First of all, please read the whole post before accusing me of being every -ist there is. If you agree or disagree, feel free to leave some comments below so that we can have a polite and fruitful discussion about this topic.
Beauty standards were established in every country for different reasons. Historically, Asian countries have always deemed fair skin as a symbol of high status and wealth. But because of the European colonization, Asian countries even have
more reasons now to justify their obsession with unnaturally fair skin tone in this modern age.
What attributes that exactly fit into the Asian beauty standards?
Fair skin, straight hair, large eyes, pointed/sharp noses, prominent chin, high cheekbones, and deep-socket/deep-set eyes, etc. Northern Europeans would easily fit into the Asian beauty standards since birth because those features are written on their DNAs.
Do Asians themselves consciously want to be European/White? No.
Asian people have been conditioned by the Asian & Pop Cultures to think that changing their ethnic features is an acceptable behavior in order to achieve upper social mobility within the Asian community itself.
Asians don't want to change their features to look Europeans, Asians want to change their features in order to fit into the Asian beauty standards which in itself is heavily influenced by Eurocentric beauty standards. In other words, Asians don't even realize that their beauty standards are literally putting European features on a pedestal due to its long historical socio-cultural dynamics.
Why do you think so many people in South Korea want to get double-eyelids surgery despite having beautiful monolids? Because the Korean beauty standards itself promotes European features such as large blue eyes and blonde hair. South Korean people however do not realize that, in their minds they are only following SK's beauty standards. Historically Asian countries were heavily influenced by European colonization, and one of those impacts is the subtle white supremacy that is still prevalent 70+ years later in Asian beauty standards today. This happens all across East & Southeast Asia, while countries in other parts of Asia are not so heavily impacted socio-cultural wise.
Take a look at my country, Indonesia. Most Indonesians love white people despite everyone knowing that the Dutch exploited our lands for 350 years. We have a popular saying of
'Marrying a white person so that we can fix our offsprings'. Indonesians also put half-white kids on a pedestal as they are deemed more attractive and wealthier. If someone says,
"You look kind of European," then that's literally a compliment.
The obsession of white people is crazy and saddening at the same time. Why do we have to look like Europeans in order to be 'beautiful'? Are our ancestors not beautiful enough? Yet this is the world we live in and not much will change during my life span. I simply wish people would start to admit that the Asian beauty standards are literally worshipping white features, and we should start to change the perception that a beautiful face must look a certain way. That way, we can slowly START making a change so that people will begin to appreciate and love their ethnic features more.
TL;DR: Asian beauty standards are putting white features on a pedestal. Asians themselves don't realize that by changing their ethnic features, they are unconsciously submitting themselves to the post-colonialism white supremacy by enabling the Eurocentric beauty standards to keep influencing Asian beauty standards. We need to start appreciating our ethnic features (e.g. brown skin, slanted eyes, curly hair, etc.) as just as beautiful as white features (e.g. blonde hair, fair skin, blue eyes, etc.). There should be nothing that is deemed inherently ugly about having a dark skin or slanted eyes. ALL FACIAL FEATURES ARE BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT THE BEAUTY STANDARDS ARE TRYING TELL YOU HOW 'BEAUTY' IS SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE. PERIOD.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day