
Jul 19, 2020
I ordered an AE online from an online auction site 2 days ago and just got banned a few hours ago.

The best part is trying to find a workaround for the ban/suspension through customer support:
You wanna know the exact reason ? Nah, we wont give it to you, because people may be able to abuse the system if we gave you a specific reason for why we banned you.
You wanna appeal to the ban ? Well, also no. We just dont allow that. Deal with it.
Do you at least get your money back ? Eh, screw you. We cancelledthe deal without asking but now you gotta take action yourself and somehow find out how to reclaim your money.
Oh, and btw - we are pretty likely to ban every new account you may try to make.

As you may noticed this is super frustrating to me ^^

But the main goal of this post is more to "warn" people about this. I have no clue how common this type of behaviour is from sites (since the seller seems to be still running perfectly fine), but since i havent read about it before this might be something to consider. In my case i will somehow deal with it since i rarely use the site for anything else, but if you regularly buy from a site like this or need it in the future you may want to consider it twice.

Sorry, this is my first post - i hope i wasnt too specific about the site on question or anything.
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