Do you have a very sensitive stomach or some type of condition which caused the puking? I knew it could cause nausea but not vomiting
How often per day did the vomiting happen and how painful or uncomfortable was it?
This may be my only way out but I get nauseous extremely easily
Also can you please explain what you mean by "a conscious craving" is what stopped you?
I just wanted a kratom tea. Not sure how else to explain that craving. I think of going to that bar as a reward for all of the bullshit from my job, so keeping myself from that felt like an immense punishment in its own right and overrode the desire to continue the method at that current moment.
I also felt it was appropriate to cancel this attempt as I would still going to be in public as part of my work schedule for the foreseeable future, so it would be impossible for me to see it through without any kind of intervention. It was a logical decision to cancel it until I was able to be by myself for an extended period of time. When I felt normal on the fourth day, it became improbable for me to gauge exactly when I'd need to "disappear" in order not to be found and saved. There was no non-delusional reason I could be expected to continue this method out until death as I would have eyes on me for every hour leading up to me passing out. I would have to schedule a time where I wouldn't be seen for weeks in order to complete this, which would imply that I quit my job, which would raise suspicion off the bat.
When I return to it, I think I'm going to simply fast for a few days in order to weaken my body in combination with a method like SN or hanging, instead of going through the entire VSED process. Waiting 100 hours to feel nearly no different than normal (as well as being
apparently hydrated enough to sweat and expel liquid means that I'd probably be waiting almost double the amount of time to actually become dehydrated and pass out/dry up.
I think the absorption into my bloodstream after no liquid intake would cause me to pass out faster as my body absorbs the SN immediately.
I didn't have any kind of actual hunger in the slightest.
I wasn't nauseous at all. I just have GERD, which was the primary reason stomach acid kept coming my during my fast.
I also threw up after eating, but overeating is a very normal (and expected) catalyst for vomiting, especially after not consuming anything for multiple days in a row.