulnerable people and forcing them to CTB. Pro-lifers attempt to expose suicidal people so that we're threatened with jail time for even expressing suicidal ideas.

Shutting down the site won't bring your loved ones back, it won't prevent suicides, and it definitely won't make us feel good about it. I can think of a dozen different avenues where they could focus their concerns at and that's towards the NHS and US mental health programs. Talk therapy about taboo topics like suicide actually helps. It was something I did often when I was in the psych ward even though it was forbidden, but I did it anyway cause fuck them. Openly discussing suicide and the right to die initiative can bring results if the people in power and society can make that first step and open dialogue. I hope that SS as a community may one day force society and government to hear us out and grant us the right to die.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
Can't they mind their own business? These politicians clearly has tons of free time. There are a lot of other pressing matters. This website shouldn't be within their radar.
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
.onion will only decrease popularity, half of them will no longer be able to access ss, think old folks!
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May 27, 2020
You should not be too corncerned about this. The government of the United Kingdom is slow, incompetent and wastefully inefficient. They cannot get the basics correct, so it is unlikely that much will happen to stop Sanctioned Suicide.
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Mar 21, 2019
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charlotte greentea

charlotte greentea

Misery Chick
Apr 2, 2021
You should not be too corncerned about this. The government of the United Kingdom is slow, incompetent and wastefully inefficient. They cannot get the basics correct, so it is unlikely that much will happen to stop Sanctioned Suicide.
I wouldn't be so sure. We're talking about the same country that spends so much of its time getting itself into a frothing rage over transgender and Muslim people daring to breathe the same air as them.
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Dec 18, 2020
I think there are things in which SS could improve a lot. I'll probably post them in the suggestions eventually. But a place where suicide is freely discussed is necessary.


Aug 12, 2018
Before SS, there exists similar suicide forum(s) on dark net but these are invited-only or have sophisticated register process. Also, moving this site to dark net would be difficult for people to access since Google doesn't index dark net domains and people have nowhere to look for that info.

I think just using offshore hosting is enough for us to evade their laws.


"Everything is meaningless" ~King Solomon
Apr 10, 2021
Society has to maintain control and push their beliefs on everyone. Everyone wants to be accepted and whichever side gets them the most acceptance is the side they'll choose. Suicide is a hot topic. Similar to gun control, every karen and william are against it until someone breaks into their home and threatens their life, then they change their views. We're all evil according to them, until they're suffering and dying horribly from stage 4 cancer or their child is mutilated in a random car accident and living like a vegetable. Like they say in the movie the day the earth stood still, "at the precipice we change." They've never encountered the precipice and one face to face encounter will change them. We live our lives at the precipice. They call us weak, they call our thoughts cowardly, but we're stronger and braver than they'll ever be. I know it, you know it, they know it and everyone knows it. Fuck them!
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Aug 18, 2020
suicide statistics by country suggest otherwise :)
I meant the russian government. I think this was not clear. Sorry for that. They censor a lot.
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Aug 18, 2020
You should not be too corncerned about this. The government of the United Kingdom is slow, incompetent and wastefully inefficient. They cannot get the basics correct, so it is unlikely that much will happen to stop Sanctioned Suicide.
By the way fixthe26 screenshotted this post and put it on facebook. It must have been a good one.
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May 27, 2020
By the way fixthe26 screenshotted this post and put it on facebook. It must have been a good one.
I do not understand why my post was screenshotted though? The post was simply saying that this website will probably not go anywhere - it was a personal opinion.

Do they not realise that I am a suicidal person, as well as everybody else on this thread? I need this community because it is the only place where I can talk without discrimination.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I do not understand why my post was screenshotted though? The post was simply saying that this website will probably not go anywhere - it was a personal opinion.

Do they not realise that I am a suicidal person, as well as everybody else on this thread? I need this community because it is the only place where I can talk without discrimination.
They really think they have links to the UK government and can get things shut down willy-nilly just because they're a bunch of Karens. They took your comment as mockery and wanted to display it.

Also since they're watching us again....

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